
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasía
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30 Chs

First Quests

A heavy tension clung to Eldarion's brow as he led Arlo and Kian back to the bustling heart of the adventurer's guild. Inside, the air vibrated with the chatter of excited recruits, the rhythmic clinking of coins, and the metallic rasp of weaponry being sharpened.

They navigated the crowds until they reached a desk marked "Guild Reception," where a harried-looking woman with sharp eyes and a no-nonsense expression sat scrutinizing a parchment.

"Greetings, Gilda," Eldarion greeted her, his voice low. "These two are Arlo and Kian, our newest F-rank adventurers. They're here… well, let's just say they're seeking some clarification on recent events."

Gilda raised an eyebrow, her gaze flitting between them with skepticism. "Clarification? You mean the rumors making their way through the city? Young ones, you shouldn't lend your ears to every rumor that scurries through the guild like a mischievous rodent. We've issued an official statement, and that's all you need to know."

She paused, eyeing them intently. "Did you perhaps witness the strange phenomena lighting up the night sky recently?"

Arlo and Kian exchanged confused glances. Kian spoke up, cautious but firm. "We just want to understand why everyone seems so on edge. Eldarion suggested we seek some answers from the guild directly."

Gilda sighed, the sound heavy with unspoken anxieties. "It's connected, in a way," she conceded. "The official guild statement declares that a major city in Zephyra, the elven homeland, has been tragically lost. This happened around the same time as the strange celestial display. Thankfully, the incident hasn't affected Serendia, let alone Emberton."

Arlo and Kian weren't convinced. The unease gnawing at their gut hadn't vanished. Was she telling the whole story? Or was there something darker, something unspoken, hiding beneath the surface of her words?

They knew pushing Gilda further wouldn't yield any more information. The mask of authority she wore was firmly in place and challenging it head-on wouldn't do them any favors at this point.

Nodding in apparent acceptance, they thanked her and retreated, the guild's official statement leaving more questions than answers swirling in their minds.

"Something feels off," Arlo muttered, suspicion sharpening his voice.

Kian nodded; his brow furrowed. "Her explanation didn't sit right with me either. It felt…incomplete. Why would everyone here be so bothered if it happened so far away?" He realized his misstep, glancing at Eldarion, the half-elf who might have ties to the lost city.

Eldarion shrugged off their concern with practiced ease. "It's natural to feel shaken," he said, leading them to a quieter corner. "The news blindsided everyone. Whispers of a hero destined to fight the creeping darkness had been swirling in Serendia, but even the powerful elves couldn't resist whatever ravaged their city. Now, everyone's on edge, wondering who's next."

Arlo's voice dropped to a hushed whisper. "What do you mean, 'lose'?"

Eldarion's shrug revealed the scarcity of details. "From what we know, nobody can live there anymore. Anyone who ventured back… well, they haven't been seen since."

Horror flickered across Kian's face. He had a question itching on his tongue, a question about someone Eldarion might know, but it died unspoken in his throat.

Sensing the shift in mood, Eldarion cleared his throat. "But dwelling on what we can't change won't help. We all just need to get stronger, and hopefully, you both can join the Hero Academy when the time comes."

This new goal sparked a flicker of hope within them. Training to become heroes, maybe even facing the darkness head-on? It seemed daunting, but perhaps it was their chance to understand these mysterious events and prevent similar tragedies.

"While we're here," Kian chimed in, "might as well grab our first F-rank quest. Contribute however we can."

Despite the ominous news, Arlo felt a surge of anticipation. Picking up a quest, any quest, felt like a way to act, to contribute in some small way.

"Good thinking," Eldarion smirked. "Your soon-to-be favorite person, Gilda, can help you with that."

Kian and Arlo exchanged glances, a mix of trepidation and relief washing over them. They were glad they hadn't rubbed her the wrong way.

"Alright, let's head back then," Arlo agreed.

Kian nodded in concurrence.

Eldarion gave them a brief wave goodbye. "Don't worry, Gilda will take care of you. I have my own responsibilities to attend to. We'll catch up tonight at the barracks if you finish your quest quickly, otherwise, we'll chat soon."

With that, Eldarion disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving Arlo and Kian standing there, their newfound purpose tempered with the weight of the lost city and the unknown dangers that lurked ahead.

