
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

The date (62)

Aaron lay somewhere in a random apartment he now called home or cover-up,he really doesn't want to go through the hassle of constantly being sneaky when he enter his base and so he decided to just stay in an apartment because why the fuck not.

The apartment was unremarkable, with simple furnishings and plain decor. It allowed Aaron to keep a low profile and go about his business without attracting unnecessary attention. Or to be more exact a place villain can use to destroy to quench their hunger to see him suffering he doesn't really care as this isn't his house.

As Aaron reclined on the sofa in his apartment, he turned on the TV, not expecting anything out of the ordinary. However, the screen came to life, revealing the figure of a man dressed in a striking red costume, his face concealed behind a mysterious mask. The man's voice was both charismatic and unsettling as he addressed the audience.

"With all the twists and turns in our show," the man declared with an air of grandeur, "we've reached a momentous occasion, the grand finale. And what would be a better finale than to end the anomaly?"

The man on the screen continued with a cold and calculated tone, listing dates and addresses that were meant to draw Aaron into a mysterious confrontation.

"A week from now, we will be at the abandoned warehouse on 4th Street," the man said, his voice devoid of any emotion.

As the man on the screen continued to assert the significance of the upcoming events, Aaron's grin remained taunting and defiant. The enigmatic figure seemed less intimidating from up close, and Aaron relished the opportunity to challenge him.In response to the man's questioning of his authority, Aaron maintained his grin and proclaimed, "I am the main attraction."

The man's confidence wavered slightly as Aaron questioned the wisdom of using a wish to summon him. "Your whole finale depends on killing the anomaly, but what if the anomaly doesn't show up... huh?" Aaron posed the question with a sly smile."I would have just summoned you with the goddess's power," Suel replied, his own confidence returning.

Aaron, however, continued to outmaneuver him, "But would someone so high and mighty as yourself waste a wish just to bring back the anomaly? And let's be honest here, the goddess doesn't have much left one wish might be what it take to...."Suel fell silent, his frustration and anger barely contained beneath his composed exterior.

Aaron seized the opportunity, exposing the cracks in Suel's grand plan. "You act as if you have all control over this whole show, but in reality, the most important part of this puzzle piece... if the anomaly never shows up, there wouldn't be a finale, and you would have lied to your fans. I'm sure your views would have dropped by a decent margin... The lying creator, wouldn't that be horrible?"

With a final taunting smile, Aaron's hologram approached the man, and with a dismissive tone, he asserted his dominance, "So here's how this is going to go. I will set the time and place while you be a good puppy and listen... OK... good boy."The man's anger was palpable, but Aaron's calculated taunting had gained him the upper hand, leaving Suel temporarily outmaneuvered and unable to maintain his composure.

With a casual and nonchalant demeanor, Aaron delivered the ultimatum, "Alright, as I am pretty busy... we will fight in 2 weeks in the abandoned city nearby. I could have decided to go with three days but because your ass was too power-hungry to see far into the future I choose 2 weeks just to be annoying" Aaron said chuckling a bit to himself.

"Anyway I ain't too too picky, so see ya then, Suel~sama."

His holographic image vanished from the screen, leaving the man, Suel, with no choice but to accept the challenge and the terms of their impending showdown. The countdown had begun, and the abandoned city was destined to be the stage for a high-stakes confrontation between the anomaly and the creator.


Ace stood in front of the wall, staring at the crude message scrawled upon it, "{I fucked your mom}." It was a vulgar and offensive statement that left him feeling a mixture of frustration and a slight bit of anguer at himself for being fouled...

As he processed the insult, something unexpected happened. His hair, for a mere split second, turned white. In that brief moment, a vision flashed before him. He saw the image of his unconscious mother, her body enclosed in a healing tube. It was a sight that stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him, emotions he had long suppressed.

Ace reached out, yearning to touch the vision of his mother, to bridge the gap that had separated them for so long. But as quickly as the vision appeared, it vanished, leaving him standing in front of the offensive graffiti once more.

The sudden, vivid experience had rekindled a deep longing and a sense of nostalgia, as he glimpsed a connection to the mother he had been searching for. It was a bittersweet moment that left him with a renewed determination to uncover the truth about her disappearance and the mysteries that surrounded her.

meanwhile, on a computer screen, Rui was seen overlooking all of this, she had done what Aaron had asked and now the only thing left was to wait.

Rui's eyes shifted to the screen as she saw a man approaching Aaron's house.

A/N happy new year