

Charlie checks his watch and sees it's time for lunch and said to Eve "let us go for lunch, it is already lunch time" he says as he heads out.

"Okay" Eve said ending her laugh and follows her out of the conference room.


Somewhere in Devan corporation...

Adriana badge into her dad's office, very angry and slams the door when she was already inside the office.

Mr George Anderson who was engrossed in the work load is distracted by the sudden loud noise from the banging of the door looked up and saw his daughter who seems to be very angry about something.

"What is the matter, Angel?" Mr George asked using his hand to massage his forehead trying to eliminate the fatigue and wondering what would have provoked his precious angel.

"Who annoyed you dear, i thought you went to the meeting with Mr Charles?" George asked.

"Yes" Adriana said fuming profusely.

"Then why is your face like that? Aren't you supposed to be happy and smiling because of the success of our plan?" George asked.

"Plan my foot... I was not even able to get I and him alone in the conference room and it is all because of his personal assistant's presence" Adriana said.

George looked at his daughter with a confused expression written on his face.

"How do you mean?" George asked.

"Because Charles referred to me as an outsider Dad, can you believe that?" Adriana shouted.

George's mood turns cold as he heard what his daughter said but he decides to cool down "who is this personal assistant of his that he insulted my daughter for?" George asked gritting his teeth.

At her dad's question she remembers something "yes guess who I meet today and is Charles's personal assistant?" Adriana asked.

George sighs "you know that I am not good at guessing and besides I hate it, so tell me who" George said giving up without even trying.

Adriana knows well not to anger her dad so she gave up and said "it was that b*t*ch Eve!" Adriana exclaimed.

 How is she alive? Or did they lie to me about killing her?, I need to find out what happened" George was still out of it when he heard his daughter call him.

"Are you okay dad?" Adriana asked.

"Yes I am dear" George said nodding his head.

"Well, dad she is a threat we need to take care of fast before she spoils our plan" Adriana said.

"Don't worry I will take care of that" George said.

"Okay" Adriana said and walks out of the office.


JK corporation canteen...

"Ha!!" Sue and Nars laughing like little kids. They were asking for updates on Eve's and Charlie's relationship.

"So what's up with you and boss" Sue asked.

Eve "..."

"what are you talking about?" Eve asked.

"Mmmm... she is trying to act as if she doesn't know what we are talking about, huh?" Sue and Nars said in unison while looking at Eve suspiciously.