
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 06: The Round Table of Entities | Goku's New Undiscovered Energy

"He fought valiantly like a warrior," Zarrion said as he nodded and looked at Beerus who was getting healed,

Zarrion looked around before locking eyes with Escaro and saw the Emperor in Goku's hands,

Zarrion crouched and then jumped all the way over to Escaro's position,


A huge dust cloud formed as Zarrion walked out of it and straight to Goku,

Escaro looked at Zarrion and then at Goku, "Get the hell up!" Escaro said as he looked at him,

Goku looked around frantically before calming himself down as he got up,

Escaro placed two fingers to the sides of his head and closed his eyes,

Zarrion who was walking paused as he received bits of information, before moving once more as he stopped in front of Goku.

"So you want to train under us?" Zarrion said as he towered over Goku,

Goku nodded his head as he looked at Zarrion with a resolute look,

Zarrion looked at him for a couple of seconds,

He then grinned as his eyes flashed red,


"I'll warn you all right now, they're beings not to mess with" a smiling entity said as it looked around the table at several other figures.

"And what makes you thing they're not beings to mess with?" a being with a bowler hat said,

"Because he interefered in their lives, their powers... their destinies" a golden being said,

"Do you always have to be so extra OAA?" the smiling entity said,

The OAA scoffed at the entity, "Say's you" it said as it chuckled.

"Oh cmon, don't act like you guys haven't bestowed small bits of power into people and proceed to watch them" the smiling entity said with a grin,

The OAA coughed in his hands,

The Presence scratched his head through his hat,

Other entities at the table didn't have a reaction whatsoever.

"Yea but not as much power that you put in them," one entity from across the table said,

The Presence frowned as he slapped the table and pointed at that being, "Are you really talking Mr. R.O.B!" the Presence said,

"You have costed me several Multiverses and Dimensions because your ridiculously overpowered "characters" that you reincarnate terrorize everything that I've ever created" the Presence yelled out,

"Likewise" the OAA said with a nod,

"It's not my fault! It's a part of my job!" the R.O.B said as he looked at the Presence,

"Your job! I'll shove your job right up your fu-"

"Hey now calm down!" the smiling entity interrupted before things got PG-13,

"Now back to what I was saying-" the entity voiced out,

"-if you encounter these 'Saiyans', I'd advise you to not mess with them". the entity said as it's grin broadened even more.

"Or; you can literally just take back your power and spare us these worthless details" another entity from the table said,

The smiling entities face changed as a little bit of aura poured out, "Shut your irrelevant ass up before I exterminate you where you stand paesant" it said as it pointed it finger towards the entity.

The entity nodded across the table with a scared expression,

The smiling entities face changed once more, but this time back into a smile.

"Anywho! It's not like I could take my power back anyway... it was never mine" it said.

The OAA's eyes widened as he stood up quickly, "I knew something fishy was going on! No mortal could possibly harness and use the power that he has, no matter what race they are! You better explain yourself" the OAA said,

The smiling entity snapped its head in the OAA's direction at fast speeds as he looked at him,

"I-I meant can you please explain yourself Father," the OAA said with a smile as he looked at him,

The smiling entity stared at the OAA for a couple of seconds before nodding,

"Well-" the entity then looked at R.O.B,

"-You should have some sort of experience in these types of situations shouldn't you, take a guess," it said as it looked at R.O.B,

R.O.B. shifted uncomfortably as it looked around the room before speaking, "Well, it's most likely either reincarnated individuals since you called on me, or it's one of those situations where the individual was already previously a God, therefore you can't give him something he's previously already had".

The smiling entity nodded its head up and down as it slowly started clapping, "Bravo, bravo"... it said with slight chuckles.

Other entities looked at R.O.B, then at the smiling guy as there was an undeniable silence within the room.

A couple of seconds passed as the entity kept on clapping,

"W-well what in the hell are you still clapping for! Tell us already" someone said from down the table,

This time the Presence put up his hands effectively shutting up the entity,

"OAA, since your most likely the strongest being fictionally, though that could be debated-" the smiling entity said making sure he added that considering he was getting mean looks from others at the table.

"-I'd like you to take a guess on who the individual is, or who the past God was," the smiling entity said,

Just as the OAA was about to speak the Presence quickly raised his hands as if he was in school,

"I have a question, are we talking about the child, the Saiyans, or who specifically are we talking about?" the Presence asked,

The smiling entity widened its 'eyes', "Oh right! I apologize, currently, I was speaking about the Emperor." it said as it nodded it's head,

"And what about the Saiyans, how the hell are you going to explain why they're so powerful? What, is that something they already had also?" one of the people down the table said as he snickered.

The smiling entity smiled,

"N-no" the being said,

All this time the OAA was frowning as he was thinking about who it could potentially be... then it clicked.


