

George sighs "you know that I am not good at guessing and besides I hate it, so tell me who" George said giving up without even trying.

Adriana knows well not to anger her dad so she gave up and said "it was that b*t*ch Eve!" Adriana exclaimed.

"How is she alive? Or did they lie to me about killing her?, I need to find out what happened" George was still out of it when he heard his daughter call him.

"Are you okay dad?" Adriana asked.

"Yes I am dear" George said nodding his head.

"Well, dad she is a threat we need to take care of before she spoils our plan" Adriana said.

"Don't worry I will take care of that" George said.

"Okay" Adriana said and walks out of the office.


JK corporation canteen...

"Ha!!" Sue and Nars laughing like little kids. They were asking for updates on Eve's and Charlie's relationship.

"So what's up with you and boss" Sue asked.

Eve "..."

"what are you talking about?" Eve asked.

"Mmmm... she is trying to act as if she doesn't know what we are talking about, huh?" Sue and Nars said in unison while looking at Eve suspiciously.

"What!" Eve shouted but not in a loud tone.

Sue and Nars looked at Eve quizzingly; "what's the latest update?" Sue asked.

"Update on what?" Eve asked pretending she doesn't know what they are talking about.

"On you and boss of course!" Nars exclaimed.

Eve "oh..."

"Well.. he is nice to me, he told me that he loves me and will wait until I love him before anything will happen between us, that's it" Eve said.

Sue and Nars looks at Eve and admires her relationship with the boss; they thought the boss to be very romantic inside but the only emotion he exludes is his cold aura but seem to do the opposite to Eve and because of that they envied their friend ( in a good way not a bad way ).

"Wish you all the best in your relationship with the boss and look forward to be the future god mother of yours and boss child" Sue and Nars said simultaneously.

Eve chicks becomes red as tomato when she understands what her friends said.

"Okay, let me go back the office before the boss becomes angry and I suggest you do the same" Eve said standing up from the chair she was sitting on.

Nars and Sue nods their heads to show that they agree to what Eve said and they stood and followed Eve out of the canteen.

When they got out of the elevator they waved goodbye and went their different ways.


When Eve got to the office, she saw Charlie sitting on his chair behind the desk. Charlie looks up at Eve. After a while he told Eve that his friends wants to meet her and therefore requested they have dinner together.

Eve hesitates for a few seconds before she answers "okay".

Good day!!!