
The Fallen One

Once upon a time, the biggest problem people had was with each other. Wars tore up the planet because everyone wanted to be in charge and get rich. This time of trouble was all about making money, even if it meant doing terrible things that most people didn’t know about. But then, something strange happened. People all over the world started to get amazing powers that nobody could explain. This made the leaders and secret groups nervous, so they tried to control these mysterious people to keep things the way they were. Just when it looked like things might calm down, the sky itself seemed to break apart. The best soldiers sent to check out these weird sky holes vanished without a trace. The leaders and secret meetings had to act fast. They decided to send their strongest people to figure out this puzzle, knowing it was a big danger to everyone. Away from all the trouble, under a cherry blossom tree, a young man named Atlas was joking around with two sleepy kids in his arms. “Wake up, you two. We’ve got to make dinner,” he said softly. But they just swatted his hand away and asked to sleep a little longer. “Just a minute more, Atlee,” they said together. Atlas laughed and said, “It’s Atlas,” but they didn’t hear him. He watched over them as they slept, and the gentle wind made him fall asleep too, with cherry blossoms falling all around them.

RavenGround · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
181 Chs


With two different flames in hand, the little boy thought that since Hei Long still looked spellbound and preoccupied, why don't he merge the two objects for the meantime, and give it to him after everything's done. He was sure Hei Long would accept it without much resistance if he'd do it without him knowing. He looked, and weighted the beautiful flames, on his left hand he had the white ball of light, and in the other, he had the flickering golden flame. After weighing everything, the little boy closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunlight on his face for the last time.

"Here goes nothing," the boy said, as he began to merge the two objects, colliding the two of them and letting them devour each other, and within a few seconds, the two were fused as one.

Eyeing the golden flame, he was sure it looked exactly the same as the golden flame. It looked exactly as it was before as if it was never fed or merged. It looked nothing new, just the old golden flame flickering from time to time. However, the while ball of light was gone, no traces of it could be found on the flame on his hand.

"This is?" he said. "It's the actual thing?

It was actually the first time he did something like this and maybe it was the last, which was why he was baffled after doing the whole thing.

"Yes, boy, that's it." the ancient being said from his mind. "What did you expect?"

"N-nothing!" face red, the boy said. " I thought there would be something, like booming and whooshing, that might happen while fusing, and after fusing it.

The ancient voice said, "It's called phenomenon, boy, not booming nor whooshing, but a phenomenon. It only happens when something extraordinary occurs, so do you think it's easy to invoke a phenomenon?"

"But didn't we invoke some?" The boy nodded as he remembered that they did invoke some of it, inside of this place. "What about the energy that barged its way through to get inside here, didn't that invoke a phenomenon?"

"Yes..." the ancient being trailed off. "We did because it was supposedly hard to gather such energy much less summoning your--"

Before the ancient being finished talking, something behind them cracked. "C-c-crack-crack!

The little angel slowly turned and saw what it was that made such a crisp sound. Behind him, it was actually spiderweb-like cracks, caused by the small hole, a black hole with electricity coming out of it, to be precise.

"Quickly put it on his body or else the world will crumble to pieces! And everything we did will be for naught!"

The little boy who was now pale as snow saw the cracks had spread its way to the sky above them, and the sea beneath them.

"Yes!" the little boy scrambled his way toward Hei Long and placed the golden flame on Hei Long's chest. But it had some sort of resistance against Hei Long as it didn't merge as quickly as he thought it would.

It didn't want to go inside of him, merge, and move on. It was simply resisting, and it was resisting hard.

The spiderweb-like-cracks never let every moment go, as it seized the valuable time, spreading its destruction.

Seeing the cracks, the little boy pushed the flame with greater power. "Come on, you can do this. They believe in you, and don't it let go to waste!" He was scared, so he tried to bolster his courage with self-encouragement. Although he was scared, he never stopped doing what could. "Everything will pass," he said as he trembled.

Meanwhile, Hei Long, who was most likely the cause of all of this, was still standing still. He didn't seem to notice any of it as if everything wasn't visible to his eyes and senses.

"Grandpa, what do we do?" the boy asked. "The flame won't accept him, and he's not reacting!"

"Boy..." the ancient voice sighed. "Just get out of this place, you will both die if you keep this on."

"But big brother will--"

"He will die if you keep that thing here, cause the cracks in the void is because of that thing on your hand. "

"W--what?" the boy asked. "Why is that?"

"It's because of the phenomenon, boy. It's just too strong for Hei Long's world to shelter and keep."

The boy shook his head, and yelled, "No, this can't be! Brother needs this!"

"I know, my boy, " the ancient being said. "But both of you will die if things go on."

"Grandpa!" the boy begged as he choked down a sob. "Please, I don't want to leave, and I won't leave. He'll eventually die without receiving this, and I can't let that happen, not now and not on my watch!"

"Boy, don't do this."

"Please, tell me what to do," he begged down on his knees. "I'll do everything, so please tell me, what to do, Grandpa."

"Boy, I also want to help him. But if this is his fate then we can't do a thing about it. I do have a way to save him, and if the gods decide to spare him, then he will be saved."

