
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasía
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66 Chs

A speech

The next morning I was woken up by a knock on the door. When I heard the knock, I got out of bed, took the blade from the bed, and went to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw Hai, who told me.

Patriarch, I gathered all the people from the clan, as you said, and I divided them into three groups. When I heard this, I said.

Okay, after I said that, I stayed for a few seconds without saying anything, and then I said.

Then let's go. And I started walking towards the front of my house to join my people who were brought now and those who were already in the clan.

When I arrived in front of the clan, I could see the almost 300 people that the clan has at the moment, and I started to talk.

-Today, I stand before you not as a master, but as a liberator. From this day onward, I bestow upon you the gift of freedom and the opportunity for a brighter future. You are no longer bound by chains, but by the choices you make.

-I extend to you an invitation, an invitation to become a part of my clan. We offer not just protection but the promise of a life filled with hope, purpose, and opportunity. We are determined to guide you toward a future where you can truly flourish.

-But, I must be candid with you. In joining our clan, you will be entering a world where strength, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment are the price of our protection. We will train you, shape you into formidable individuals ready to defend not only your future but the future of our clan.

-Education will be your tool for empowerment; we will teach you to read and write, granting you the knowledge to shape your own destiny. Homes and lands will be provided to those who contribute to the betterment of our clan. In this sense, you will earn your place, not through coercion, but through dedication and hard work.

-However, I must also be frank about the darker side of our path. We do not tread the path of dignity or honor, but the path of pragmatism. The clan may call upon you to eliminate its adversaries, be they ordinary individuals or even martial artists. The clan may ask you to carry out actions that would be seen as ruthless, even taking innocent lives if it serves the greater good of our clan.

-It's not a choice to be taken lightly. But if you decide to take this step, you will do so with open eyes, understanding that the path is not easy, but the rewards are great. Our commitment is unwavering, our unity absolute, and the strength of our collective purpose is what drives us.

-The choice is yours, and it will be respected. Should you decide to embark on this journey with us, we will be here to guide you, protect you, and offer a chance for a future that is free from the shackles of your past. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead, and we shall emerge as a force to be reckoned with, always working towards the betterment of our shared destiny.

During the time I gave my speech, the people I took this time to the clan's land didn't make a sound and just listened. Once I finished my course, I heard cheers not only from people I had brought now but also from people who were already in my clan.

-I swear loyalty to the clan and to you, patriarch; we will give our lives if it is unnecessary for the clan. While everyone bowed to the onison, when I saw this, I raised my hand and said that there is no need to bow and that they can go back to their business, and then I looked at Hai, to whom I told him that I wanted to see him in the throne room to give me the report on what happened in the clan and to give him some orders.

After saying that, I started walking towards the throne room.