

"Let's change the topic to something else" said Charlie hurriedly to prevent his friends from saying anything more in the matter, his friends have up even though hey still want to know more, they continued drinking and discussing.


At Eve's apartment, she remembers what her boss asked her today to be his girlfriend and she got goosebumps on her body, she waves it thinking saying that he is joking about it, he can't be serious about asking her to be his girlfriend, she  prays he wouldn't ask her to be his girlfriend again because things would be awkward between them and she drifts to sleep.


The next morning, Eve enters her office, Sue and Nars followed her giggling, Eve frowns and looks at them suspiciously and asked "what's wrong with you guys?", "Hmmm" both Sue and Nars hummed as if they didn't hear Eve. Eve waits and becomes impatient and said "please if you guys are not ready to say what brought you guys here you both should leave then, I have work to do" Eve said and sitd down on the chair behind her desk. Sue and Nars rushes to sit down on the guests seats in front of the table, "so, tell us what happened in the boss office the other day?" Asked Nars, Eve looks at them very confused, "don't play dumb with us, we heard that the boss sacked Sandra for uploading the photo" said Sue, Eve blinked twice " how did you know he sacked her because she uploaded the picture" asked Eve, "people are talking about it in the company" said Nars, Eve looks at Sue who confirmed what Nars said by nodding her head, " I knew this would happen" Eve lamented.

In Charlie's office. He flips through some files on his desk when his secretary Dan walks in, "sir, a parcel came in for you" Dan said as he passes the box to Charlie, "ok, you can go" Charlie said as he tells Dan to leave him alone. He opens the box and sees an invitation card, he opens it and it's from his dad's friend that owns Holmes cooperation, apparently his daughter is coming back from Switzerland where she went to study and a welcome party is being held for her at their house this weekend, he throws the card on the table because he knows his father will try and match make the both of them and he doesn't want that to prevent that he needs someone to pretend to be his girlfriend that day. Charlie thought to himself when a phone call brings him back to his senses.

He looks at the caller ID and sees it's his dad, "hello" he answered coldly.

"Hello, have you received the invitation card sent to you?" Asked his father.

"Yes, and I don't think I will be able to attend the party dad" Charlie said rejecting the invitation, the other side is quite and Charlie begins to think his father hung up on him.