
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Exterminators

Excitement thrummed through Arlo and Kian as they digested the quest details. Armed with newfound knowledge, they were eager to jump into their first adventure.

"So, what do we need?" Kian buzzed, practically bouncing on his toes.

Arlo scanned the quest information. "Looks like beetle tokens to prove our kills," he replied, tapping a specific line. "And that weed, Echinacea... a hundred clumps of it. That's a lot. More than our backpacks can handle."

Kian's brow furrowed. "Shopping spree, then?"

Arlo, ever the cautious one, hesitated. "We're a bit low on funds, but let's see what options are out there."

Their search didn't take long. A promising-looking general store caught their eye, and they entered. After a while, Kian, with his natural charm, managed to snag an employee's attention.

He explained their predicament to the young man, who chuckled. "Boy, a magical bottomless bag would solve your problem, but I reckon you wouldn't have the coin for it. No offense."

Kian grinned sheepishly.

The employee waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about that. Large sacks, they ain't pretty, but they get the job done. One for each of you should do the trick."

"Sounds good," Kian agreed, eagerness evident in his voice.

After a quick transaction, Arlo and Kian, equipped with their new gear, bid farewell to Emberton. Their destination lay east, a two-hour trek through fields of tall grass. Anticipation prickled their skin, the air buzzing with the promise of adventure.

The sun beat down on Arlo and Kian as they trudged through the tall grass, their new sacks bouncing rhythmically on their backs. 

It wasn't exactly the glamorous hero life they'd envisioned, but they were determined to make the most of it.

Think these Umbrabeetles are meaner than your average garden bug?" Kian wiped the sweat from his brow, the exertion of their trek through the tall grass was evident.

Arlo shrugged, adjusting his backpack. "Doubt it. Probably just bigger bark than bite, right?"

Suddenly, Kian stopped, eyes wide. "Whoa, Arlo! Look!"

He pointed toward a large, suspiciously smooth boulder nestled among the swaying grass. Curiosity piqued, Kian plopped down with a sigh, using the "rock" as a makeshift seat.

"Perfect spot for a breather," he mumbled, patting the smooth surface contentedly.

But the "rock" wasn't a fan of impromptu massages. With a groan that sounded like rusty hinges creaking, it shifted. 

Two beady black eyes blinked open, followed by antennae the size of broomsticks. 

The "rock" wasn't a rock at all, but an Umbrabeetle, easily as tall as a wolf and twice as grumpy.

Arlo's jaw dropped faster than a coconut falling from a palm tree. Kian, blissfully unaware, continued patting the "rock," humming a carefree tune. "Hey, this rock is actually pretty comfy," he mused.

Suddenly, the "rock" lumbered upright, finally realizing what was happening. 

Kian's eyes widened like dinner plates. He was still patting the beetle's back! "Whoa, buddy!" he yelped, scrambling back as the beetle swiped at him with an antenna, narrowly missing his head.

"Okay, maybe a tad more intimidating than we expected," Arlo quipped, drawing his halberd. "First beetle of the day, it seems. Care to share the honors?"

Kian, adrenaline pumping, grinned. "You bet! Let's show this overgrown bug who's boss!"

The ensuing battle was a blur of frantic dodging, desperate swings, and the satisfying crunch of beetle exoskeleton. 

Kian, fueled by adrenaline and a healthy dose of embarrassment, fought with surprising ferocity. 

Arlo, ever the strategist, targeted the weak points the beetle exposed in its rage.

Finally, with a defeated thud, the giant insect crumpled to the ground. Kian and Arlo stood panting, their muscles burning, having chosen to forgo their auras for some good old-fashioned weapon practice.

"Wow," Kian breathed, wiping sweat from his brow. "Maybe not your average beetle, huh?"

Arlo chuckled, despite the adrenaline still coursing through him. "Definitely unexpected. But hey, at least we got our first token!" 

He held up a gnarled segment of the beetle's antenna, a grim trophy of their encounter. "And a good reminder," he added, his voice sobering, "that we definitely need to learn more about the monsters we're supposed to be hunting."

With a newfound respect for even the seemingly harmless rocks, Arlo and Kian pressed on, their adventure now seasoned with a healthy dose of caution and a dash of beetle guts.

Arlo and Kian pressed deeper into the tall grass, a cautious silence replacing their playful banter. 

Each rustle of the wind and chirp of a hidden bird sent shivers down Kian's spine, the memory of the rock-beetle encounter fresh in his mind.

Suddenly, Arlo stopped, his hand instinctively gripping his halberd hilt. "Do you smell that?" he whispered, his gaze scanning the swaying grass.

