
The End of a Forgotten Script

In 2030, with the advancement and domination of artificial intelligence, everything changed and countless wars and fake famines started, and finally, in the third world war, which was the biggest war in human history, half of the population and civilizations of the planet died. artificial intelligence and a huge part of technology fell. In the years after the war, the fertility rate declined and finally 100 years later, due to the massive radiation and chemicals used in the war, fertility was destroyed. A man named "Leander" rose up and established a great empire where all people from different races and countries gathered together and this time under strict supervision and restrictions they created a new artificial intelligence to help the continuation of humanity and the human race. With the help of artificial intelligence, medical science and artificial insemination made significant progress and the life expectancy index increased to 150 years. With the regeneration of the cells, the appearance of aging of the body was slowed down, but in addition to all these benefits, due to the continuity of the human race and the growth of children in a complete family, the marriage of two people who had the closest genetic similarity to artificial intelligence was forced. And thus gender boundaries were broken. The law created various financial penalties for not accepting marriage or executing divorce, and with the passage of time, marrying the person suggested by artificial intelligence became normal for people. Every person is obliged to update his genetic information between the ages of 20 and 30 and declare his desire to find a spouse to artificial intelligence. If it is not done on time, it will face a heavy fine and in more serious cases, imprisonment. 100 years after the adoption of the law and the revival of artificial intelligence, "Florence Elmer" the famous author The Kingdom of Leander, on the morning of his 30th birthday, updated his genetic information at the nearest marriage center and registered a marriage request, but he did not expect that the center would close to the public after 15 minutes. The bodyguards respectfully accompany him to the office of the director. People who complained about the sudden closure of the marriage center started protesting. "May we know what happened?" At that moment, there was an uproar on the Internet. "They say that the second prince's spouse has been chosen!"

yuni_welkin · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Welcome Home

There was silence inside the general's private car.

Florence was sitting on the right by the window, thinking about the past few minutes. All the time, it didn't matter to him whether the artificial intelligence proposed spouse was a woman or a man, poor or rich, he intended to talk to her or him from the very beginning and create a friendly and intimate relationship so that their child could live a happy and normal life. Yes, but now not only all his equations were messed up, but his chosen spouse was the most famous and proudest military person in the country and not only that! Rather, he was the second prince and the younger brother of the crown prince of this country, and his fame was equal to Florence in this country! One of them was a military elite and the other was an elite in the  literature.

Could he hide his identity as the author Yara? Even if he could do this, his life would still be disrupted, because as soon as his complete information as the general's spouse was spread, the whole country and the world would know about his identity and appearance, and he could no longer return to his simple and ordinary life. It was so scary, it was too heavy to even think about, "The General Leander, the second royal prince's spouse."

How should he meet and interact with such a person?

"Excuse me General, I am 5 years older than you, you can call me big brother." Embarrassed by the stupid idea that came to his mind, he covered his face with both hands.

Oswald, who was sitting by the side window and at a distance from Florence, looked at him from the corner of his eye and smiled for a moment, but that smile quickly disappeared. Maybe Florence's move was funny or stupid, maybe there was something more complicated going on in Oswald's mind.

Florence was constantly thinking, busy and did not notice that the car entered a protected and noble residential area. The car passed through various security barriers and entered a small and cozy garden, where a beautiful medium-sized villa with a stone facade stood out in the middle.

When the car stopped, Florence came to his senses and realized that he had reached  destination. He turned his head and cautiously looked at Oswald and cautiously asked his question.

"General, weren't you summoned to the royal court? where is here?"

Florence swallowed and waited for Oswald's answer. He was staring at Oswald with a pair of large clear blue eyes, making people want to bully him.

Oswald blinked twice and opened the door on his side without answering and got out of the car. Florence felt hurt but was immediately opened on his side by Oswald. He wanted to get out of the car, but as soon as he put his foot out, he lost his balance due to the numbness in his legs. But instead of falling to the ground, he hit Oswald, who was standing a short distance away, and was immediately caught by Oswald to prevent him from falling.

Florence took a deep breath to calm down, he had never been so close to any other person except his mother and he was practically in Oswald's warm embrace, their height difference was huge and Florence's face was below Oswald's neck. felt like Oswald's hand was on fire on his waist. Florence moved a little away with embarrassment and raised his face, Oswald was staring at him, and an unexpected and deep connection was established between their eyes in a short moment, it was as if a spark was formed between them.

"I am sorry"

Florence came out of Oswald's arms and stood facing him and lowered his head and did not understand why Oswald was looking at him. Although it was noon, the weather was cloudy and created a special atmosphere.

"Regarding your question, it is true that I was summoned to the palace, but a bit of patience will not hurt His Royal Highness. For now, I have to make sure of your safety."

"My safety?"

"Recently, in the last decade, the activities of underground and terrorist organizations and groups against the government have increased, and we cannot find all of them soon, the enemies of the royal family or my personal enemies use every opportunity to hit me, and now that you are going to be a new member of this family, you are a much easier prey for them."

Florence held his breath like an little child for a moment and nodded his head in approval.

"where is here?"

"One of my private and confidential properties, even the royal palace does not know about its existence"

Oswald led Florence forward and behind his began to walk towards the entrance of the villa. In addition to the face detection and voice detection sensor, it also had a code.

"In front of the monitor, put your hand on this part and pay attention to the password I type"

Oswald first entered a series of numbers in a row. "51491864" 

Florence did what Oswald asked him and memorized the number, the number seemed very familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he had come across it.

"New authorized person detected. Face and eyes information registered. Fingerprint and handprint information registered. Please speak your full name in a clear tone to complete the step and confirm your voice."

The beautiful, electronic sound of the security door was registering Florence's information as an owner.

Florence thought to himself, was it really necessary for Oswald to go this far? They had only known each other for 2 hours through artificial intelligence. He tried not to think too much about the topic.

"Florence Elmer"

"Voice recorded. Congratulations dear Florence, welcome home"

When he heard "Welcome home", he felt a strange feeling in his heart, a happy moment and a reminder of the past.

Suddenly something came to his mind.

"How long am I going to stay here? I have a cat at home, it's a white Persian"

"It is not clear, tell me the password of your house and I will bring it to you"

Florence recited the code to Oswald from memory.

"General, you must know my full identity, right?"

Oswald nodded and Florence puckered his lips bitterly.

"as always, the National Security Organization and the Royal Intelligence do not hesitate from any effort and are strict in doing their duty. I need my laptop and drawing device."

The red haired man he had seen before came towards them and stood next to Oswald.

"My adjutant, Brigadier General Flynn Smith. He is my trusted companion and will remain with you today."

"Hey Oswald don't say" trusty companion", actually we are best friends who grew up together since childhood, my mother "Madame Smith" was your nurse"

"Unnecessary talk"

Flynn gave Florence a big smile and held out his hand to him.

"as you heard, my name is "Flynn" and clearly, when my parents saw my red hair, the first thing they said was, "This boy has red hair, so we will name him with his hair color."

Florence shook his hand gently and briefly.

"and I must say that I am one of your big fans, dear author! I have read the last story you published many times"

"What was the name of that story?"

Flynn was confused.

"You don't look like someone who reads a retelling of a classic, so you can stop the flattery and be honest."

"You grabbed my wrist!"

Florence smiled. after seeing the two of them get along together, Oswald put on his military hat and got into the car and left them.

It might seem that Florence didn't care, but he watched Oswald leave until the last moment.،

Hi, sorry if the story is moving slowly, I can't get out of this rhythm right now. •-•

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

yuni_welkincreators' thoughts