
The Anthology of Pointlessness

Autor: iappo
En Curso · 36.1K Visitas
  • 11 Caps
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What is The Anthology of Pointlessness

Lee la novela The Anthology of Pointlessness escrita por el autor iappo publicada en WebNovel. A collection of random stories brought up in a moment of contemplation....


A collection of random stories brought up in a moment of contemplation.

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Supreme Asura

Long time ago, Four Kingdoms continues to fight to seek for a higher power and dominance with each other. They even kill mercilessly inorder to survive the chaos being held in the co-kingdoms. Sky Flame Kingdom, Sky Ice Kingdom, Hollow Earth Kingdom and Wind Fury Kingdom, these kingdoms never ever back down to their feet and will never ever makes themselves look into the ground. It is said that the appearance of Dou City who brings peace to these lands in up to this days due to the Treaty of these four kingdoms. But how long could be a treaty will be effective or how could this piece of contract could longer sustain the upcoming wars would be plotted by each kingdoms to the other Kingdoms they held grudges? At the age of six, young Li Xiaolong realized the hardship of their lives caused by the bad and cruel treatment of the Sky Flame Kingdom that covered their clan which is the Li Clan. This is rumoured that their Li Clan in the past does make Sky Flame Kingdom enraged to them and until now it remains unsolved resulting to some devastating and misfortune of Li Clan in the hands of this kingdom. Li Clan considered to be a progressive clan in the past . Having some great achievement and foundation in those lands residing in those progressive clans but now they are being dumped in the barren lands in the Green Valley where they have to start to live again and continue with their own living. What used to be said to be in a prosperous life is now entrenched in the kingdom. Could they really survive in the hands of those high ranking officials of Sky Flame Kingdom if they are getting bolder and bolder each passing days and making some evil tricks up to their sleeves?!

jilib480 · Fantasía
716 Chs

Cursed Child: Eater With The Odd Eye

O Bored Prowler of the white pages stained in dark ink. Do ye tire and lose interest in the scrolls of endless writers that tell the dry tales of Systems? Of modern men who traverse through time and space to arrive in fantastical worlds where they achieve naught but baseless journeys? Of tasteless worlds with no intrigue, failing to grasp thy mind? If that be the case, hearken unto me, O Prowler! Let me appeal to thy desire for adventure and darkness, bringing thee into the world of LEASTRIA, where ye shall follow the story of foul men born from distorted shadow! Where selfish Stars toy with fate from their Odd Demesnes! Where the Enlightened, the Sorcerers, the Cradlers and the Genuine Accursed roam and rend the Sheltered Lands with their obscene lust and greed! Where ye shall follow the story of the Cursed Child as he seeks ‘The Bringing’ and rises from meagrehood to significance under thy eyes. Hearken unto my voice and begin this tale, if ye fear not to prowl in Mythology. Do ye dare, O Prowler, to be lost in true Fantasy? ---------------- ---------------- [Author’s Advice Before Venturing Into The Book] Hey there! Just to let you know, there will be no Systems, Transmigration or Harems in this story. However, R18 content along with some really dark stuff will be featured as this is, at its core, a dark fantasy novel. This book is a traditional fantasy, with a gigantic world and mythical creatures and places that will all be explored with time. That said, it is not slow or fast in its progression, but it does pay attention to every detail. If you do not enjoy slower pace stories or detailed worlds, then don’t bother reading this. The main character will be dissected progressively and not be shoved down your throat in but a single chapter as are the many concepts in this book. Many things are left for you to interpret and not all answers are given to you on a silver platter. Such is the nature of this tale. If you don’t like this, then thanks for reading this far. Lastly, I advise that you read the first three chapters in addition to the two Prologues before deciding on whether or not this is for you. Thanks!  

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Bloody Hunters Saga - Red Moon Love Book 1

Her world as she knew was about to radically change. When her car crashed by accident in the gate of a billionaire hybrid, Thomas DiAngelo, Mika Reigna's life was under a death threat. The Red Moon was witness of the hunt while the 18-year-old girl was running for her life, after being bitten by the over 500-year-old vampire-werewolf with a youthful appearance and the looks of a heartthrob. Her footsteps were taking her in the heart of the forest on the vast dominion the hybrid had, to escape the Devil who was after her to devour her special human blood. Neither Thomas, nor Mika, knew what the craze under the Red Moon event was about to bring among them. She was human, but was she? Would he kill her, or would he protect her from himself? Would love, pure love, conquer their hearts for one another? Did they have a past connection? What significance did the Red Moon have for them? Was she going to accept her new fate that was destined for her since birth? Thomas DiAngelo was a cruel beast, but with a pure soul for what mattered. He was head of the Hybrids House, but also leader over the other eight supernatural houses around the world. In front of the human world, he was a ruthless businessman, feared by others. Every Red Moon event, he would lose control over himself and needed to be restrained by his people under chains and spells, to not go on a killing spree and attack the innocent. But that fateful night, when Mika crashed with her car in his main gate, nothing worked to keep him at bay, for her blood drove him insane in cravings and the unwanted hunt began.... The story and series will bring you vampires, werewolves, witches, banshees, and many other creatures for the houses stood for a certain species. You'll meet romance, supernatural, real world, business world, comedy, action, horror, betrayal, jealousy, friendship, brotherhood, and more. Red Moon Love is the first book in the Bloody Hunters Saga series.

Andra-Cristiana Stan · Ciudad
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Shameless author review. Not much to say about this except that this is where all my good ideas will die. Ciao, iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo iappo


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