
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: The Nine-Colored Devil Cat

Inside the Dying Land, in a certain field full of herbs.

"Wow... These herbs are all immortal level." Elise said as she picked up a certain herbs.

The herb on her hands were small but rich with energy. There are only a few leaves but it has flower at the top. The stem were gold which is unusual and the pattern on its leave were dragon. The herb also reflect a greenish white light.

"And not only they were immortal state, but they are also precious." Frank agreed with Elise as he took out the Destruction Gun.

The Destruction Gun on his hand were not the same as before since it is much stronger than the past. Frank had asked his father to level up his weapon, which is the result now. The Destruction Gun on Frank's hand exudes a destructive aura. The gun has three energy beads that rotate on the center.

"Why are you taking your guns? Is there an enemy?" Eldrin who was watching his sister was surprised for a moment.

"No. I just want to shoot you!" Frank said sarcastically as he positioned the mouth of his gun at 5:00.


A small yet powerful bullet teleported 500m away and hit a target. The bullet has destructive power due to its source, the three energy beads, and the golden energy in Frank's body.

Although the explosion was loud, but Frank was certain that the target isn't even damage at all.

"What?! How.. how did you know there is a person there?" Eldrin was amazed by Frank and asked curiously.

"Idiot! It's not a person but a beast who probably guards all of yhis immortal herbs. It is strong, maybe a Saint State since these immortal herbs remained lively despite the againg of day." Elise answered before Frank could open his mouth.

"Eh?! A.. a saint state besst?" Eldrin asked seriously.

"Yes. A very dangerous one." Frank said before lifting his gun again.

"Eldrin, you collect all the herbs while I and Frank will kill the beast." Elise said as she throw her spatial ring to her lazy brother.

"Eh?! But.. but.. okay fine!" Eldrin was helpless with that gaze. Elise's deadly gaze is frightening.

"Instead of being annoyed, just be grateful since we consider your safety. You only know is to move fast, so it suits you better to be the collector." Frank teased Eldrin while laughing.

"Hahaha. You're right." Elise agreed with Frank s the two of them laugh.


The two who were laughing was suddenly surprised since their position has changed for a few meters.

"Go! Go on and laugh! Laugh and be dead!" Eldrin was now angered as his looks become serious. His blue eyes were now getting violet while his breathing become heavy.

It seems that while the three of them were talking, the beast didn't stop advancing and when it detect their vulnerability, it teleported and charge a deadly attack. Fortunately, before the beast teleported, Eldrin has manage to detect it and summoned the turbo in his arms, legs and back.

Filling the five turbos on his body with spiritual energy, Eldrin then use his immortal skill, God's Speed, that makes him have the ability to kove like sound. As he run, he pulled the two to avoid the attack.

The place where they were earlier has now became a dent with four holes on the center. The aura left was still so strong that can make the three of them suppressed.

"Wait... Relax. Don't.. don't be so angry." Frank said anxiously since he never see Eldrin get this angry again except for that one time bact 6 years ago.

"Sorry, we admit our fault. So please relax now." Elise appeased her brother since like Frank, she also never get used to Eldrin being angry.

"Relax?! But you two almost die!!" Eldrin seems to not be able to calm down as the turbo on his body began to tremble from strong energy fluctuations. The turbos on Eldrin's body start to spit fire... while the aura didn't stop increasing.

"Wait.. Frank, Eldrin is now out of control! We.. we must calm him down!" Elise said as she become worried about her little brother.

"But.. how.. how can we do so?" Frank asked nervously as he raised his gun and use his divine skill, God's Detector, to shoot the bullet filled with his spiritual and divine energy to the indicated target.

"Killing Shot!" Frank yelled as he push the trigger.


A loud explosion like earlier echoed as the beast were sent for a few meters. Although the bullet has destructive power but it wasn't enough to defeat the beast.

"I don't know. You think of a way and I'll defend the two of you." After wrapping Eldrin with magic strings to suppressed him, Elise said as she charged toward the beast, leaving Frank with no option.

"Six Dimension Strike!" Elise yelled as a thick silver string shot out from six direction on her body. The strings were sharp and sturdy, so it must not be looked down. The string strike with unbelievable speed as Elise control it. The magic strings bounced in the air as if there's an invisible wall, changing its direction. The beast who were attacking just now halted since it can't predict the attack.

Abandoning on offense, the beast use a skill that shield its body.

The strings that moves like sound and tried to penetrated the shield from six direction but it was futile. The shield was as sturdy as a diamond.