They took a deep breath, straightened their shoulders, and headed back to Gilda's desk, ready to face their first challenge as F-rank adventurers.

As they approached, Gilda glanced up, eyebrows raised. "Back so soon?"

Kian, eager to make a better impression, jumped in. "We're here to contribute! We want to take our first guild quest!"

Gilda's gaze softened slightly at his earnestness. "I suppose no one explained the rank system to you yet, have they?"

Arlo shook his head, a hint of confusion crossing his face.

Gilda sighed. "It's simple, really. You gain ranks by completing quests and performing heroic deeds. The specifics... well, let's just say it's proprietary information. We don't want anyone exploiting the system, you understand."

Arlo, ever curious, probed further. "So, about the Maze of Trials... what are the details?"

Gilda's eyes narrowed. "Ah, one of those, are you? Remember, reaching D-rank by the deadline requires significant effort."

Kian, brimming with youthful confidence, retorted, "Don't worry, we'll manage!"

Gilda's lips curved into a rare smile, amusement dancing in her eyes. "With such gusto, I wouldn't doubt it."

Arlo, eager to move things along, interjected, "So, which quests are available for F-rankers?"

Gilda turned her attention to him. "Quite a few, actually. Most adventurers quickly graduate from F-rank, leaving plenty of tasks needing attention. Just keep in mind, the rewards might not be as flashy."

Kian, his compassion ignited, nudged Arlo. "Come on, let's help people!"

Arlo chuckled. "Of course." He shifted towards Gilda. "Which quests do you have?"

Gilda listed them: "Delivery quests, gathering quests, slaying quests, and even a few miscellaneous ones. What type are you interested in?"

Arlo, ever the pragmatist, suggested, "Let's keep it simple for our first one. A gathering quest, perhaps? Are there any time limits or restrictions on how many quests we can accept?"

Gilda explained, "Each quest has its own set of rules. You can take on as many as you can handle, as long as you remember the deadlines and restrictions."

Kian, however, wasn't one for playing it safe. "Gathering sounds boring! Let's take on a slaying quest too. We're not afraid of a challenge!"

Arlo considered it. "Fair enough."

Gilda hummed thoughtfully, tapping her finger against the parchment. Finally, a triumphant glint flickered in her eyes. "I have just the thing for you," she declared, pulling out two separate quest scrolls. "There's a request to gather a rare medicinal herb called Echinacea, known for its immune-boosting properties. Apparently, it's plagued by pesky Umbrabeetles that devour the roots, sapping their potency. The same person needs both tasks done, so they won't interfere with each other. They'd prefer both completed, but even just one would be a big help."

Kian, bubbling with enthusiasm, practically snatched the scrolls. "We'll take them both!" he declared; a broad grin plastered on his face.

Gilda chuckled, a rare sight, and handed them over. "Remember," she advised, "once you reach E-rank, you'll need a catchy party name for higher-level quests. Think about it!"

Arlo, ever the practical one, raised a brow. "Only two people can be in a party?"

Gilda shook her head. "Any number works, as long as you function well together."

"Thanks, Gilda!" Kian chirped, already buzzing with excitement.

Gilda returned the smile with a nod. "Good luck on your first quests, young adventurers. May your blades be sharp and your wits even sharper."

With a final wave, Arlo and Kian exited the bustling guild, the quest details buzzing in their heads.

Kian, ever the optimist, scoffed. "Sounds easy enough," he declared, flexing his hand with mock-heroic flair. "Just some beetle busting and weed whacking, right?"

Arlo, however, cast a more cautious eye over the quest information. "Maybe not," he murmured, highlighting a specific line. "The reason this request probably hasn't been picked up yet? We gotta collect a hundred clumps of Echinacea and obliterate two hundred of those beetles. That's a lot of bug squashing and plant picking."

Kian's initial confidence dipped slightly, replaced by a determined glint in his eyes. "Well, we made our choice," he said, squaring his shoulders. "Time to follow through. Let's show them what these F-rank rookies are made of!"

With a shared grin, the two newfound adventurers embarked on their journey, stepping into the unknown with a mix of nerves and excitement.

This was only the beginning, but it promised to be a start unlike any other – a baptism by beetles and weeds, their first step on the path to becoming legendary heroes.

Thanks for the wait! Everything is finally resolved. I'm finally getting back into the groove of things, now.

What kind of quests would be interesting for some rookie adventurers?

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