Eyes shining with hope and joy, the boy asked while trembling with great joy. "W-what it is?"

"You won't like, so don't get your hopes high."

"Grandpa," the little angel said, "quickly tell me!"

"Pray," the ancient being replied, "boy, pray. If the gods, good or bad, hear your prayer, they might consider after looking at Hei Long's fate and destiny."

"Pray?" the boy said with anger present on his face. "But the gods hate him, they brought him nothing but death and sadness. They tore him down like he was their toy, t-t-they--"

"Boy, calm your anger. Not all the gods hated and treated him like garbage, there were some who helped him.

"Help? Help him? If they did help, everything would've been fine. But, why did they have to let him suffer and forget everything who he was, and let the cycle go on, and on! And they even planted something even they, themselves, feared in his body!"

"The gods have their own plans," the ancient voice said. "And we have to abide by the rules they've made. And at this moment... all that we can do is... pray, and hope that some righteous god passes by and help him pass this test."

Although the little angel hated the gods, he didn't really hate all of them. In this world, the gods could interfere whenever and however they want. Nothing could really stop them but the gods themselves.

In the end, having no choice, the little angel swallowed his anger and pride. For his loved ones, he could do almost anything. So he closed his eyes, clasped his hands over his head, and kneeled down, while the whole world, this world, was undergoing destruction. Yes, Hei Long's sea of consciousness was crumbling down to pieces, the spiderweb-like cracks were spreading all over the place at an unprecedented rate. The sun, which was once hung above the sky, was slowly falling down, heading towards the ravaging sea where they stood.

"If his sea of consciousness dies, then he, as the owner, will also suffer the same fate," the ancient voice murmured. "Boy, you need to leave. This place will fall in a matter of seconds."

He heard everything, but the little angel continued to kneel and pray. He just wouldn't listen. If he dies, he thought, then what's the point of coming here? The smiles, the trusts, and the hopes that I brought from our home, where will I place it?

Fleeting images of his home passed through his mind as he prayed.

"Hope, you should bring hope to da--big brother, okay?" A boy similar to his aged hugged him and whispered. "You should also take care of yourself, or we will get mad and sad."

Around the little boy called Hope, various kids who looked similar to his age said the same thing, over and over again, reminding him to take care of himself, and that he shouldn't force himself to do the impossible.

A little girl, who was much smaller than Hope, grabbed him on his sleeves. She looked at him. Her eyes were blank and white. She said, "Hope, w-w-will it take long for you to find Dad?"

"It won't take long, Nina."

"Nina misses Dad. Did Dad leave because Nina eats too much?"

Everyone choke down a sob as they heard her. They hurriedly said, "No! How could our poor little Nina think of such a thing! Da—big brother was just gonna get some help to heal your eyes."

A kid with a missing leg interjected, "Yes, yes—he said that he will get some cure from the great tree, for you."

Nina nodded like a pecking chicken as her brothers and sisters comforted her. She let go of Hope's sleeve, hugged him, and whisper into his ear. "Tell daddy that Nina will eat less, and that Nina loves him very much."

"God, oh mighty one, please hear our calls." Hope strengthened his will and prayed hard. "I beg you, they still need him!"

As if some mighty being heard his calls, a tattoo, which was similar to a tree, shone behind Hei Long' back, then tree roots began to sprout out of his back and spread. Some of the tree roots were small and some were gigantic, it simply didn't have definite size as it could easily grow bigger as it pleased.

The smaller tree roots inched its way toward the flame, reached it, and it gently started enveloped the golden flame on his chest, trying to seal the flame. Covered with roots, the flame started to resist, and so it burned the roots, but all of it was futile. The roots were simply indestructible, as it devoured the flame. By sealing away the golden flame, the world's destruction had finally come to a stop, as the roots sucked the chaos inside the sea of consciousness, closing the voids and black-holes, and repairing the cracks that littered the world.

"T-t-that's t-the Tree God! How did that thing come out of his body!" the ancient voice shouted inside Hope's mind, waking Hope from his hopeless situation.

"The world is changing?" Hope asked as he looked around.

"It is being repaired by the god inside him, but everything comes with a certain price."

"But that thing is one of the gods, right?"

"Boy, you need to remember that every action comes with a certain cost, whether it's big or small, certain prices must be paid. Let me ask you, how will you feel after running for a long time?"

"Tired, of course," Hope answered it as a matter-of-factly.

"Then what do you think will that tree feel after stopping the power of destruction?"

"Tired?" Hope looked confused. "Didn't you tell that it was a Tree God? Aren't they powerful and mighty?"

"Yes, maybe some of the gods won't feel tired after doing that. But that god is just a sprout, I don't know what happened, why it became like that, and why it's inside him."

Hope was too tired to get all of that, but he still got the point.

"Sooo, Grandpa? Is he fine?"

"Fine..." the ancient being said. "He's fine for now, but I can't be sure if the Tree God will devour him in the future."

Hope shook his head, and smiled, "I think I know who gave that to him. He'll be fine."


"The Tree God itself, it was big brother's guardian."

"Hoho, I see. So do you think that your prayers reached it?"

"Yes... It reached right exactly where it should." He smiled, and the world turned hazy.