The OAA pushed his chair back as he stood up abruptly with widened eyes, "No you didn't!" the OAA said as he pointed at his creator.

"You didn't bring 'him' back did you?" the OAA said as he looked at the smiling man.

"Who are you talking about?" The Presence chipped in as he looked at the OAA with a worried expression, not a lot of things can scare the OAA.

"Goddamit answer me father!" the OAA yelled as his aura was coursing out,

"I can't bring back my own brother?" the smiling entity said with a smile,

"Own brother? Own brother!" the OAA yelled, "That thing is not your brother! He massacred us and the entire Omniverse over and over just for the hell of it! He then proceeded to bring us back with the memories of the events so that we knew not to trifle with him, he's no son! He's a tyrant!"

The smiling entity merely chuckled and smiled,

"Your going to sit there and tell me you brought back an omniversal threat just because you thought it was interesting to watch him grow up!" the OAA yelled as the gold off of him was becoming brighter and brighter,

"This isn't a game you fool! You've brought doom upon all of us!" he yelled out,

The Presence looked at the smiling figure with fear, "N-no, how did you even have enough power to bring that beast back!"

The smiling entity simply sat there, "He was never gone in the first place,"

The OAA looked at him as if he was mad, "What do you mean he wasn't gone? We completely and utterly erased everything about him and you decided to bring him back?!" the OAA screamed out,

"You said that you'd remain neutral and here you are, lies are the only thing that comes out of your mouth father!" the OAA said with unrelenquished anger.

"Countless nights, wasted!" the OAA yelled out as he swung his hands in the air... he was struggling to hold his power back,

The smiling entity disappeared out of his seat as he appeared right behind the OAA,

The entity grabbed the back of the OAA's neck and squeezed, "Calm down boy, act your age" the smiling entity said as it's smile widened.

The OAA eyes widened as he forcefully calmed himself down quickly, he'd felt like the reapers sickle was on his neck.

One of the entities down the table shook their head as he stood up, "You didn't even have to mention another word to me, I'd go to any lengths to avoid that beast again. Hell I'd end myself before I let him even get around me" the being said,

Nods of agreement resounded throughout the table, except for one.

"So is no one going to tell me who the hell we're talking about, I understand that the Saiyans are important individuals especially this Emperor fellow." the man said as he kept on talking, "But what's so important about him? He got reincarnated so what? He got revived so what?" the man said with genuine confusion.

The Presence looked at the being as he shook his head, "You fool! We're talking about the opposite of that guy there!" he said as he pointed at the smiling entity,

The guy frowned in confusion as he pointed at the smiling guy, "Him? Isn't he the creator of everything... oh... shit" he said as the realization hit him,

"Your telling me there's a guy out there that's just as strong as him?" the guy asked with slight fear and confusion,

The Presence nodded as he looked back at the smiling man with squinted eyes, "Luckily the kid isn't as strong as he used to be, he's merely a child now. Therefore we don't necessarily have anything to fear unless he just decides to say fuck it all and destroy the Omniverse again".

The OAA nodded as he regained some clarity within his brain, "Ah, I think I missed that detail. He's just a kid," the OAA waved it off.

The guy who was confused earlier had a confused and frustrated expression, "So we're just going to brush off the fact that there's a kid with the potential to rival or even be stronger than the creator of the Omniverse?" the man said,

"Are we also not going to question the fact tha-" and the Presence cut him off, "There's nothing to question, if he does decide to act... we can't do anything about it or we'd incur the wrath of father" the Presence said as he looked at the smiling entity that wasn't paying attention and was goofing off.

'And if we do act, he won't know about it' the Presence thought in his mind as he looked at the entity before nodded at the OAA,


Escaro jumped backwards as he had his arms behind his back and a blindfold wrapped around his eyes,

Each time he landed on the ground from backpedaling he jumped again and he did this at fast speeds,

Smoke appeared all throughout the sandy battlefield as Escaro dodged and weaved with each jump from Goku,

As Escaro jumped back once more, he opened his eyes as he reach out and poked Goku on the chest sending Goku flying backwards before sliding harshly across the sandy plain.

Goku quickly got up as he looked around in his mastered Ultra Instinc form,

His eye gleamed for a second as he leaned backwards super fast narrowly dodging a kick from Escaro,

"It's time I attack now" Escaro said as he went flying over Goku and decided to slide on the ground for a good landing spot,

As he was sliding Goku came flying at him with a punch but as Escaro was sliding, he tilted his body as he slid across the ground with his chest before quickly pushing off the ground as if he was doing a burpee and jumped over Goku.

As Escaro was flipping over Goku, it seemed as if it was slow motion as Escaro and Goku locked eyes before they both threw their separate punches


A red and silver aura clashed against each other as it caused cracks in the reality fissure.

