



"If I may ask Mr Charles, who is this lady with you?" Adriana asked.

Eve smirked "you want to act as if you don't know me right? Who are you trying to fool!" She said in her mind.

Charlie looks at her and thinks "this lady is good at pretending not to know Eve..ha, let's see how it goes, I will play along of that's what she wants and see how long her façade will last";

"She is my personal assistant, any problem?" Charlie said non chalantly.

Learning who Eve is, her plan is threatened and she needs to do something about her before Eve spoils her plan, but for now she just work on attracting Charlie and eventually get him to marry her.

"No problem" Adriana said smiling; "but can she excuse us?" Adriana asked.

Charlie raises his left eye brown "why?" He asked.

Adriana is surprised about his question but answers him "we are about to have an important meeting and it we don't need an external body in the meeting" she said satisfied with her answer and thinks her answer is good enough for him to send Eve away but is shocked what Charlie said next.

"Who are you calling an external body? As far as I know you are the outsider here because you don't belong to this company or have any relation to anyone her while Eve is my personal assistant which makes her an employee here, so if you don't mind let's start this meeting because I have other matters that need my attention" Charlie said.

Adriana is dumbfounded and folds her hands, her nails digging into her palm, she looks at Eve who was trying to suppress her laughter. Adriana is angry because with Eve in the room, she can't act out any of her plans, she begins to curse Eve in her mind.


The meeting didn't last long and everything was done and Charlie tells Adriana that they would get back to them very soon and with that Adriana leaves the conference room.

Immediately Adriana steps out of the door, Eve bursts into unimaginable laughter while clutching her stomach.

Charlie is surprised by her laughter and asked "why are you laughing?" 

Eve tries to suppress the laughter and said "didn't you see the expression on her face when you told her that she was an outsider? It was priceless indeed" Eve continues to laugh.

Charlie checks his watch and sees it's time for lunch and said to Eve "let us go for lunch, it is already lunch time" he says as he heads out.

"Okay" Eve said ending her laugh and follows her out of the conference room.

Good evening guys, I decided to spice up the story a bit by adding another antagonist who is a relative to Eve apart from the already existing one which is Natasha and it will be more interesting in the upcoming chapters.

I hope you like it ☺️☺️ have a great day ahead!!