
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: The Battle of Gods and Men | Rage vs Rage

All of the exiles fluttered open little by little,

The first one awake out of the group was Broly as he slowly got up and looked around,

Chaos everywhere,

Blaring red lights,

Smoke in the air,

Holes in the walls and constant booming in the background,

Broly looked around frantically at his environment and frowned in confusion, "Wake up!" he yelled out to the other exiles as they quickly opened their eyes,

Broly got up as he slowly exited the cell looking left and right not recognizing anything,

The group all got up in their own fashion as they looked around,

"Where the hell are we and where's Zarrion?" Pol muttered as he looked around,

*Boom, Bang, Boom!*

Goku slightly flinched at the noise as he looked outside of the windows and saw mass destruction, fires, and bodies in the streets.

Goku's eyes widened as he saw Zarrion spearing a man through a building and into another.

"Zarrions right there!" Goku pointed out as he looked at the group and then towards Zarrion outside,

The group all came towards the window as they frowned and looked outside,

A giggle and laugh were heard and the group turned around to see the little Emperor there watching the battle.

Escaro quickly ran over to the kid as he kneeled down to him,

Escaro patted the Emperor on his head as he smiled,

He widened his eyes as he coughed into his hands as he looked back at the group with a serious and mean expression,

Ios shook his head as he looked from Escaro and back towards the city,

"I literally have absolutely no clue what to do, where we are, or what the hell Zarrion is doing fighting that hammer-wielding dude" Ios said as he shook his head and was walking back to the cell to sit back down in.

"Y-your just going to leave him to fight that guy outside?" Goku said with a raised brow as he looked and pointed at Zarrion then looked at Ios,

"What the hell do you expect us to do? Zarrion can handle the guy, he feels weak anyway. Mere cannon fodder is what that guy is," Ios said as he sat back down in the cell against the wall and closed his eyes.

Nion shrugged as he followed along, "He's got a point" he said as he also laid right back down,

Pol shook his head and just as he was about to follow Nion his senses flared and his eyes widened as he quickly pushed Broly and Goku out of the way,


Zarrion came flying with his hand on Thor's neck flying through the S.H.I.E.L.D. building once more and into a couple more,

Pol who was on the ground now with slight fear looking at Zarrion, "What the hell is going on?" he muttered.

Zarrion reeled his arms back as he threw Thor into another building.

Explosions were happening everywhere and the world was thrown into yet another frenzy.

It was Thor vs. some one-armed guy who was completely tossing Thor around.

The media was going crazy on the internet trying to ascertain as to what who the one-armed guy was and how he was so powerful.

Fury was trying to stop the fight by any means necessary, and by that he meant by sending in the Avengers...

The Avengers were currently flying as fast they could to the battle,

Zarrion threw Thor into the street as he followed right behind him,

Thor slammed into the pavement as he dug deeper into the ground and slid backwards all the way until his head hit a car.

Thor's eyes widened as he quickly rolled out of the way as a car came flying where he previously was.

Thor swung his hammer just as he was coming out of his roll and swung it,


Thors hammer and Zarrion's fist connected as it sent shockwaves in the surroundings throwing anything surrounding them back,

Zarrion pushed harder and Thor flew backwards as he flipped in mid-air and landed back on his feet as he got back into his stance,

Zarrion was about to charge but a shield slammed into the ground as Captain America landed,

Soon enough, Hulk and Iron-Man came right behind him and the rest of the Avengers.

"The battle ends here!" Captain America yelled as he looked at Zarrion and Thor,

"The battle ends when I say it does!" Zarrion said as he frowned and shot a blast at Captain America,

Thor quickly jumped in front of Steve as he held out his hammer and planted his feet into the ground taking the full-force of the blast,

Hulk looked at Thor's situation and quickly jumped towards Zarrion,

"The hell you think you guys are doing!" Broly yelled out a distance away as he met Hulk in the air as he grabbed his waist and flew into a bunch of cars before punching on Hulk,

Stark's eyes widened as he quickly aimed his blasters at Broly,


Escaro punched Iron-Man's head denting it as it sent Stark flying into another building dissapearing for a short-while,

"Did you really think we'd let you jump our General?" Nion said as he landed in the streets with a boom, not even feeling the need to fly.

Shortly after Nion, the rest of the exiles showed up as they floated there.

Zarrion looked at the exiles then back towards the Avengers with a grin,

Zarrion canceled his attack as he jumped towards Thor and punched him in the gut and then kicked him in the chest,

Captain America had already moved from behind Thor and was now looking towards the rest of the exiles,

"Don't even try it bud," Nion said as he landed right before Captain America and stood before him looking down at him.

It was an all-out battle,

There was two roars as Broly and Hulk collided in the middle of the street with their hands both trying to push harder,

There was a stalemate as they both had there feet planted trying to push harder,

Broly was slowly starting to get madder because of the fact that some ugly green beast was at a stalemate with him,

Hulk had unyeilding rage as he roared at Broly,

Right above Broly came Iron-Man as he was flying backwards and shooting blasts at Escaro who had his arms crossed deflecting the beams off of his body,

Captain America was constantly keeping his distance and dodging the beams that Nion was shooting as he constantly tried to hit Nion with his shield in directions that he wouldn't expect them,

Thor and Zarrion came through another building as they were throwing heavy punches and kicks mixed in with a little bit of uncoordinated hammer swinging towards Zarrion's head.

