
CHAPTER EIGHT: Dinner party 2

Charlie sits in his office, looking through some documents and signing them before he hears a knock at the door and he says, "come in".

Dan walked in and sticks out his hands to hand over a file to him saying, "this is what you asked for sir". Charlie takes a look at the file and a cold aura feels the whole office, this makes Dan nervous.

"Call Sandra to my office now!" Charlie shouted angrily.

"Y...yes sir" said Dan stuttering and runs out of the office.

Few minutes later, Sandra enters his office and is welcomed by his cold aura, "you called for me sir".

"Yes", said Charlie, he pauses and continues, "why did you do it?".

"Do what sir?" Said Sandra pretending to be clueless about what he is talking about, "I don't know what you are talking about sir".

"Really?" Said Charlie smiling.

At this moment, fear begins to overcome Sandra, "yes sir".

"Oh, I see", said Charlie as he nods his head, "you better start talking or I will make sure your life is miserable".

After she heard what her boss told her, knowing the kind of person he is, everything he said is true, he can make her life miserable so she kneels down and begins to beg her boss, "am sorry sir, it was a mistake, please say forgive me sir" said Sandra.

Charlie begins to laugh very hard, stops and he said, "you expect me to forgive you especially when the article you wrote and posted caused my reputation harm and that of your colleague".

"Please sir, I will never do it again" said Sandra pleading effortlessly with tears in her eyes.

"I will forgive you but you would have to ask for forgiveness from Eve and turn in your resignation letter" said Charlie.

"Ahhhh... please sir don't do this to me, this is the only job I have and I use it to take care of family, please sir" said Sandra this time around crying bitterly.

"Well you would have thought about that before you did what you did". Said Charlie with an expressionless face, "now get out of my office before I call the security" said Charlie.

Sandra goes out of the office and heads to Eve's office, "you are probably satisfied, huh? Said Sandra.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Eve confused.

"The boss fired me all because of you" shouted Sandra attracting their colleagues towards their direction.

"Well, I don't know what you are talking....." She pauses and continues, "oh, I guess you are the one that posted the picture online" said Eve, "if you were fired it's not because of me but yourself so don't accuse me wrongly" said Eve and she walks away smirking.


After Eve left Sandra, she heads straight to her boss office, she knocks and went in, "what do you think you are doing" said Eve.

"Am helping you" said Charlie, "you call sacking Sandra help?" Asked Eve.

"Yes, if it's not then what is it" asked Charlie, "don't you know that by doing this will only make the rumours appear to be true" said Eve.

"Which rumours?" Charlie said playing, "people would think we are dating" said Eve while gritting her teeth.

Charlie does as if he is thinking about something and faces Eve and said, "then be my girlfriend".

Eve's jaw dropped and is shocked by what her boss said, "what the f**k is he saying?" She murmured to herself.