"Burst!" Elise yelled as the six string then burst simultaneously, making a large smokescreen.

Elise then use her space dimension as six nails that moves like a dagger enter it. It seems that the beast can detach its nail and use it as a weapon.

Elise use her magic string to blink at a distance, but the beast moves faster than her, making their distance closer.

"Dimensional Strikes!" Elise burst a thousand magic strings before all of them enter her space dimension. A moment later, thousand space dimensions emerge all aroung the beast, before all the magic string strikes the beast with powerful strength.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The beast sensing the space dimension teleported at a distance and use its claws before splitting it to thousands as well.

Each claw were controlled and stop each string. The string were futile in the face of such claw and dispersed. However, the claw remained and then attack Elise with a speed of sound.

"Bomb Explosion!" Frank, sensing the danger that Elise was in, didn't hesitate to use more than half of his energy.


A supreme explosion sent the beast and Elise for hundred of meters while including Frank and Eldrin as well.

The impact of such collision were so strong that it destroyed all the immortal herbs except for those herbs that were already placed in spatial ring.

The beast were only blasted away but 2 or 5 claws withstand the collision and still charging towards Elise.

Elise then use her space dimension to teleport the claw back towards the beast.

The beast sensing the space dimension on his back jumped abruptly before the claw passed through the position it was in before.

The beast seems to be annoyed and the roar loudly. The herbs that was destroyed suddenly floated and all of its essence were then sucked away by the beast.

The beast burp after absorbing all the essence and open its mouth.

A thousand small energy ball formed on his mouth before the beast release them.

"Run!!" Elise and Frank didn't need to hesitate and run away as fast as they could since they won't be able to defend it.

But even with their strength, the energy ball were teleporting between distance making the energy balls reach their distance in a seconds.

"God's Ultimate Speed!" Eldrin, who was being suppressed by his sisters string suddenly yelled before an unmeasurable energy seeped inside his body. Elise seeing her brother struggle from her string, release them and keep it away in her space dimension.

After being free from suppresion, Eldrin's five turbo spit a large amount of fire as his body began to glow gold.


In a second, Eldrin, Frank and Elise escape the beast's den and continue to move for a thousand kilometers away from the beast. The speed were so fast that it was teleporting instead. Elise amd Frank were surprised by this since they didn't expect that Eldrin can move this fast and sighed a relief.

"Sound Kick!" After Eldrin put the two in a safe place, he then suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of an energy ball before giving it a swift kick.

The energy ball then change its direction upwards before exploding. Eldrin do the same thing again for a second, and after that, twenty six explosion blasted in the sky.

Frank and Elise were dumbfounded since they thought that they already escape death, but it seems that they were still weak and young.

"Elise, how.. how come your brother become this strong?" Frank said as he began to doubt his strength. It is clear that he's stronger than the two and he's better in all aspects.

"It's because he already used mom's energy crystal. Crushing the crystal that mom gave us, mom's one-thousandth power will be added to our body for a limited time." Elise explained as she catched her unconscious brother.

"I'm sorry, Eldrin. I've become too careless and overconfident." Elise apologize to her brother, for failing to protect him. In the end, her brother was even the one to save her.

"Well, we need to find a place to recover first or else we will be killed in this state." Frank said as he then walk north.

Elise follow Frank since what he said is true. All the three of them have already used up all their spiritual and golden energy just to battle that beast, but despite that, they didn't even manage to scratch the beast. It seems that they were still too weak.

"What a pity. Those three were indeed strong, and their cooperation were flawless. Frank were able to help Elise escape death, while Eldrin save both. Elise, on the other hand used her space dimension to divert the attack that almost kill the three of them just the moment they enter the field." The heavenly man said in amusement. He really praised the three despite them running away and didn't even manage to make a single scratch.

Although Frank and Eldrin may not notice, but the heavenly man won't ignore how Elise used up more than half of her energy just to divert the sneak attack of the beast towards them by the use of her space dimension. The attack were too strong that even for her space dimension, it almost burst and be destroyed. Fortunately, the space still withstand the attack nd successfully bring it back toward the beast that sent it away for a few kilometers.

And because of that, Elise were weakened greatly, that results to her performance in the next following events, while on the other hand, Frank finally detect some movement.

"But unfortunately, of all the beast, why must they attack the favorite beast I created in Dying Land? Of course, they won't be able to scratch it away since it's defenses is equivalent to the highest worldly god state defensive spells. Though it's attack and state were only saint state, but that's because of its defense." The heavenly shake his head as he continue to watch the events that happened in his ancient ground.