
The Forgotten Wood Clan

Zandzzzzzz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Broken Power level meter

Third person...


The gymnasium falls into a hushed reverence as a captivating young woman gracefully walks toward the center stage.

Her every stride seems to create an ethereal trail that lingers in the minds of those who witness her passage.

A sense of awe washes over some of the students, who can't help but be entranced by her enchanting presence.

The young woman's allure isn't just about her undeniable physical beauty but also her distinctive attire and a remarkable aura that exudes an almost otherworldly quality.

She possesses well-defined physical features, and her bearing exudes an irresistible charm.

While some students are openly taken by her presence, there's a subtle undercurrent of envy among those who wish they could draw such attention effortlessly.

However, others cast only fleeting glances in her direction, appearing unmoved by the alluring young woman representing the Wood Clan.

For them, her physical beauty may be overshadowed by the long-standing prejudice against her clan, which has likely been concealed for generations.

The murmurs and whispers among the students in the gymnasium are hushed, as they collectively ponder the enigmatic presence of the young woman gracefully moving towards the center stage.

The audience's intrigue is palpable, and various questions and observations are exchanged in hushed tones.

"Is she one of the Wood Clan's representatives?" one student wonders aloud.

"So, the rumor about the Wood Clan sending a representative is true. Does this mean they wish to participate in the power struggle among the major clans?" Another student.

"Shhh, keep your voice down; you don't want to be overheard by members of the major clans," cautions a fellow student.

The hushed conversations continue.

"She's incredibly beautiful, isn't she? Are all the women in the Wood Clan as stunning as her?"

"You're right; she's gorgeous, like a fairy!" enthuses another student, captivated by Chastine's ethereal beauty.

However, not everyone is completely enamored.

"She does have a fairy-like appearance, but look at her expression. She seems so cold and arrogant, almost as arrogant as the typical major clan members," remarks another, highlighting the complexities of her allure.

As the discussion about Chastine's beauty and potential skills continues among the students, a wide range of opinions emerges.

"Her beauty is undeniable, but it's somewhat disappointing if the Wood Clan's representative is just all about looks," one student remarks.

"I agree. I was expecting a strong and rugged man from their clan, not a fairy-like woman," another chimes in, expressing their expectations for a different kind of representative.

The conversation takes a slightly more mocking tone as some students jest about the Wood Clan's mysterious nature.

"Yeah, they're known for hiding away, and now they send us a pretty face. Classic Wood Clan!" one student exclaims, prompting laughter from those who share the sentiment.

Chastine, with her sharp perception, picks up on the comments directed at her and her clan.

She turns her gaze toward the group of students who are openly making light of her appearance.

However, not all students are as critical. A couple of them attempt to defend Chastine, recognizing her intimidating aura.

"Come on, stop it. She's looking at our group; she might have heard us," a girl in the group warns her peers.

Some students, despite their jokes, can't help but be in awe of her striking presence.

"She does look intimidating, doesn't she? I mean, I'm kind of scared, even though she's gorgeous," one student admits.

Nevertheless, others continue to make light of the situation.

"Why is life so unfair? She's incredibly beautiful, and it's like she has the power to kill with her gaze," one student muses.

"I bet she can only achieve a white level." Another student jest, trying to play down her abilities.

"I believe she can at least achieve a blue level because most representatives from major clans have blue-level abilities. So, I'm betting on blue." One student confidently states.

"You're setting the bar too high for someone like her. I'm with white." Another student disagrees.

" I think she can reach blue, or at the very least, because even if the Wood Clan is considered the weakest among the major clans, I doubt they'd send someone with abilities that only reach the white level." A third student argues.

"Stop the debate. I bet she'll only reach a yellow level." A bold young man interjects.

This declaration evokes laughter from the surrounding students.

"Hahaha, that's hilarious! Especially if you come from one of the major clans and your abilities only reach the yellow level," one student quips.

Meanwhile, Chastine remains poised on the center stage, ignoring the comments from the crowd.

She maintains a composed smile and gazes intently at the crystal ball.

Chastine redirects her attention to Leael.

"Hey, Ms. Speaker, how many students do you think haven't taken the test yet?"

"I'd estimate there are probably around a hundred or so students who haven't taken the test yet." Leael, somewhat surprised by the question, takes a moment to contemplate before responding.

"Wait, Why did you ask that?" Leael added, still slightly taken aback.

"Is it possible that the test might extend for four days?" She rolls up her long sleeve, ready to touch the crystal ball and initiate the test.

"No, the schedule is set for only three days of testing—"

Leael responds, but before she can finish her sentence, the 'power level measurement' begins.

The crystal ball changes from white to blue, stunning the onlookers into silence as they hold their collective breath.

As they watch in awe, the yellow color slowly shifts to blue....

But, the real surprise comes when the crystal starts turning red, .... leaving everyone in disbelief....

Chastine subtly smiles, observing the amazed reactions of the crowd, and the excitement in their expressions.

The intensity of their awe only grows as the crystal darkens, taking on a deep red hue.

Chastine can't contain her own excitement as she subtly manipulates the crystal, creating a crack in it, ...

.... which eventually leads to a small explosion on the center stage.

The burst of energy scatters shards of the crystal, captivating the audience in the process.

The students were momentarily at a loss for words, trying to comprehend what they had just witnessed.

Chastine, emerging unscathed from the explosion, appeared unfazed and even managed to create a protective shield for herself and a few nearby committee members on the center stage.

Leael, who initially had a look of surprise, slowly regained her composure upon witnessing Chastine's rather calm reaction.

She approached her and revealed that the power level measurement device's failure was not unprecedented.

"Uhm, I forgot to tell you, but that kind of power level measurement isn't capable of assessing my ability. I've broken such devices numerous times before," she explained as she approached Leael.

Then Chastine looked at the aftermath of what had transpired and sighed, almost as if she had just realized the consequences of her actions.

"Forgive me for what happened, but is it still possible to continue with the three days allocated for the three tests now that the power level measurement is malfunctioning, and many students haven't been tested?"

Chastine asked Leael with a polite tone, appearing almost innocent as if she was unaware of the extent of her actions.