
Testing Powers

Upon entering the center of the forest, Kietn was amazed by the sight before him. A large circular lake was what awaited him. The lake was almost entirely clear, although for some strange reason he couldn't see further than tens of feet deep into the lake, he could see a large amount of different fish as well as vaguely the bottom of the lake.

Looking along the edges of the lake he saw many beasts going to-and-fro, from within the forest and up to the lake. Each beast would take a drink and continue on their way. At the corner of his eye Kietn saw a quite large fish moving around the lake. Occasionally the fish, similar in appearance to an eel, would snatch a fish as it swam by.

After watching the 'eel' swim around for a little longer Kietn finally grasped some semblance of seriousness.

"Time to test out my strength. Lets go!" (Kietn)

Kietn's first step to testing his strength was his physical strength. Making a fist Kietn punched a nearby tree. With a loud boom all trees in front of him collapsed and crumbled. Shocked at his own strength Kietn made it a point to tone it down if he ever fought a normal opponent.*

*Ding* [Experience received. Level Up. Level Up. Level Up. Level...]

*Ding* [Congratulations host, you have reached level 52]

*Ding* [Received Level 50 Bonus: Guide to Magic.]

With that notification a book fell in front of Kietn. Picking it up Kietn inspected the cover. A simple hardcover book with a smooth polished leather feel, embroidered was the title: Guide to Magic. Opening the book released a bright ray of light that was focused on Kietn's forehead. Not much long after, the light disappeared and the book started fading away.

Feeling new knowledge in his brain about magic, Kietn began his experiments with magic.


Two weeks had passed and Kietn had made quite a bit of progress in his magic 'studies.' He could now structure his thoughts to further help in the formation of a spell. Previously he had just had vague imaginations on what he wanted the spell to be, resulting in a weak and lackluster spell.

Currently Kietn was trying out space magic.

"Goddamn. Why won't it stay together?!"

At the moment Kietn was trying to form the 'spacial storage' that all mc's love. But, he had run into difficulties. Whenever he made a spatial rift to put his items in, it would be fine if he kept it open. The moment he closed it however, the space would collapse and he would lose the items within. Not quite understanding the problem he continued with a 'trial and error' approach.

After his 13th try, Kietn had given up.

*Ding* [The system recommends imbuing an item with 'spatial storage' rather than trying to have one just floating around.]

Face palming, Kietn grabbed a nearby rock. Focusing on the image of forming a three dimensional space within the rock, Kietn began channeling his mana. The rock had begun to glow at this point, becoming brighter and brighter before subsiding.

Opening his eyes Kietn froze. What was once a rock was now just a pile of dust. Trying to understand what went wrong he raced through his mind.

*Ding* [Storage Stone creation failed. System suggests studying further.]

"What is this bullshit. I thought I was supposed to be OP?!" (Kietn)*

With a red face of anger Kietn gave up on creating his heavenly 'Spatial Storage.' Wondering about what to do next he began walking around the lake. Watching the eel as he was walking Kietn couldn't think of a single idea for a practical magic that wouldn't result in him being hunted down.

Giving up, Kietn decided to return to the capital. His self study was not a waste even though he couldn't yet grasp magic. He had learned how to better control his massive amount of strength, he had also learned to hide the aura produced by his traits. With his breakthrough in self control Kietn felt more comfortable about being around other people.

Kietn's new goal was to get a class. He had yet to decide upon what class at the moment. He had several choices that he thought may be suitable for him. The classes he had thought of were: knight, magic knight, martial artist, warrior, and finally magister. While he wasn't very good at magic for the moment, he still wanted to have more options.

Arriving back in Swallowma, Kietn began asking about where to get a class, or what the locals call a 'profession.' Wandering around for a while he found an interesting place.

He had entered a building with a sign saying 'Mercenary Guild.' Being overcome with curiosity and expectation from reading novels he walked in without waiting a second. Once inside Kietn was greeted by a quiet and clean interior with a nice rustic tavern-like feel to it. Most things were made of a high quality wood giving the room a nice wood smell along with various smells of food and alcohol. Looking around, there weren't too many people inside just the occasional person sitting at a table with a pint of ale.

Approaching the front desk Kietn was about to inquire about what the Mercenary Guild did. Before he could say anything however, the lady at the desk spoke up.


"Eh, um, yes." (Kietn)


With that she handed him a paper with a small list on it. At the top it said 'Mercenary Guild Summary' followed by a few bullet points. Reading through Kietn understood that it was basically a place for people to submit any kind of request as long as it didn't go against the law. For those willing to pay extra, they could request specific mercenaries to complete the mission. The request would then be put on a board, after providing the reward money of course, for all mercenaries to browse at their leisure.

It wouldn't be wrong to call it a simple organization. Pleased with its simplicity Kietn looked back at the receptionist.

"How do I register?" (Kietn)*


*similar to when saitama beat genos in their mock battle.

*due to suggestions I have made the mc inept when it comes to overly delicate tasks

*I went a bit off-track toward the end there, my apologies