
The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back

wAndrea's world turned upside down after giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, only to be told by her husband's girlfriend, Monica, that she had given birth to a stillborn girl. "I'm sorry to break the news to you, Andrea. Your baby was dead before it came out of your womb. You gave birth to a stillborn baby," Monica's words cut through her like a knife. Her husband kicked her out of the house and sent her to prison for a crime she never committed. After six years, she returned to the United States, but this time, she's out for revenge. She will make him, his girlfriend, and his mother pay for everything they did to her.

Constance_9529 · Ciudad
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7 Chs


I stayed at the psychiatric hospital for almost three weeks until the opportunity to escape finally presented itself, and I took it. 

I headed straight to Monica's hospital the minute I escaped. I managed to change into comfy clothes and threw away the hospital gown that I came with.

Upon reaching Monica's office, I heard voices. She was not alone. There was a woman there with her.

They both laughed about the misfortune that had befallen me, and I heard Monica brag about how she had injected me with all manner of drugs that day after I delivered my baby. Drugs that would make me lose my mind and go insane.

"Gosh, that bitch is such a stubborn one," I heard Monica say.

The two women started laughing.

"How is the plan of getting rid of her going?" the other woman asked.

"Very well," Monica replied.

I swung the door open and burst inside. Monica thought she'd seen a ghost. The other woman quickly covered her face with her cloth from fear of being discovered. I brought out a recorder and showed it to Monica.

"I have your confession right here. Everything you said in this room was all recorded in here," I said to her.

I could see fear in her eyes. Her legs became shaky, and her hands began to tremble. I quickly rushed towards the other woman who had covered her face with her cloth.

I started dragging the cloth away from her face, but she didn't want to let me see her face. Then, suddenly, I felt something shatter on my head, and before I knew it, streams of blood began to run down my face. The blood covered my eyes. I couldn't see anything. I felt someone run past me.

I quickly tried to clean off the blood from my eyes to catch a glimpse of the fleeing woman.

But this time, I felt something really strong, like an iron, hit the back of my head. I slowly turned my back to know what hit me and saw Monica holding a long, heavy rod. Did she really plan on killing me herself today? I said these words in my heart as I fell in the pool of my blood.

When I woke up, I was surprised to see that I was already back at the dragon's mansion. I quickly reached for my pocket only to discover that the recorder was no longer there. It was gone; they took it.

Henry had fallen asleep beside me.

I woke him up and didn't bother to ask him how I got here. All that matters to me was my son.

"Have you found him? Where is our son Henry, where is he? I don't see him anywhere!" I cried.

I felt like dying. The pain was too much. I never knew losing a child could hurt this much.

I jumped off the bed and grabbed the pen knife from on top of the table and aimed for my neck to end it all. But Henry caught me right on time.

"Leave me alone, Henry. I want to die. If you can't provide my son for me, then I'm better off dead." He closed my mouth and hugged me tightly.

"Please don't act this way. If you continue this way, I won't be able to stop them from taking you away. If truly what you said is true about our son, don't you think it's best you think things through and plan your next move more carefully?" He kissed my forehead and took me back to the bed.

Henry has a point. I need to be strong for our son, but how can I control how I feel? How can I stop my heart from aching this much?

" Henry, this pain, it would kill me. I don't think I would be able to hold on for too long. It's all a conspiracy. I'm certain about it." My heart began to beat so fast. I tried to catch my breath but couldn't.

I felt Henry's hand move around me. He hugged me tightly until I became calm. He kissed my cheek and promised that he would not rest until he gets to the bottom of the issue.

I felt his hand run through my shirt, and then he grabbed my boobs and began to gently squeeze them while he kissed my lips so passionately that I almost forgot that I was still grieving.

I could feel his hand on my stomach, romancing it softly, and slowly it began to find its way to my headquarters. It finally arrived there. Slowly I could feel his finger inside of me. I moaned and screamed in pleasure.

He quickly removed his lips from my nipples and began to kiss my lips again.

And finally, he brought out his dick and put it inside of me, and then he began to make love to me. I was happy at that moment.

I never wanted him to stop. Henry knew I wanted him so badly. I've longed for him so passionately ever since we both got married. I've longed for his touch, for his love.

This was the very first time he made love to me after our marriage. He certainly knows how to please a woman and how to explore every cranny of our bodies.

After we made love, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was startled by my father-in-law who was beside me.

I used the duvet to cover my body properly because I was still naked.

"Thank God you're awake. I'm sorry to have startled you. But it's a matter of urgency.

"What do you mean, sir?" My voice barely whispers.

"You were right after all. This whole thing was a conspiracy.

And I know who took your baby and where they had taken him to. But your life is in danger. Meet me at the horse stable by 8 tonight. Please don't be late and be discrete." He kissed my forehead.

And in that moment, I swear we both heard the sound of a camera. Mr. Dragon quickly ran out of the room looking so scared.

I was confused and couldn't take all of this at once. What exactly am I dealing with here? Whatever made Mr. Dragon this scared is certainly way out of my league. Way bigger than I thought.

I couldn't wait for it to be 8 already. And immediately it was time, I quickly dashed out of the room and went straight to the stables. On getting there, I could swear I saw a man running the minute he saw me coming. The place was a little bit dark.

The only light there was very faint, and you could hardly see a thing. I started walking towards the direction that I saw the man running off to. Suddenly, I felt my legs bump into something.

I looked closely at what it was and found out that it was a dead body. I screamed and fell to the ground. My whole body shook and trembled greatly. I moved closer to the body only to discover that it was Mr. Dragon. He had been murdered.

I screamed, and I felt my hand had touched something. I raised it up only to discover that it was a gun. The gun used in killing Mr. Dragon.

I quickly dropped the gun and stood up in a hurry.

"I need to flee this place at once, if not, I would be held responsible for Mr. Dragon's death," I said.

But it was already too late. When I turned my back, I noticed that it was all a set-up. The police were all around me, pointing their guns and flashlights at me.

"Raise your hands above your head, where we could see them," said the police.

Busted for a crime I didn't commit.