
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

The anomaly dying (58)

With determination burning in his eyes and a cold resolve in his heart, Aaron faced the room filled with Jamatos, including the devious Beroba. His previous humor and teasing had transformed into a fierce determination.

The odds were heavily stacked against him, but Aaron was not one to back down. He understood that this was not just a match; it was a fight for his life. And in that moment, he was ready to unleash his full power and skill to protect himself.

His clenched fists and gritted teeth were a testament to his unwavering will. Aaron knew that he might be outnumbered, but he was not outmatched. He was about to show the Jamatos that they had severely underestimated him.

Which to be fair was a good thing as he frankly did not feel like using his brain that much.

Aaron looked at the countless Jamato coming toward him with a joyful expression on his face.

"Come at me fucker," Aaron said with a smile on his face as all the jam a to around rushed toward him all of them having the intent to kill clearly written in their eyes.

Facing a horde of oncoming Jamatos, Aaron's confident and somewhat amused demeanor showed that he was anything but intimidated. A grin played on his lips as he relished the upcoming brawl. The room was filled with the sound of his opponents approaching with deadly intent.

In a flash, Aaron was surrounded, but he was unfazed. His well-honed combat skills, enhanced by his Kamen Rider ability...' Wait where the fuck my driver' Aaron thought suddenly before he realize that it was behind the horde of Jamato...guess only his combat skills and intellect were about to come into play.

As the first Jamato lunged at him, Aaron's movements became a blur. He dodged the attacks with expert precision, effortlessly outmaneuvering his opponents. His strikes were precise and powerful, and with each punch or kick, a Jamato went down.

It was a chaotic and intense battle, but Aaron remained calm. His senses were heightened, his reflexes were lightning-fast, and his combat abilities were pushed to their limits. He fought with a fierce determination, and one by one, the Jamatos felt the sting of defeat.

The room became a whirlwind of action as Aaron skillfully took on each opponent. He didn't need witty remarks or jokes this time. His fighting prowess spoke for itself. Jamatos flew, and those who dared to confront him quickly realized that they had made a grave mistake.

With each adversary he dispatched, Aaron's smile grew wider. This was his element, he was used to getting jumped and he had a fighting style to combat it.

Even amidst the fierce battle with the Jamatos, Aaron couldn't resist the opportunity to make some snarky remarks. His humorous comments acted as verbal jabs, further irritating Beroba, who was watching the chaotic brawl unfold.

As he dispatched one of the Jamatos with a well-placed kick, Aaron quipped, "Man, these guys really need to work on their teamwork. Maybe some team-building exercises are in order?"

Another Jamato charged at him, only to be met with a powerful punch. "You guys must have skipped combat class," Aaron said, grinning. "And they say education is important!"

Beroba's growing frustration was evident, and her Jamatos were failing to suppress Aaron's confidence.

For a slight second a chance opened and he rushed for it dodging the Jamato before sliding in between some of their legs and grabbing his driver.

Finally..he could transform and make this a lot easier.

The moment Aaron tried to put the driver around his waist, a sudden, horrifying surprise struck. A collar materialized around his neck with an audible clinking sound, and before he could even react, a surge of electricity coursed through his body.

His screams of pain filled the room as the collar delivered a debilitating shock. Beroba watched with a wicked smile as her trap was revealed, seemingly relishing Aaron's agony. The room was filled with the dissonant chorus of electric currents and Aaron's cries.

In this moment, it appeared that escaping the clutches of the Jamatos and Beroba's malicious schemes was becoming increasingly difficult.

"Quite the predicament you've found yourself in, Aaron-kun," Naomi's chibi form said with a sadistic grin. "You see, we can't have you running around all powered up, making this too easy for you, now can we?"

Aaron gritted his teeth, glaring at the chibi, but the collar's shocks were a stark reminder of his vulnerability.

"You sadistic bitch" Aaron said with gritted teeth..that shit hurtled like hell.

How the fuck..wait this necklace or collar whatever will break if he.....

That just might do it.

Aaron was swarmed by the relentless Jamato, making it nearly impossible for him to act. The collar's shocks still coursed through his body, weakening him. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, Aaron managed to use the electric shocks from the collar to his advantage. He endured the pain, channeling it through his body. As the Jamato came closer, he touched them, transferring the shocks from his collar into their bodies. It created a chain reaction, incapacitating several of them in an electrifying display. This strategy brought him a brief moment of reprieve in the midst of the battle.

