
Level Up! Level Up! Level...

Dumbfounded by his own awesomeness Kietn was close to going on a power trip.

'System, who's the strongest person in the capital at the moment?" (Kietn)

*Ding* [The current strongest person is currently the host. The second strongest being Pope Edgar of the Religion of Aeon. He is currently preaching as usual within the main hall of the church.]

'Who is the strongest within the human empire?' (Kietn)

*Ding* [The strongest would be the host as well. Second would be Magic Knight, Sir Dwight. He is currently stationed within the Magic Knight Academy.]

'How about the Beast kingdom and the empire of Ancients?' (Kietn)

*Ding* [The strongest within the the Beast kingdom is the Beast King Doban, although he is about to be surpassed by his daughter, Princess Ekta. Within the empire of Ancients, the Ancient Dragon, Bolgoc currently reigns as the second strongest on the Ranso Continent, the host is of course stronger.]

'En. How do I compare to the Demon King?' (Kietn)

*Ding* [The host is currently weaker. Within the next few days you will surpass the Demon King in stats.]

"That's so boring!" (Kietn)

Having yelled out abruptly he received stares from almost everyone. More parents pulled their children aside and told them to have more faith. Realizing his folly Kietn ran off to the Commoner District. Once there he slowed down and asked the system a few more questions.

'Who is currently the strongest in the world?' (Kietn)

*Ding* [The strongest being on this planet is the Great Serpent, Silten. His body is currently acting as a barrier preventing the demons from reaching Ranso across the water.]

'When will I get stronger than him?' (Kietn)

*Ding* [Impossible at the host's current state. The Great Serpent Silten has reached Transcendence and is currently a Half-God. He is steadily getting stronger due to him absorbing the sap from the World Tree. Although, he is currently dying because of the strong beasts leeching his blood from his body. The reason he allows such transgressions is because he is preoccupied with the world tree.]

With a sigh of relief Kietn felt a weight ease off his shoulders.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I haven't attracted too much attention yet." (Kietn)


[Celestial Calendar Year 789, Night of Sorrows]*

In a dark palace situated on the top of a mountain, an old demon sat whilst divining the future. With sweat covering his back he unsteadily jumped up from his lotus position. Running out of the room and down several different corridors, he reached the throne room.

"M-Milord! *pant* bad news, really bad news!" (Seer)

"Silence Golu! Collect your thoughts and report in an orderly manner." (Demon King)

After a brief pause the seer Golu collected himself.

"Milord, I have seen the future. A terrible catastrophe will happen in the years to come." (Golu)

"What is this nonsense about a catastrophe?" (Demon King)

"On the Ranso Continent. I felt a surge from the capital of Swallowma. I predict there to be a great being coming into existence." (Golu)

Golu tried his best to calmly explain the situation to his master. With cold sweat on his back he thought back to the image that he had divined. A great war ended by a single being, a massacre of inconceivable proportions. He remembered seeing small pieces of a battle between the Great Serpent and a being of an unknown visage. Their encounter destroying land and sky in the process.

The demon King could sense his subject's worry and began thinking. Resolving himself he stood up.

"We shall try our best to get on this beings good side and at the minimum try not to offend it." (Demon King)

Passing down orders to his subjects the Demon King sat back down on his throne. His subjects were passing messages around spreading the word and commissioning for the demons to start an industrial revolution of sorts.

On the continent of Ranso, similar events were happening within the three powers' territories. Except, the Human Empire and the empire of Ancients decided upon an alliance to take down this being. The Demons and Beasts being the only ones to think of the possible repercussions.


Back in present time, Kietn has already left the capital of Swallowma. Currently Kietn is within the Great Forest a few thousand miles away from Swallowma. Walking through the forest he saw many different beast and plant life. Occasionally a beast would coming charging at Kietn, giving him ample experience.

*Ding* [Received 100,000 Exp for killing Mire Wolf Alpha.]*

*Ding* [Level Up. Level Up. Level Up. Host is now level 23.]


*Five years into the new Demon Kings Reign (mc is in the 794th year of the Celestial Calendar)

*The mc has a 25% exp boost coupled with overhaul. Overhaul basically doubles good things and halves bad things.