
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 02: Deleted Universes Return Pt. 2

Beerus closed his eyes ignoring the lady and avoiding her question.

"Of course, he eradicated them for that very reason, his cat pride couldn't take being absolutely demolished...by a Saiyan nevertheless" Belmod stated with a laugh,

Beerus merely rose his brow, "Say's the guy who got demolished by a normal Saiyan, at least it was Zarrion that beat me and not absolute canon-fodder" Beerus replied back with a grin,

Belmod clenched his fists in response and squinted his eyes in silent anger,

Heles looked at the both of them, "So remind me why we're all here discussing things when we could be out there figuring out if they've been unsealed within one of our universes?".

"Because we need to know what we're looking for you idiot" Liquiir shot back to her as he stopped licking his paws,

"Oh yea that makes a lot of sense, let's go through an entire report of individuals just so that we can identify them whilst they could be destroying our homes, cities, and towns," Heles said as he shook her head looking at Liquiir,

She then stood up, "While you guys will be sitting here discussing what these people look like, I'm going to go defend my Universe from these 'threats' you speak of," she said as she proceeded to walk out of the room,

Arak scoffed as he looked at her, "Look at the idiot go-," he said with a chuckle, "-she's going to be the literal end to the Multiverse".

The Grand Priest waved his hand, "Let her go, if she thinks that she can handle them then so be it."

Everyone else in the room nodded,

"Though she did have a fair point, so I'll stack up information on all of these individuals in a report that your assigned angels shall give to you". the Grand Priest said as he looked at everyone in the room before continuing,

"I can only pray for you if one of these individuals shows up in your Universe," he said as he snapped his fingers and documents appeared in all of the angel's hands.

Whis looked at the document as he tilted his head,

Universe 15 - Pol

Universe 16 - Escaro

Universe 17 - Nion

Universe 18 - ???

Whis looked at the document before handing it over to Beerus who put it away, already knowing most of the individuals on the list.

Champa who received the list frowned at each image and power level before looking at Universe 18, "Where's Universe 18's, guy?"

Some of the gods looked at Champa before flipping the page to where he was and also looked at the Grand Priest with a questioning gaze.

"There's a limited amount of information on Universe 18's God of Destruction. It's rumored that he's the strongest and also the leader, but we've never encountered or saw him during the war".

"Zarrion himself said that if "he" showed up then everything would be over," Belmod said as he remembered something from the war,

"Is 'he' really that strong?" Champa asked with a confused expression, his feeble mind not really understanding what is going on.

Beerus shook his head, "We don't know, even when all of us God of Destructions back then were assembled we'd never met Universe 18's God of Destruction." he said,

The Grand Priest shook his head, "He didn't do a lot of things. He never revealed how much power he had stored, didn't show up to meetings, and rarely cared about anything".

"I'd always thought that the man was a little different, he had a different feeling apart from everyone else," the future Zeno said from his little seat,

Present Zeno nodded at the future one, "Yea! Zarrion's aura was like a pond, and his was like the entire cosmos".

Champa was sweating in his seat imagining the beings that were exiled,

Beerus was looking at the file when he sensed something and instantly got up as he looked somewhere,

"What's the big de-" Belmod was starting to say before he abruptly cut himself off and frowned.

Multiple footsteps were being heard down the hallway as everyone adjusted themselves in their seats.

Some of the gods were growing antsy, and some were being enveloped with fear at the prospect of what could be behind the door.

And at the worst possible time...

A space rupture appears as a being steps through the portal next to Zeno,

"Hey Zeno!" a childish voice yelled out,

Beerus widened his eyes and started shaking his head already knowing what was about to happen as he looked at the door and then back at who he knew as Goku,

"No, no" Beerus started muttering out as Goku was looking around with a grin,

"Why does everyone look so tense?" Goku said with a slight frown as he tilted his head,

"Goku le-" Beerus tried to yell but the door slammed open as figures walked into the room.

Champa sat upright real quick as he looked at the figures that entered the room.

Champa looked at the files then at the man at the forefront,

"Zarrion" Champa muttered as he put the file down and looked at the man.

Behind Zarrion were the rest of the exiled God of Destructions, with only Universe 18's God of Destruction missing.

"A meeting that I haven't been invited to?" Zarrion said with a grin as he looked around the room,

"Bunch of new faces" Escaro said as he cracked his neck,

Goku looked at Escaro with a confused gaze, "Vegeta what're you doing here?"

Escaro looked at Goku as he tilted his head, "Who?"

Beerus put up his hand shutting up Goku,

"What're you doing here Zarrion?" Beerus said as he sat up,

Zarrion looked at Beerus before looking at the empty seat that Heles left,

Zarrion ignored Beerus's question and proceeded to sit down,

"I have a couple of questions nothing more, nothing less" Zarrion said as he leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes.

The group of exiles walked behind Zarrion not saying anything whilst Goku stared at Escaro.

The Grand Priest smiled as he looked at Zarrion, "Ask whatever you want"

Zarrion stared at him for a couple of seconds before speaking once more, "How long has it been?"

