
Survival of The Fittest

Within the depths of the ever expanding space, was an asteroid. The asteroid was set on a course for collision. Traveling throughout space, the asteroid had already hit many other asteroids and meteors in its path. With each collision peces of the asteroid would break off and go in differing directions or be pulled along by the asteroid's larger mass.

In one eventful moment, the asteroid had crashed into a planet. Luckily, the planet was not destroyed. Instead, the asteroid and planet combined, forming an even larger planet. While the shape of the planet was a bit lopsided, over an eon or so, the planet was once again approaching its more spherical shape due to centripetal forces.

After the planet had cooled down from the collision with the asteroid, strange beings started popping up. Along with the appearance of these beings was meteors. Meteors holding massive amounts of ice pelted the planet, dropping its temperatures even further. While at first this was bad for the life that had begun to show itself. The sun that the planet was orbiting was steadily heating the planet, so there were no glaring problems as of now.

Countless centuries had passed and life on the planet was flourishing. Trees, grasses, flowers, fish, birds, land animals, beasts, and things alike were everywhere on the planet. While everything was progressing smoothly on the planet, in another place, higher level beings were monitoring the planet's progress.

Within a massive disk-like structure flying through space, three ancient looking beings were having a meeting.

"Now that we have created life, we are approaching another step closer to being gods." (1)

"Our next step should be to introduce a higher level species to the planet. We can influence them into creating religions and increase our worshippers." (2)

"I second that idea." (3)

"Then I guess that means we should aslo to send one of those out." (1)

"Correct. I will begin preparations." (3)

"Alright, this meeting has concluded. Lets get back to work." (1)

While this discussion may have seemed quite short, in reality it was even shorter than it may have appeared. Their entire conversation had taken approximately a tenth of a second.


Back on the planet everything was calm as calm could ever become. The ecosystem on the planet had been formed with a simple 'food web' in place. A social hierarchy of sorts, had been formed among the beasts on the planet. While this included all kinds of different beasts, the weaker, normal animals were left out.

Among the beasts at the top of the food chain was a now rising species. This species was a new breed of reptile, while docile in temperment they were a force to be reckoned with. Even though beasts couldn't properly communicate amongst one another, they had still managed to form a name for this new species; Korz.

The Korz could be described as being similar in appearance to the lower ranking Crocodiles. The most notable difference between the two was the strength of their bodies. While Crocodiles themselves are plenty strong, the weakest Korz is several tens of times stronger. While only differing in the average size by roughly two feet of tail length, the Korz dominate most if not all species currently on the planet. In a fight among a Korz and five Crocodiles, the Korz will win 100% of the time.

One stormy night, within a fog covered forest. A Korz was running, its body was covered in wounds. Some of the wounds were healing while others weren't. The Korz seemed to be running away from something, occasionally looking back, straining its neck in the process, it would spot a flickering shadow.

As the Korz was running it had gotten its foot caught in a rotting log. With the difficulties of running with a log attached to its foot, the Korz tried to break the log. Unfortunately while the Korz was doing so it's predator caught up to it.

Breathing deeply, the Korz looked behind with fright dancing within its eyes. A beast clad in coarse and dense fur, roughly a length of 3 or more meters and a shoulder height of 1.8 meter. The beast had an appearance akin to a hyena except a bit larger.

While the 'hyena' could not match the strength of the Korz, it made up for it with strength in numbers. Following the 'hyenas' arrival, 4 more crept out of the fog laden forest.

Surrounded from all sides the Korz began to plan. Looking around at the 'hyenas' it waited with baited breath...