
The End of a Forgotten Script

In 2030, with the advancement and domination of artificial intelligence, everything changed and countless wars and fake famines started, and finally, in the third world war, which was the biggest war in human history, half of the population and civilizations of the planet died. artificial intelligence and a huge part of technology fell. In the years after the war, the fertility rate declined and finally 100 years later, due to the massive radiation and chemicals used in the war, fertility was destroyed. A man named "Leander" rose up and established a great empire where all people from different races and countries gathered together and this time under strict supervision and restrictions they created a new artificial intelligence to help the continuation of humanity and the human race. With the help of artificial intelligence, medical science and artificial insemination made significant progress and the life expectancy index increased to 150 years. With the regeneration of the cells, the appearance of aging of the body was slowed down, but in addition to all these benefits, due to the continuity of the human race and the growth of children in a complete family, the marriage of two people who had the closest genetic similarity to artificial intelligence was forced. And thus gender boundaries were broken. The law created various financial penalties for not accepting marriage or executing divorce, and with the passage of time, marrying the person suggested by artificial intelligence became normal for people. Every person is obliged to update his genetic information between the ages of 20 and 30 and declare his desire to find a spouse to artificial intelligence. If it is not done on time, it will face a heavy fine and in more serious cases, imprisonment. 100 years after the adoption of the law and the revival of artificial intelligence, "Florence Elmer" the famous author The Kingdom of Leander, on the morning of his 30th birthday, updated his genetic information at the nearest marriage center and registered a marriage request, but he did not expect that the center would close to the public after 15 minutes. The bodyguards respectfully accompany him to the office of the director. People who complained about the sudden closure of the marriage center started protesting. "May we know what happened?" At that moment, there was an uproar on the Internet. "They say that the second prince's spouse has been chosen!"

yuni_welkin · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Loving Someone Else

Florence stepped aside in front door and let Oswald enter the room. Both of them sat on the double sofa in the corner of the room. Florence had his hands clasped and was staring at the ground as if he was waiting for his death sentence to be announced. Oswald thought the boy was incredibly cute, and even though he was 5 years older than himself, he looked so young and vulnerable.

He was clearly worried and maybe a little scared.

"You don't need to worry or be afraid, I am here to listen to you about yourself and your situation, I know how stressful this life and changing new conditions for you."

Florence gulped and looked up at Oswald's expression.

"I really had no idea about this and I was really confused..."

Oswald looked at him reassuringly.

"No need to worry, I respect you as your husband, I will cherish you and I will not step beyond the boundaries you set for yourself, and we can raise our child or children well in the future, I will take care and I will not let you be threatened with harm, even by myself!"

Florence was still worried, but after hearing these words, his heart calmed down.

"I am also looking for a reasonable and friendly relationship and to respect each other, I am really afraid of the world of politics and I do not like to get involved in it at all, and I hope you will protect me about it, General..."

"Call my name, not general or anything."

Florence was a little hesitant but said his name.


Oswald's eyes shone.

"it's good"

"Actually, we will officially become each other's spouses after signing the marriage certificate, but I really don't have the capacity to be intimate with someone I just met like a spouse, can we be like friends?"

Oswald's face showed no emotion.

"I understand and there is no need to worry, is it because you are already in a relationship?"

"No, I've been studying and writing all the time, I'm really afraid of interacting with people."

Florence thought to himself that there was no need to explain so much to Oswald, but something compelled him to explain more.

"I really don't want to interfere in your personal life, but now we are going to live together, that's why I ask, do you like someone?"

Florence's face turned a little red and he lowered his head, not meeting Oswald's gaze.

"How serious is it?"

Florence answered in a low voice.

"Not really...I can forget, anyway, I haven't even seen that person's face, there's really no need to worry, I'll deal with my strange feelings and try to live my life well with you. go ahead, I will not betray you in any way."

"I know that, I just want you to deal with it more easily"

There was something dumb in Oswald's face, which was neither sadness nor anger, neither joy nor surprise. a vague feeling as if he was digging something.

"about my job identity..."

"You can continue without worry"


"I will arrange that your identity as a writer will not be revealed and that the whole world will know you only as my spouse."

Florence's face was filled with a feeling of joy and gratitude and he looked at Oswald like a happy kitten. In an unexpected move, Oswald raised his hand and touched the tip of Florence's nose with the tip of finger. Florence was shocked and looked at Oswald in confusion.

"Don't look at anyone else like this"


He moved his face forward and came very close to Florence's face.

"Probably they all decide to annoy you"

Oswald gave a rare smile and withdrew his hand and stood up.

"I have to go back and I won't be back until night. Flynn is with you today. If you have any questions, ask him. I will bring a reliable servant from tomorrow, and there are also guards in the yard and around the house."

After saying this, he left the room and left Florence alone. Florence was confused and excited and had a strange feeling, no one had ever been so close to him, even if they had, he had not touched his nose, he had not felt the warmth of his hot breath on his face, and more importantly, He didn't want to marry him! His heart was beating out of the usual rhythm and this was disturbing him. He took a few deep breaths to control himself.

It was past 9:00 p.m., Delicia was sleeping on the bed after eating dinner, and Florence was working on the laptop.

He was trying to give a tip to someone, that person with the ID "Oz" who had been introduced as his assistant by the publishing company for the past 5 years. again, he deleted the message and wrote from the beginning, he was really upset. He thought about the afternoon, about the words that had been spoken between him and Oswald, about the respect and understanding that Oswald had for him, he entered the chat page again and this time he started typing with confidence.

"Hello Dear " OZ", this message is a topic other than comics and novels that I have to share with you. I got married and I have entered a new part of my life that has an unknown future. I really, because of these 5 years with me You talked and you were always by my side and you gave me peace. I am very grateful to you and I can't repay it in any way, so even though this is difficult for me, I want to be honest with you. I love you with all my heart as a lover. I had, I loved you all these 5 years and every day I was eager to chat with you and hear your voice from time to time, but unfortunately this raw and unrequited love does not earn anything, so thank you for being the sun of my dark days. I am really sorry to share this personal and unpleasant topic with you, you can change your co-author and I will not be upset, and if you are not offended, I will be very happy if you will stay by my side again and this time you will be my dear friend. You are the person who made me learn to love, because of you, my conscience and my wife, I found the courage to type this long and embarrassing text, with great love and regret. yara"

Florence sent the message she had clearly written and turned off the laptop, such a thing was unlikely for him, but something had changed in him, he really didn't know and wasn't sure, but maybe could live a quiet and peaceful life next to Oswald had, he didn't really need romantic love and he knew that his brutal life was not a love story.

Farther away, Oswald stood in a sleek military office, watching the city from a large window. His gaze went to the sky and thousands of stars were reflected in his eyes, his eyes were laughing and the stars were shining in them. He went back to his desk, closed the chat screen that was displayed on the laptop and turned off the laptop. He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number.

"Secretary of Maine, you can take your leave, I'm going home."

He took his coat and hat and left the room, now he also had someone to come home to.

Sorry, but the story is really longer than these words, it won't come to a conclusion soon, even though it looks like it! Please support me ಥ_ಥ♥

Let me add again, English is my second language and I often get confused ╥﹏╥ One of my most common mistakes is writing he and she incorrectly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

yuni_welkincreators' thoughts