"Over billions of years" the Grand Priest stated as he looked at Zarrion.

Zarrion nodded as he looked at Belmod who was constantly tapping his foot on the ground,

"Nervous Belmod?" Zarrion said as he chuckled and looked back towards Zeno,

"You know what question I have for you" Zarrion said as he looked at the two Zeno's,

The two Zeno's looked at each other then back at Zarrion,

""We have no clue""

Zarrion sighed as he slowly got up,

Beerus clenched his fists as he squinted his eyes,

Belmod tapped his foot against the floor looking at Zarrion closely,

Zarrion's eyes flashed red as he teleported in front of Zeno preparing to punch him but Beerus and Belmod appeared just as fast and stopped his punch.

Escaro appeared behind Beerus with his finger pointing at the back of Beerus's head with a beam starting to emit light.

Ios appeared with a sword to Belmod's neck,

The air was tense,

Champa was sweating because he hadn't even seen the speeds that everyone had moved,

Whis held a tighter grip on his staff as he looked at the situation.

Goku held a serious expression looking at Escaro, "What're you doing Vegeta!" he yelled out as he started powering up quickly,

"Goku stop!" Beerus yelled with his teeth clenched still trying to push back against Zarrion's power,

Goku who was in his Super Saiyan Blue form ignored Beerus as he quickly jumped towards Escaro,

As he was doing that the scenes changed as reality shifted in itself and they appeared at the ruins of the latest 'Tournament of Power' Arena.

Goku appeared next to Escaro about to punch him but Nion appeared out of nowhere grabbing Goku's face and slamming him into the ground.

It was a stand-still as the Zeno's teleported away back onto the higher ground as they watched the scene,

"Can everyone please calm down" the Grand Priest stated as he was floating in the air with a tense expression fearing for the worst,

Goku was pressed onto the ground by Nion,

Beerus had a universe-destroying beam pointed at the back of his head,

Belmod had a sword to his neck,

The rest of the God's stood up on alert,

The exiles grinned as they looked at the other God's ready for them to move,

"Kaio Ken!" Goku yelled out with his face in the dirt, Goku tried to push off the ground but Nion's power was too much as he got pushed back into the ground even harder.

Zarrion backed away as he looked at the situation,

"I'll ask you one more time Zeno, where is 'he'?" Zarrion said,

"We really don't know! We let the guys from the other Multiverse take him!" the future Zeno yelled out,

Zarrion looked at the little Zeno's before motioning with his hands and all of his guys backed off.

Nion picked up Goku and threw him,

The second they took their weapons off of them, Beerus and Belmod jumped back towards their side.

Zarrion looked at Zeno as he pointed at him, "If I find out you were lying to me I'll destroy everything you've ever loved," he said as he looked at them,

Zarrion stared at them waiting for a response but didn't get one,

He frowned quickly as he looked around, "Who!"

A being appeared in front of Zarrion, it was an all-black entity with a smiling face.

"Your looking for your Emperor are you not?" it said without a change in expression,

"Where the hell have you taken him scum?" Zarrion said with anger,

"That's very smart isn't it? Talking trash to someone who has information that you need" the entity said as it tilted his head,

Zarrion smiled as he looked at him, "You think your so high and mighty don't you?" he said with a chuckle,

Zarrion started to chuckle before he quickly stopped and appeared in front of the entity as he punched and sent him flying into a wall.

Zarrion stood there as he continued staring at where he sent the being flying,

Moments later the being walked out unscathed as it looked at Zarrion,

"A punch that can destroy Multiverses, impressive." the being said with the same smile,

"Who the hell are you?" Zarrion asked with squinted eyes,

"Your friendly neighborhood omniversal creator" it said as it looked at him,

"The who to the what now?" Zarrion asked with a raised brow,

"I'm the creator," it said,

Zarrion looked at the entity without a care in the world, "And what does that have to do with me and my Emperor?"

The entities smile flipped as his aura leaked out, the world went dark and an blood-thirsty aura poured out, "Are you an idiot? Do you not understand the point I'm trying to get ac-" it then cut itself off as it's facial expression changed into a smile once more,

"Ah, I'm incredibly sorry. what I meant to say was that as the creator I can provide you with what you want" it said,

"At what price?" Zarrion asked with a confused expression,

"You've got to raise em'" it said as it snapped it's fingers and a child appeared with it's finger in it's mouth,

Zarrion locked eyes with the child before quickly looking back at the entity,

"W-what the hell is this!" Zarrion yelled out as he looked at the child,

"That's your Emperor" the entity said with it's smile,

"No the hell that's not!" Zarrion yelled back as he moved at high speeds around the child looking at him from various positions,

He finally flashed back to his position as he looked at the kid, "That kid is not my Emperor, take this thing back and give me my King!"

The Entity simply smiled at him,

"Your denying the obvious, you can feel the child's unmistakable aura. You know it's your Emperor" the entity said,

Zarrion looked at the being before looking down at the child, "What the hell do you expect me to do with this?"

End of Chapter 2, tell me what you think of it. Big Bones out!

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