The advanced Jamato stood before Aaron, its appearance indicating a higher level of strength and intellect compared to the others. This time, Aaron knew he was in for a more significant challenge. As he faced this formidable adversary, he steeled himself for the battle ahead, his grin fading into a look of intense focus.

Aaron attacked it but did no damage, he tried to get out of the situation by smiling but the Jamato just wanted to end him

The advanced Jamato relentlessly pressed Aaron, and he was growing more desperate by the second. Despite being in a precarious situation, he couldn't help but let his mouth run, even in the face of danger.

"You're a tough nut to crack, huh? Maybe you need a breath mint or something?"Aaron said grinning a bit.The Jamato remained undeterred, its eerie silence filling the room. It lunged at Aaron with uncanny speed, and he barely managed to dodge.

"Alright, fine, you're no joke. But I've danced with death plenty of times. Let's see what tricks you've got."Aaron said sweating a bit. As he continued to evade the Jamato's relentless attacks, Aaron's mind raced. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast.

The Jamato continued its ruthless assault on Aaron. With the collar around his neck preventing his transformation, he had no choice but to absorb the relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Each blow felt like a sledgehammer to his body, and the pain was excruciating.

His breath grew ragged, and his vision blurred as he struggled to remain conscious.The room echoed with the sickening thud of fists meeting flesh as Aaron's body was battered mercilessly. He tried to block and dodge, but the numbers were overwhelming.

It was a vicious onslaught, and he couldn't find an opening to counterattack.Through gritted teeth, Aaron muttered, "Is that all you've got? Come on, you can do better than that!"Despite his bravado, his body ached, and his strength waned.

He knew he had to find a way out of this dire situation, but for now, he could do nothing more than endure the brutal punishment.

The futuristic people watching this had a grin on their faces as finally the Anomaly...the stain of the future would have been killed,he would finally die after so long.

He would be gone..they look at the bloodied teenager with a hungry on their faces,his bloody body making them feel happiness.

The futuristic spectators watched the brutal beatdown of Aaron with sadistic glee. To them, he was an anomaly, an unwelcome stain on their vision of the future. They had longed for the day he would be eliminated, and now, it seemed, that day had arrived.

As they observed Aaron's bloodied and battered body, their hungry expressions painted a disturbing picture. His pain brought them satisfaction, and the sight of his suffering fueled their perverse joy.

The Jamato unleashed its "Jaja Strike," and a barrage of vicious vines lashed out, striking Aaron with relentless force. He was sent hurtling through the air, his body smashing through a nearby wall. As he landed on the other side, a painful cough forced him to spit out some blood. Despite the intense pain, Aaron managed to catch his own blood before it could touch the ground, a testament to his unwavering determination.

Aaron's vision began to blur, and his body, battered and bruised, neared its limits. In the throes of what seemed like his impending doom, a strange sensation overcame him. The world around him shifted, and it felt as though time itself slowed down. A manic grin spread across his face, and his eyes blazed with an intense fire.

"If i am dying,i will. take you with me"Aaron said with a crazy grin .

Aaron, with his desperate and crazed determination, lunged at the Jamato, his grip tightened around the creature. With an ear-piercing yell, he invoked the word "Henshin" with all his might. A surge of electricity coursed through the collar, engulfing both Aaron and the Jamato in a blinding light. The center of the stage became the epicenter of a cataclysmic force, one that could potentially change the course of this deadly match.

The light from the electrical discharge grew even more intense. It was as if the very fabric of space and time was being torn apart. The audience watched in stunned silence as the clash between Aaron's determination and the Jamato's deadly intent created an energy vortex that was threatening to consume them all.

Aaron's body felt like it was burning from the inside. The pain was excruciating, but he clung to the Jamato with a tenacity that defied reason. He could hear the creature's anguished screams as well, and he knew he had caught it off guard.

Just when it seemed like the world was about to collapse around them, there was a blinding flash, and everything went silent.

The light subsided, revealing a scene of chaos. The Jamato lay motionless, its body charred and smoldering. Aaron was on the ground, panting heavily. The collar around his neck had shattered into countless pieces, releasing him from its cruel grip.

"Is that all yall got? "Aaron said looking at the floating eyes ball that served as cameras.

Aaron struggled to his feet, his body battered and bruised. He cast an intense gaze toward the audience. His message was clear: he would not be defeated so easily. The show was far from over, and he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As those words left his mouth..a bunch of Jamato started to enter the stage and Aaron stared at them a bit before saying "I just couldnt let my mouth shut huh"

Another beat down it is...he might die here