Kian sniffed the air, detecting a mix of damp earth and a sharp, almost metallic tang. "Like... damp earth and... something sharp?"

Arlo nodded, his voice tense. "Follow me, but quietly."

They crept forward, the tall grass whispering against their legs. The scent grew stronger, leading them to a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. In the center lay a sight that made Kian grin and Arlo chuckle.

Dozens of Umbrabeetles, some even larger than the first, were feasting on a patch of vibrant Echinacea. 

Unlike the first lone behemoth, these seemed sluggish and clumsy, their movements more akin to lumbering cows than agile predators.

"Looks like giant, grumpy garden pests," Kian quipped, drawing his sword. "Ready for some pest control?"

Arlo's grin widened as he hefted his weapon. "Remember, no auras unless things get hairy," he winked. "Let's see who can claim the most trophies!"

A playful glint ignited in Kian's eyes. "Challenge accepted! May the best beetle-basher win!"

With a shared shout, they charged into the clearing. The battle that ensued was anything but graceful. 

The beetles, caught off guard and clumsy in their size, were no match for the swift movements and strategic attacks of the fledgling adventurers. 

Kian, fueled by competitive spirit, danced around the lumbering insects, landing precise blows with his sword. Arlo, ever the tactician, utilized his halberd's reach to land measured blows.

The air filled with the satisfying crunch of exoskeletons and the enraged hisses of the dying insects. Each fallen beetle fueled their rivalry, pushing them to fight faster, harder, and more efficiently. 

Kian, with his acrobatic swordsmanship, racked up an impressive count, while Arlo's tactical strikes earned him a steady stream of eliminations.

As the clearing began to resemble a graveyard of fallen beetles, the remaining ones, sensing danger, started to scatter—Arlo and Kian, panting but exhilarated, paused, their playful competition forgotten.

"Not bad for a rookie," Arlo chuckled, wiping sweat from his brow. "But it seems your fancy footwork can't beat the reach of my trusty halberd."

Kian scoffed playfully. "Hey, I took down these giants with a smaller weapon! Call it a tie?"

With a laugh, they surveyed the carnage. Each had collected roughly the same number of tokens, their individual styles proving equally effective. 

The clearing, once teeming with life, was now eerily quiet, the vibrant Echinacea clumps standing tall amidst the fallen foes.

"Looks like about a quarter of what we need," Arlo said, after collecting all the beetle tokens. "But there's still the Echinacea to gather. Think you can keep up?"

Kian grinned, his competitive spirit already rekindled. "Just try and stop me, golden warrior!"

They set to work with renewed purpose, their playful rivalry adding a spark to the task. 

The last echoes of laughter died down as Arlo and Kian busied themselves collecting the vibrant Echinacea. 

The quiet task was broken only by the chirping of hidden birds and the occasional crunch of a boot on discarded beetle parts. 

An unsettling feeling, however, began to creep over Kian as he worked. The silence felt heavy, the air thick with anticipation. He glanced at Arlo, who was focused on his task, but a furrow creased his brow.

"You ever get the feeling we're being watched?" Kian asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Arlo paused, his gaze sweeping across the clearing. "Maybe," he admitted, his tone low but unbothered. "But there's nothing to see here."

Suddenly, a twig snapped in the distance. Both adventurers froze, their eyes scanning the dense foliage. A rustle, then another, followed by a low growl that sent shivers down their spines, but not of fear. They had faced worse.

"Looks like our beetle-bashing attracted a bigger guest," Arlo said, a hint of amusement in his voice as he straightened up.

Kian smirked, his hand resting comfortably on his sword hilt. "Finally, something more interesting than oversized bugs."

The growl came again, closer this time. The tall grass parted, revealing a pair of glowing red eyes peering from the shadows. 

The creature emerged slowly, a hulking mass of muscle and bone, its fur bristling with aggression. It was unlike anything they had seen before, a monstrous hybrid of bear and wolf, teeth bared in a silent snarl.

Kian's grin widened. "Now that's what I call a challenge!"

Arlo chuckled, his gaze fixed on the beast. "Agreed. But let's not underestimate this one. Think a little aura might be helpful for our new friend?"

Kian's grin morphed into a predatory one. "You read my mind."

With a burst of energy, both young adventurers ignited their auras, their forms shimmering with contrasting colors of darkness and light. The clearing crackled with anticipation, the air thick with the promise of battle.

Together, they faced the unknown, their first quest taking an unexpected detour into a clash with a beast unlike any they had ever seen so far. The fight was on, and the thrill of the unknown danced in their eyes.

Arlo and Kian definitely have some growing to do in the adventuring department.

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