There was a stand-still as each man pushed harder and harder against each other but Escaro grinned as he looked at Goku,

Goku looked at Escaro's grin and felt that something was off,



Escaro's auras completely dominated and wiped Goku's aura out as he broke Goku's wrist and followed through with his punch sending Goku flying with a dislocated jaw.

Escaro bent his knees and put his hands to his sides as he looked up with glowing silver eyes,


A huge explosion went off where Escaro stood as huge clouds of dust appeared,

Escaro came flying out of the smoke with his right arm leading him,

Escaro encountered Goku who was encased in a mountain and decided to go faster as he yelled and speared Goku through a multitude of mountains before grabbing his face and flying vertically up a mountain as Goku's head banged on rocks, boulders, and the mountain itself.

Escaro then flew above the mountain and then looked at the ground, then Goku and he grinned.

"Not like him!" Goku thought in his mind as he screamed and tried to use whatever powers he had left,

Goku pushed and pulled against Escaro's wrist and forearm but with no success.

Escaro squeezed Goku's head within his hand before he went flying towards the ground as he extended his arms outwards with Goku in hand.

Escaro was flying towards the ground with no loss in speed and with the motive to make Goku's face smash into the pavement.

Goku screamed internally as he looked out of the corner of his eye to see the ground and then...



[AN: Dark! (my bad too much TikTok)]

Escaro waved dust and the smoke out of the air as he looked at Goku's unconscious form within a small crater,

"You still have much more to learn it seems," Escaro said as he chuckled and shook his head as he walked away.

Escaro sniffed the air and felt something and he suddenly paused, he looked up to see dark clouds forming fast with slight thunder coming in from the distance,

He felt vibrations in the air as he looked around to see small pebbles and rocks now floating in the air and tremors within the land,

He frowned and his eyes widened as he quickly turned around and held out his palm,

A fist slammed into Escaro's palms as a massive boom was heard behind Escaro and shockwaves sent rocks and rubble flying.

Escaro looked at the foreign black and purple energy with a frown,

Once Goku punched Escaro's palm, he quickly jumped back as he extended his arms as a red energy beam appeared,

Escaro's eyes widened as he felt small bits of danger within that energy,

Escaro quickly turned and flew along the sides of a mountain as red beams smashed into the mountain from behind him.

Escaro turned his neck slightly to see one of the beams chasing him and he quickly flew upwards to avoid it but Goku appeared in front of him,


Time suddenly slowed down as Goku's fist was coming slowly at Escaro,

Escaro turned and rose his brow as he looked at the missle,

He turned and looked back at Goku and sighed, "It'd seem I have to take you a little bit more seriously now with this weird energy" Escaro said as he looked at him and then sighed one more time as he closed his eyes,

"Unseal!" Escaro muttered in a low voice,

Time resumed as Goku was flying at Escaro and then felt a huge amount of killing intent and pressure from Escaro,

Goku's unconscious body instinctively knew inwardly that he had to back away but he couldn't.

Without a change in expression,


Escaro cocked back his arms as he threw the meanest straight jab known to man, and boomed Goku in the face which sent huge amounts of shockwaves and aftereffects behind him,

Goku's body folded and went limp forward on Escaro's fist pushing him back, but this made Escaro grin.

Escaro pushed harder and harder trying to catapult Goku's body off of his fist,

"Haaaa!" Escaro voice become distorted as his aura skyrocketed.

"For the Emperor's sake, he might kill him!" Pol screamed as he stood up and was about to fly off but Nion's palm slapped against his chest making him stop moving.

"Escaro knows what he's doing, calm down Pol," Nion said as he looked at Pol, and then took his palm off his chest as he looked back over at the screens.

With one more final push in his power, he sent Goku flying backward through a couple of mountains before he came to a stop.

Escaro squinted his eyes as he made sure Goku was down for good this time,

Goku didn't move at all so Escaro was about to turn away before he paused, "You know what?"

He then turned and extended his palm as a silver cube beam flew and hit the mountain making it fall atop Goku's body.

"If he makes one more damned transformation I'm going to actually kill the kid," Escaro muttered as he sensed that Goku was still alive, just unconscious.

Escaro turned and flew away, "He'll be alright, do you truly think I'd kill my own student and the guy that the little Emperor loves?" Escaro said as he looked at a robot that just appeared next to him flying next to him.

The robot merely blinked as its 'eye' turned and kept on flying next to Escaro,

"Recognized Voice: Pol, I do think you'd kill him you small-brained doofus," Pol said through the robot,

"Die!" Escaro screamed as he flew towards the robot that was fleeing,

Zarrion chuckled on his reclined chair with the child as he looked at his younger subordinates,

I didn't go back over this, didn't feel like it. Hope you liked the chapter though,

IngeniousBoneKingcreators' thoughts