
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Insanity (78)

As Aaron body was flung in the air, it eventually landed back on the floor, his armor was destroyed and with body slamming back on the floor, his head got hit pretty hard in at that moment a mental switch turned off in his head, the blood slowly dripping out of his hair started to dye his hair red as his eyes seem to turn a bit livelier.

This unleashed Aaron, with a gaze that reflected a raw and unrestrained power. The air around him seemed to crackle with an intensity that went beyond the boundaries of his usual self. Whatever boundaries and control he had exercised before were now shattered, revealing a force that was both awe-inspiring and, perhaps, a cause for trepidation. Rui couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and anticipation, witnessing the unfettered power that had been unleashed.

The realization of this batshit insane version of Aaron seemed to echo through Rui's thoughts, and almost on cue, Aaron erupted into laughter. It was a maniacal, unrestrained sound that filled the air, sending a chill down the spine of anyone who was to hear it.

As the laughter echoed, it became evident that the unleashed version of Aaron wasn't just a display of power but a descent into a kind of madness that defied the bounds of reason.

The intensity of the laughter painted a picture of a mind that had let go of its inhibitions, giving way to something wild and unpredictable. Rui, witnessing this transformation, could only brace herself for what would unfold next                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "Have you lost it?" Suel questioned, eyeing Aaron with a mixture of uncertainty and wariness. In response, Aaron grinned, a wild and unpredictable glint in his eyes. "Maybe I have... what you finna do about it," he retorted, his words laced with a challenging defiance that hinted at the untamed nature of his current state.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Aaron's unleashed insanity collided with Suel's attempts to comprehend and control the situation. The confrontation had escalated into a battle not just of power, but of the unpredictable forces that surged within Aaron's newfound state of madness.

In a move that defied all conventional logic, Aaron, fueled by his newfound insanity, pulled out a small, seemingly ordinary rubber duck from his pocket. With an almost maniacal grin, he hurled the rubber duck into the air with surprising force and precision. As the rubber duck soared through the sky, it transformed into an absurdly oversized vacuum cleaner.

With a suction force that rivaled the wildest of imaginations, the vacuum cleaner inhaled the very air around Suel, causing a sudden vacuum implosion. Caught off guard, Suel plummeted from the sky, momentarily disoriented by the sheer absurdity of the unconventional assault. Aaron, still grinning like a madman, casually caught the rubber duck mid-air, now back to its harmless and diminutive form. The spectacle left everyone, including Suel, utterly dumbfounded, as Aaron had managed to bring down the mighty figure in a way that defied any logical explanation.

As blood fell down on Aaron face, he had this crazy look on his face as he looked up at Suel.

He smiled brightly with a crazy expression on his face.

"Hahahahah, this is fun"Aaron said out loud, he was having fun, this would be good.

"Insect" Suel said as he sent an energy blast toward Aaron who proceeded to jump above it before putting himself in the open.

As Suel tried his best to kill the black man, he just kept smiling and laughing to himself this was incredibly fun to him.

He would enjoy every single second of it, Aaron jumped at Suel before using his hands to block Suel's sight, and as Suel prepared himself to dodge the hit.

A bullet hit him in the chest, and Suel stumbled back in pain and surprise, he didn't know what was happening and how did he get shot.

He then looks up at Aaron before noticing a hole in the man's hands. this insane asshole used his hands to shoot him.

"You crazy bastard," Suel said looking at the teenager.

"Crazy me.....Hahahah, Maybe you are right" Aaron said laughing his ass off with a crazy look on his face.

He had a hole in his hands due to the bullet but he seemed like he was ignoring it.

"You know you going to bleed out," Suel said looking at how much blood Aaron was losing.

"And what of it, I am Jesus Christ in here, my hands have been pierced for your sin hahaha," Aaron said laughing crazily.

The man looked pissed before he punched Aaron in the guts causing the teen to spit out blood on Suel's mask.

"That was weak...hahaha, I am so free" Aaron said looking a bit crazy.

He cracked his knuckles before he grabbed the man and slammed him head-first onto the floor.

Aaron looked around as Suel stood up before he smiled with a crazy look on his face.

Aaron jumped at Suel before grabbing him and pushing him into the pool that was fueled with Chlorine.

Suel was confused as his mask allowed him to great underwater so why did Aaron try that, no need to think about it.

He will just kill him right here right now.

He was thinking that Aaron cut the small wire in his suit and as soon as that happened.

Aaron smiled as electricity flowed in the water and shocked them to a near-death-like state.

As Suel dragged himself out of the water he looked at Aaron and noticed it.

The teenager was standing in a way that made him look high.

"Hahahah, you alive then we can continue the fun," Aaron said smiling.

"You crazy bastard how are you alive," Suel said upon noticing Aaron.

"Because the universe is a bitch" Aaron said smiling as he rushed toward Suel.

He started to fight him in some sort of weird hand-to-hand combat that was pure insanity.

He broke his own bones and body to hit him, he did not care about his body and he seemed to have reached an all-time high.

"This is so fun, I am loving this"Aaron said as he stood up and blood started to spray everywhere.

The fact that he was still alive was a miracle.

Mitsume watching this was horrified, why would he do such a thing why does he not block or dodge fatal attacks when she knows he can?

This is not the Aaron she knows, something wrong is happening to him and she does not like it.

Aaron seem to be high and seem to have teach heaven.

Aaron put his finger in the hole in his cheeks before wrong doing his finger around in it while smiling saying "Look my finger wiggling in the hole"

This man's sanity was gone, his usual black hair was dyed red, his yellow eyes looked insane and his body was covered in a lot of blood.

A sadistic grin appeared on Aaron's face, he started to do something unexpected as he grabbed one of the floating eyeballs that served as a camera and started to play around with it as if it were a basketball.

He then started to bounce it around before with the ninja ability that he had, teleporting around and even using some of the floating eyes as a foothold before reaching Suel and duking on him.

"Get duk on loser," Aaron said with a grin on his face.

He would kill this man