
The Forgotten Wood Clan

Chastine Aphrodite Reign is the only member of the long-forgotten Wood Clan to enroll in a prestigious university known for its elemental users. While the major clans—Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Dark—are admired and feared, the Wood Clan has faded into obscurity after hiding for over 50 years. Once a formidable power, their legacy has been overshadowed and forgotten. Determined to restore her clan’s former glory, Chastine faces derision and is labeled as a coward from a weaker clan. To reclaim their honor and erase their tarnished reputation, she must rise above and defeat the most powerful members of the major clans. Through sheer strength and determination, Chastine aims to prove the Wood Clan’s worth and return them to their rightful place among the strongest.

Zandzzzzzz · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Principal Quinn

Leael couldn't fathom what she had just heard, her disbelief evident in the arched brow and the silence that followed.

In contrast, Chastine's response left a noticeable air of dissatisfaction hanging in the conversation.

'In that case, I can only assume that the test will indeed extend to a duration of four days.' Chastine spoke quietly, as though sharing her thoughts only with herself but well within earshot of Leal.

Her gaze wandered, taking in her surroundings.

The crowd and various groups caught her attention. Her sharp eyes then focused on the groups of students who confidently predicted that her abilities would only reach a "white" level.

When her eyes landed on them, some showed astonishment while others revealed nervousness. A single thought ran through their minds.


This label now defined Chastine in their minds, her ability evoking both awe and fear, much like a mythical creature.

It was well-known that no student in the school's history had ever damaged the pristine crystal ball, a cherished possession carefully guarded by the principal.

This achievement was thought to belong only to past students of the university, and none of the recent classes had managed to do it.

Yet, the young woman from the Wood Clan, initially seen as just another student, had managed to defy this belief.

What the others had considered the impossible had become Chastine's plaything.

Her power level ability seemed to effortlessly undermine the crystal's invincibility, challenging the preconceived notions of even their most accomplished predecessors.

It was a revelation that had caught everyone off guard.

As the reality of her abilities dawned on some, a collective gulp of surprise was barely stifled.


On the other hand, Leal attempted to break the tense silence, offering a somewhat awkward laugh.

She chuckled as if trying to lighten the mood.

"Um... it appears that we may need to revise our schedule due to this unexpected turn of events. Um, because of that, we'll likely have to postpone the first test until tomorrow. We'll need to reevaluate everyone's power level measurements." She scratched her head, clearly grappling with the situation.

"At present, 276 students have already completed the first test. However, those who have not yet taken it will have to wait temporarily until tomorrow for a new testing setup." She continued.

"And we still don't know what caused the situation. So, we're going to launch an investigation. On behalf of the university, I apologize to all of you for what happened. We may have had some lapses, especially in preparing for unexpected events like this." Leael continued to explain.

"The explosion of the crystal ball may also be attributed to its prolonged usage, causing it to weaken over time and eventually fail." she said.

Chastine raised an eyebrow slightly, seemingly not relieved that Leael was suggesting it might not be solely due to her ability level that the crystal had shattered.

"In any case, out of the 276 students who have already tested, Ms. Chastine is not on the list because our crystal couldn't accurately gauge her ability level. That's why she'll be included in the group retesting tomorrow." Leael added, glancing in Chastine's direction.

Leael's statement sparked a commotion among the students.

"I refuse to believe that the crystal is old and fragile! From what I know, it's not so easily broken due to its age!" One student vehemently protested.

"Exactly! Why should she be retested when she has already proven her strength by breaking the school's crystal?" Another student also chimed in.

"Isn't the fact that she shattered the crystal proof enough of her exceptional ability?" argued another student.

The room was filled with a chorus of differing opinions and emotions as the students voiced their concerns.

"Let's not be too hasty in retesting her. Who knows, she might just shatter the crystal again, and we'll end up extending these tests indefinitely."  One student provocatively raised an eyebrow and slyly remarked.

The concealed amusement in their tone was hard to miss, hinting that there might be truth in the idea that the crystal would continue to break unless they upgraded to a higher level of power measurement.

Nonetheless, there remained a faction of skeptics who found it hard to believe in Chastine's extraordinary abilities.

"I object!" one student firmly stated.

"It's simply implausible that someone like her could shatter the crystal."

"Yeah, it does raise some suspicions. No student has ever managed to break that crystal before." another student added.

"Well, there's a first time for everything! And she's it. You're just one of the many witnesses here" a student from a minor clan countered, taking a contrary stance.

The spirited debate ensued, creating a rift not only between believers and skeptics but also among the major clans themselves, as the issue stirred emotions and fueled further division within the student body.

"That's still impossible for someone like her! The Wood Clan isn't known for its strength, and maybe she did something sneaky to break the crystal!" A student, who seemed to be from the Fire Clan, vehemently opposed the idea.

Their words were loud enough for most of those near the front to hear, and they were quickly countered by a handsome young man who was also nearby.

"It's you who isn't strong, and your clan. And If I recall correctly, you only managed to attain a yellow level last year when you took the test!" The retort came from the member of the Wind Clan, which elicited laughter from a few fellow students who also appeared to belong to the Wind Clan.

"What did you say?... Your clan is the weak one because you can't even win against ours!" The Fire Clan student replied with an evident insult.

"Does it matter if some of your clan members are strong? if you're weak yourself?" A taunting response came from the Wind Clan student, which triggered more laughter from their group.

Meanwhile, the female member of the Fire Clan glared at the Wind Clan student, her anger noticeable.

"You've always been so arrogant, Abrielle, and ugly! You're not even that strong yourself!" a female student from the Fire Clan shot back.

"At least my ability isn't at the yellow level." the Wind Clan student continued to taunt.

"Hmmp!" The female Fire Clan member responded with a displeased

Chastine, observing the two clans' argument at the front, found herself not the only one impressed with the spectacle.

Others had also directed their attention to the dispute.

"Hold on! Everyone, please quiet down. To ensure peace, it might be best for Ms. Chastine to undergo the test. If she can indeed damage the power level meter again, it will confirm the strength and height of her power ability." Leael couldn't let the commotion continue, quickly intervened.

Her words effectively quelled some of the noisy students, but one voice chimed in.

"Hohoho! It seems unlikely, Ms. Committee. If she could damage the power level meter once, she could do it again. You wouldn't want the school to buy a new meter just for it to be broken again, would you? Hohoho."

"Hiic, Principal!" Leael exclaimed in surprise.