Black Widow was firing shots at Pol whilst constantly dodging his beams but her shots gave her no success as Pol was just tanking it.

Ios was chasing Hawkeye through the streets because the man kept on running and firing arrows towards Ios,

Fury was talking to the World Council trying to figure out a way to diffuse the situation,


Iron-Man shot a huge beam from his chest at Escaro that sent Escaro flying into buildings,

Whilst Iron-Man had the chance he quickly fired a shot towards Broly trying to help out the Hulk,


The shot hit Broly as smoke went everywhere and he was sent flying,

Zarrion looked over from his fight as he looked at what just happened and chuckled before looking back at Thor and dodging another punch, "He probably shouldn't have done that" he muttered.

A devastating roar was heard as green eyes glowed through the smoke before Broly came out the smoke with fast speeds as he grabbed the Hulk and took him into space,

Hawkeye was running in the middle of the streets as he jumped over cars and dodged into buildings to avoid Ios,

Hawkeye was running through a store as he jumped over a counter and went through the back-door, "Can I get some help over here please!" he yelled out into his ear-piece,

*Boom, Boom, Boom!*

Hawkeye quickly ran into another building as he heard the booms outside,

"Need help?" a man in a red suit said as he as he fired a bazooka at Ios,

"What the fu-" *BOOM* Ios took a straight missle to the face,

"Who the hell are you?" Hawkeye said as he frowned and looked at the man,

"Deadpool" he said before seeing an enraged Ios with a burn mark across half of his face and most of his upper-body burnt.

"Time to go!" Deadpool yelled as he quickly ran upstairs with Hawkeye following right behind him without hesitation,

"I'm going to murder the both of you!" a demonic voice rang out behind them as Ios quickly sprinted right after them not finding the need to fly.

Iron-Man was breathing heavily as he was flying in the air and above the clouds as he dodged and flew away from Escaro's beams,

"Jarvis, bring in more suits and do you have any updates on his potential weaknesses!" Iron-Man yelled out as he quickly turned around and fired more shots at Escaro to keep him at a distance,

"You can't run forever now tin-man" Escaro yelled out as he dodged the shots and flew towards him once more,

Pol was casually taking steps and looking around within the store for Black Widow.

Pol snapped his neck towards a certain direction as he tilted his neck and quickly shot a beam towards the direction the shot came from,

*Boom!* Black Widow rolled away from the previous spot and shot a bullet through the window as she turned a corner and sprinted as fast as she could,

Pol shook his head as he quickly jumped out of the window and turned but took multiple shots to the face and pepper spray to add onto that,

Pol screamed as he got down on his knees and grabbed at his eyes,

Pol opened up his eyes a little bit more with redness in them, "I'm going to butcher you woman!" Pol yelled out as he used his senses strictly to figure out where she was,


Pol shot consecutive shots at Black Widow's position but they missed just by a little bit each and every single little time,

"When I get my hands on you it's over!" Pol yelled out as he continued to fire shots at where she was,

"Goddamit figure out some way to stop them!" Fury ordered as he motioned with his hands towards the multiple fights going on within the city from the helicopter he was riding on.

Back in space on an unknown planet,


Broly landed on the moon with Hulk in a chokehold,

"Puny green beast!" Broly yelled out as he repeatedly smashed Hulk but sensed danger and quickly backed up,

Hulk was so angry that he was foaming out the mouth and a slight green aura came out, "Little spiky haired man, die!" Hulk yelled out as his eyes glowed green a little bit,

*Boom, Bang, Boom!*

With each punch both of them connected, the planet shook more and more.

Broly backed up as he crouched a little and put his hands to his side, "I'm getting sick of this!" he roared out as he summoned a little bit more power.

Broly and Hulk roared as they repeatedly punched and fought each other with brute-strength,

Both were only getting more and more powerful as they fought with everything that they had,

*Boom, Boom, Boom!*

Bloodied fists and battered up bodies,

Broly emitted a dark green energy similarly to hulks as they both powered up and got into another stalemate,

Cracks were forming throughout the planets core as Broly and Hulk kept on punching into an standstill.

The planet was getting hotter and hotter and the people were getting stronger and stronger,


Broly punched the Hulk and then choke slammed him into the ground as he continued to pummel him further into the ground,

"Die, Die, Die!" Broly yelled out as he stomped out the Hulk,

Hulk roared more monstrous as his veins started to pop out and Hulk was getting even bigger

He held Hulk's face into the ground as he knew that it'd blow up soon,

Hulk roared as he tried to push off the ground and get Broly's hands off of him,

*Tchhhh*... Hulk's eyes widened as he stared at the ground,


The planet exploded as Broly and Hulk were floating in space,

Broly's vision was all over the place as he looked around for where the Hulk was,

Broly saw Hulk's burned body and flew immediately towards him,


Broly punched the Hulk continuously through space as they landed on another planet,

*Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!*

Broly repeatedly punched the Hulk until he was bloodied, red, and completely unresponsive.

Zarrion was throwing kicks left and right at Thor who was repeatedly backing up further and further in the streets,


Thor flinched as he took his eyes off the fight and looked at a planet that blew up and widened his eyes,


Thor got punched straight on his face which sent him flying and coughing up blood mid-air as he landed on the ground too tired and broken,

Zarrion stood over Thor with a menacing grin as he lifted up his left arm and...

Cliffhanger again! How'd you like the chapter, my bad I haven't posted in a while. Haven't necessarily just been in the mood,

IngeniousBoneKingcreators' thoughts