
The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back

Contemporary Romance
En Curso · 592 Visitas
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What is The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back

Lee la novela The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back escrita por el autor Constance_9529 publicada en WebNovel. wAndrea's world turned upside down after giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, only to be told by her husband's girlfriend, Monica, that she had given birth to a stillborn girl."I'm sorry to b...


wAndrea's world turned upside down after giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, only to be told by her husband's girlfriend, Monica, that she had given birth to a stillborn girl. "I'm sorry to break the news to you, Andrea. Your baby was dead before it came out of your womb. You gave birth to a stillborn baby," Monica's words cut through her like a knife. Her husband kicked her out of the house and sent her to prison for a crime she never committed. After six years, she returned to the United States, but this time, she's out for revenge. She will make him, his girlfriend, and his mother pay for everything they did to her.

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