
The End of a Forgotten Script

In 2030, with the advancement and domination of artificial intelligence, everything changed and countless wars and fake famines started, and finally, in the third world war, which was the biggest war in human history, half of the population and civilizations of the planet died. artificial intelligence and a huge part of technology fell. In the years after the war, the fertility rate declined and finally 100 years later, due to the massive radiation and chemicals used in the war, fertility was destroyed. A man named "Leander" rose up and established a great empire where all people from different races and countries gathered together and this time under strict supervision and restrictions they created a new artificial intelligence to help the continuation of humanity and the human race. With the help of artificial intelligence, medical science and artificial insemination made significant progress and the life expectancy index increased to 150 years. With the regeneration of the cells, the appearance of aging of the body was slowed down, but in addition to all these benefits, due to the continuity of the human race and the growth of children in a complete family, the marriage of two people who had the closest genetic similarity to artificial intelligence was forced. And thus gender boundaries were broken. The law created various financial penalties for not accepting marriage or executing divorce, and with the passage of time, marrying the person suggested by artificial intelligence became normal for people. Every person is obliged to update his genetic information between the ages of 20 and 30 and declare his desire to find a spouse to artificial intelligence. If it is not done on time, it will face a heavy fine and in more serious cases, imprisonment. 100 years after the adoption of the law and the revival of artificial intelligence, "Florence Elmer" the famous author The Kingdom of Leander, on the morning of his 30th birthday, updated his genetic information at the nearest marriage center and registered a marriage request, but he did not expect that the center would close to the public after 15 minutes. The bodyguards respectfully accompany him to the office of the director. People who complained about the sudden closure of the marriage center started protesting. "May we know what happened?" At that moment, there was an uproar on the Internet. "They say that the second prince's spouse has been chosen!"

yuni_welkin · LGBT+
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12 Chs

The Royal Family

Oswald was standing in a grand, paneled hallway behind a vestibule, the old butler walked past and bowed to him, Oswald nodded.

knocked on the door.

"Come in"

Oswald entered the room and closed the door behind him. It was a properly decorated with luxurious, beautiful and expensive furniture.

There were various portraits of former rulers on the wall, and finally it ended with the biggest portrait, the picture of the founder of Leander country, "Dr. Ian Leander". The man in the picture had light brown hair, full of freckles and large wooden glasses, and his appearance was quite ordinary, but he had a pair of blue eyes like jewel that could enchant anyone, those eyes were very similar to someone else's eyes.

a man was sitting behind a large desk, he looked like a 30-year-old, had brown hair the same color as Oswald's, and green eyes. He was wearing an official dress full of rank, which clearly announced his high status.

The man raised his head and stopped writing. This man was "Freidrich Leander", 59 years old, the emperor of this land and Oswald's father. Friedrich looked very angry.

"How did you allow yourself to do this? as soon as the news of the AI ​​detection secretly reached us, I wanted to order the royal guard to quietly bring that boy and anyone involved here, but You...you fool immediately issued a personal statement from the royal palace and made everything public!"

"Father, he is chosen spouse of mine"

"That guy is just dangerous! He's a ticking time bomb that I should have killed years ago!"

"Just like you killed your cousin? Just like twenty years ago on this day you ordered that woman to be executed?"

Friedrich stood up and rushed towards Oswald, a few moments ago he looked like a wise emperor but now he was just a nervous and mad man.

"You ungrateful boy, how dare you..."

Oswald's gaze was cold, harsh and cruel. He stopped calling the man in front of him "father".

"My lord, it is better that you know your limits, the entire military forces of this country are in my hands, and if my spouse is harmed, I will take action without hesitation."

At that moment, Friedrich slapped Oswald hard and Oswald's hat fell on the ground. Oswald stared at him with his icy gaze and stepped back a little, picking up his hat from the ground and bowing briefly.

"Your Royal Highness, I am the general of this country under you. I hope you will pass your term of government in good health, and after you, my elder brother will become the emperor. as you know, I am not interested in kingship, and I have been a soldier for years. I have lived and fought. I tell you this as a advice from a soldier! Don't have anything to do with my spouse, even if the son of the deceased crown prince is a thorn in your side."

Oswald put on his hat, leaving an angry and worried Friedrich behind. He entered the elevator and reached the 1st floor from the 5th floor.

as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw a beautiful young woman coming towards him with two maids. The woman had blonde hair and honey eyes, she was wearing a long and luxurious turquoise colored shirt with pleats, nets and beautiful embroidery.

"Oswald wait, long time no see!"

Oswald stood and waited for the woman to reach him. as soon as the woman reached Oswald, she hugged him.


"My little boy, I missed you, but since you went to the military academy ten years ago, you rarely come here, unless your father forcefully summons you here."

"Mother, as you know, I am getting married and it is better to arrange the arrangements for the royal wedding, anyway, I have the title of the second prince of this country, and with the delay in this important matter, the royal family is more targeted by the media or countries It is placed outside.

The woman separated from him and gave him an unhappy look.

"That guy... it's true that he looks beautiful and has a good education and reputation, but you shouldn't have agreed! you should have allowed us to manually adjust the AI ​​data and become a handsome and worthy person from a nobel family. let an aristocrat choose for you!"

Oswald's look at his mother was not cold but very serious.

"mother, he is my chosen spouse and I ask you to respect him, not only as the spouse of your son, as the consort of the general and leader of this country."

The woman still looked displeased but stopped arguing.

"All right, I will arrange the wedding and invite the guests and the media in three days, but you...."

"Mother, you really don't know anything? You really don't know what father has done?"


"I pray you know nothing."

In the meantime, a maid came to them and paid respect.

"My lady, the prime minister's wife is waiting for you in the tea room"

The woman was confused and full of questions and annoyance.

"Wait, Oswald, you..."

Oswald took off his hat and bowed to his mother as he had bowed to his father a few minutes before.

"Queen Fleur I hope you have a pleasant tea time."

Without looking back, Oswald left his mother behind and left the palace for the villa.

Far away inside Oswald's house, Florence was sitting behind a desk in a fully furnished room with his drawing machine facing him, he needed to draw something but his mind was so busy and upset, he couldn't to concentrate.

"Oswald Welcome Home"

The front door opened and Oswald entered the house. The first scene he saw was Flynn, who was sitting on a sofa and was busy reading a thick book that had a classic cover and the author was "Yara".

also, a chubby white cat with long fur had fallen asleep on the couch next to where Flynn was sitting.

Flynn raised his head and met Oswald's eyes.

"I swear I haven't smoked a single cigarette in the last few hours, especially in the presence of Florence!"

Oswald raised an eyebrow.

"I just want to know since when did you become a book reader?"

"Just three hours ago! When your spouse found out I was bluffing about reading his books. I only read a series of children's story books when I was 9 years old, and that was because my mother forced me, because you loved those stories! "


"Hey, I was like your brother, you can't forget our brotherhood! We graduated from the military academy together."

Oswald ignored Flynn's words.

"What is he doing?"

"He said that recently started publishing a comic book and he wants to design a part of it.

"Okay. Read your book."

Oswald Flynn left the redhead alone and went up the stairs and stood behind a door at the end of the corridor and knocked.


Florence's beautiful and catchy voice was heard from behind the door.

"It's me, we need to talk"

at that moment, the door opened and a lock of hair with bright blue eyes was revealed through the door.

Hello, the author is speaking.

We see that some facts were revealed at the beginning of the work, but is everything going to end here so easily? (∵)?

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