

Eve turns and sighs before saying, "firstly, you are not my type of guy", Charlie was stunned beyond the earth, he thought to himself, "how can that be? I am the no 1 choice of every woman in this city and she is her saying that she is not his type", his pride is hurt and before he attempts to say any word he is interrupted by Eve.

"Secondly, I know the relationship is just a lie, I just be your pretend - girlfriend just to avoid the situation on ground which I think will eventually die down in two days or maximum one week, I can manage that, so to conclude all that I have said, it's a.....nooo" Eve said emphasizing more on the "a" and "no", with that she turns and leaves the office before Charlie could say a word, he was left completely in a daze thinking about what he just heard.


In blue light club, Charlie drinking while keeping a straight emotionless face thinking about what Eve told him earlier at the office. His friends sees him and attempts to know why their friend is so absent minded today, "dude what's wrong?, Did anything happen at the office?" Asked Micheal.

"Hmmm" Charlie answered absentmindedly, "dude!" Called Victor while shaking Charlie, " this not the Charlie we know, tell us what's going on" said Victor.

"Okay" Charlie said and he clears his throat, "you know that girl I told you guys about?", "Yes" both Victor and Micheal answered chorusly, "one of my employee Brook picture of when we kissed during that welcome dinner held for my PS and she posted it on the company's website and it looked as if she was seducing me, she was gossiped about in the company saying she is a slut, so out of impulse I told her to be myyy... girlfriend" Charlie pauses to look at his friends reaction to what he said,"what!" Shouted Victor and Micheal, "Shhh...keep you voices down, did I do anything bad?" Asked Charlie while giving them a questioning look.

"No, nothing bad definitely, but hmmm... you asked a girl to be your girlfriend?" Micheal asked.

"Yes" said Charlie confused, "is anything the matter?" Charlie asks as his friends puts their hands on his forehead to check if he is okay.

"Guys, am okay" said Charlie removing their hands from his forehead.

"I thought you said you don't want to have a girlfriend, what happened?" Asked Victor who is astonished.

"Yeah, but it just happened" said Charlie non - chalantely, "whoa...so what did she say?" Asked Michael, "she refused" Charlie said, his friends mouth hung opened," she refused?, Why?"

Charlie hesitated for a while before he talks,"she said am not her type", Victor who was drinking her wine pours it out when he heard what Charlie said, "what?" Both of his friends said and they began to laugh hard.

Charlie knew this would happen if he told them and regretted telling them. Micheal stops laughing when he sees the serious face Charlie is giving to them and said, "but on a more serious note, were you serious about asking her to be your girlfriend?

"Yeah, firstly for a reason unknown to me and secondly I can also use it to free myself from the clutches of my father who insists I introduce a girl to him as my girlfriend unless he would select a wife for me" said Charlie. His friends were marvelled because this is not the friend they know, he is changing and they intend to keep that way, "dude, seems like you are beginning to like the girl" Michael said affirmatively, "hell no! I don't like her" said Charlie firmly, he couldn't believe what his friends are saying.

"Let's change the topic to something else" said Charlie hurriedly to prevent his friends from saying anything more in the matter, his friends have up even though hey still want to know more, they continued drinking and discussing.