
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

The plan for the school and for the training of new members

When I arrived in the throne room, I went to the throne, sat on it, and started waiting for Hai to come. He came just a few seconds after I sat on the throne, bowed in front of me, and said

-Patriarch, during the time you were away from the clan, nothing significant happened; all that happened in the clan during this period was the fact that we trained the martial artists of the clan, we increased the land on which we grew food, we built more houses, and miners discovered an iron deposit. When I heard these things, I said

-I see you took care of the clan in my absence, as I said. To which Hai replied.

-I only did what you ordered, patriarch. When I heard this, I smiled and started talking again.

-Now that you have finished giving me the report, I will give you orders. After I said that, I looked at Hai for a second, and then I started giving orders.

-I want you to give the educated people I brought into the clan now to read the clan rules and tell them together with the other educated people who were already in the clan the rules of the clan to the other people I brought now. After you do that, I want you to build 15 buildings that can accommodate 10 children each, and I want an educated person in each building. These buildings must have 10 tables and chairs so that each of the children I brought this time and those I already had in the clan can begin to learn under the tutelage of an educated man, and I want that for every building, an educated man is assigned to teach the children. After I said that, I sat without speaking for a few moments to think about what else I could order Hai to do, and I started to speak again.

-I also want you to tell the learned people to make 150 copies of the clan rules to teach the children these rules. Besides that, I also want you to help me train the new members of the clan in martial arts. After I said this, he questioned.

-How many people will I have to teach from those who came to the clan this time? When I heard this, I sat and thought for a few seconds, and then I said

-I want you to learn half of them, which is 60, and I will take the other half. After they finish their training, we will distribute them among the groups of martial artists that are already in the clan, or we will create some new groups. We will decide this when they finish their training. After what I said, I heard Hai saying

-I understand, then can I withdraw or do you have any other orders for me, patriarch? To which I replied.

-Yes, I want you to bring me educated people who are already in the clan. After I said that, he said,

-Immediately, the patriarch After saying this, he started to leave the throne room. After he left, Jin entered the throne room and said,

-What a speech, sir. While he was looking intensely at me, I said.

-I just said my thoughts and nothing else. At which Jin started to smile slightly and said.

-Very well, then I wish you a good day, patriarch. And he left the throne room after making a bow.

After Jin left, I waited for the learned people to come. After some time, all ten came, and I asked.

-You've probably already heard from Hai what to do, haven't you? To which one of them came forward and said

-Mr. Hai told us what the patriarch wanted to do, but he did not tell us why the patriarch called us. The man who said this was an old man in his 50s with long white hair, a long white beard, and many wrinkles on his face that resembled the description of a friendly old man from almost all the novels. After I finished examining the old man, I asked.

-What is your name? To which he quickly replied.

-My name is Lei Patriarch. After hearing the name, I said

-Lei, I offer you the position of leader of the learned people of the clan. Do you accept it? After I said that, he answered immediately.

-I thank you for this honor, patriarch. While he was bowing and after he finished bowing, I told him that I wanted them to transcribe some songs that I would give them and that I wanted them to make the children of the clan sing them before starting the lessons and after to induce to them a sense of loyalty to the clan. After I said that, I told them the songs line by line and they took notes. After that, I said they could go back to their houses, and I went to sleep.