
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

How much worse can it get [41}

Aaron now had to dodge for his life as the ice shards were freezing which should be obvious they are ice shards, they were supposed to be cold but those ice shards felt like they were way below freezing level.

Something ain't right about this shit, why did it feel so cold, last time he remember the only alien race able to produce such ice would be Cryosians.

That certain race was known for their hatred of humans in general which was to be expected because the humans were not that nice to them.

All Aaron can say is that humans stuck their dick where they shouldn't have and they didn't really ask for consent.

"Chill princess let's talk, "Aaron said dodging under another one of the her ice shards that was nearly inches from hitting his face before he had dodged it.

Meanwhile, Aaron noticed that Sakura wasn't intervening, did she feel that petty that she had to watch him get jumped like this?

"Some help will be appreciated, "Aaron asked looking at Sakura to which she just sarcastically replied.

"You doing just fine"

Oh yes, she was definitely being extra petty with this one, he felt a bit proud about this one.

At least she was learning that was the first step.

Aaron's eyes then looked at his assailant before

, With a practiced, fluid motion, Aaron reached for the ID Core embedded in his belt buckle. In a flash of blinding light, the buckle transformed, enveloping him in a suit of sleek black and purple armor. The Kamen Rider Raion stood tall, a formidable figure radiating an air of calm control.

It was about time he ended the ice princess as gently as possible.

Aaron's calm demeanor masked a flurry of calculated movements. He weaved through the hail of ice shards, not with frantic desperation, but with the practiced efficiency of a seasoned warrior. Mid-stride, he activated the Ninja Buckle tucked within his armor. In a series of almost imperceptible blinks, he teleported across the battlefield, leaving frustrated trails of shattered ice where a moment before he'd stood.

One shard, however, managed to find its mark, catching Aaron in the shoulder. But instead of a sickening thud, there was a dull crack. His body had momentarily solidified into wood, the impact absorbed by the unexpected transformation. Before the Cryosian princess could capitalize on her single successful strike, Aaron was upon her. His hand materialized around a materialized trident tip, the point hovering mere inches from her throat.

The playfulness had vanished from his voice, replaced by a steely edge. "Alright, let's have a conversation, Snow White," he said, using the princess's icy demeanor against her. The casual nickname, delivered in a deceptively calm tone, held a hint of underlying threat.

The princess, despite the imposing trident at her throat, displayed a surprising lack of fear. Instead, a flicker of annoyance crossed her face, tinged with an underlying frustration that she couldn't seem to land a decisive blow.

She muttered something under her breath, a string of words in a language that flowed like shimmering ice. Aaron, with his fragmented knowledge of Cryosian dialects, managed to catch a few snippets. It seemed she was questioning his motives, her frustration evident even in the alien tongue.

"Hold up," Aaron interjected, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice despite the tense situation. "Hold on a second, ice queen. You try to turn me into a popsicle and now you're muttering like a disgruntled penguin? Let's get things straight. Why the frosty reception?" He punctuated his question with a playful wag of his finger, though the trident remained firmly in place.

"Actually, that's a dumb question," he continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "The better question is... what did I do to tick you off so royally? No, that's still dumb. I mean, let's be honest, I probably pissed off a few folks in my time. So, spill it, princess. How bad was the 'embarrassment'?" He emphasized the word with air quotes, subtly probing for information while maintaining a flippant demeanor.

A frustrated huff – "Hmph!" – was all Aaron got from the princess before he deactivated the Ninja Buckle, dispelling the materialized trident. He knew enough about Cryosian culture to understand that their rigid code of honor wouldn't allow her to attack a defenseless opponent.

"If you must know," she finally spoke, her voice laced with disdain, "I refuse to be shackled to a human." The words were delivered with a glacial coldness that sent shivers down Aaron's spine, a stark contrast to the playful defiance he usually projected.

His surprise was evident. "To cancel this... engagement?" He stumbled over the unfamiliar word, a frown replacing his usual smirk. "What engagement? Since when did this become my problem?" He blurted the question out in her native tongue, the rapid-fire delivery earning him a surprised stare from Sakura, who couldn't decipher the alien sounds.

The princess, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected fluency, regained her composure. "In order to break this... unwanted union," she clarified, enunciating each word carefully as if speaking to a child, "Cryosian tradition dictates that one of us must become one with the snow." A flicker of defiance sparked in her icy blue eyes.

Aaron's jaw clenched. So, this wasn't a random attack. He was somehow entangled in an intergalactic political mess. "Hold on a damn minute," he swore, his voice laced with a dangerous edge even in the alien tongue. "This whole 'engagement' business... when did this even happen? And more importantly, why the hell am I involved in this?"

Time skip

Aaron was currently seen surrounded by a bunch of people, to be more specific, he was surrounded by people he knew, the Iguarashi family so to to speak, along with George and Hiromi.

Sometimes he wonders to himself why, despite having such a wonderful talent for getting himself into a mess, he still couldn't pull anyone. How would he explain this to them? He had a bachelor's degree in bullshit and the ability to make things up on the spot, so he was sure his degree would help him against their questioning glares.

Aaron's eyes then landed on the figure of the ice princess was seen sitting on a couch seemingly unbothered by everything that was happening, she seemed to not care about anything, it must be good, it must feel very good considering she literally was the reason this was happening.

Aaron took on a deep breath before calming himself down.

"Well you see, from what I could tell she is from Antarctica," Aaron said with a face that showed no emotion, his eyes however did go to the TV that was currently showcasing a documentary about the life of a polar bear.

"Antarctica..???"Was the confused look and sound he heard after, however from looking at their face they seem unconvinced and to convince them further he had to pull out something else from his ass.

He suddenly came up with something and with a very casual look on his face as if he was not about to spout out absolute bullshit.

He opened his mouth and said "Long story short, America decided to be America and decided to test some of their radioactive weapon in Antarctica, the radiation killed a lot of the people living there, who would have thought that the cold wasn't the thing that got them to kill but just a power-hungry country, the other just got infected and were slowly dying inside what awoke them however was Gifu appearance, that awaken whatever was laying dormant in them and instead of getting inner demon they now have the power to control and make Ice"

Aaron said casually, if he could he would give himself a pat on the back, he really pulled out such bullshit from his ass so well, it was almost believable, and for a second just a second it seem to have worked and they seem to have taken it.

However its all came shattering down as the royal princess just stood up before in perfect Japanese, opened her mouth, and said "Don't you dare put me in the same lot as those humans,"

Just like that, his very believable bullshit was shattered.

"Really, snow white... couldn't you just keep quiet," Aaron said looking at the ice princess with an exasperated look on his face.

"My name is not snow-white and I refuse to stay quiet as you group me in with humans," The princess said as she looked at everyone in the room with a cold on her face, the room temperature dropped several degrees.

"It's so cold," Vice said trembling a bit as he shook a bit, the room was getting cold.

"Mind being less chilly princess, not everyone can handle your icyness," Aaron said with a smile on his face as if he didn't just make a bunch of icy puns on the annoyed princess.

"Why should I listen to you," She said her voice sounding cold as the room temperature dropped once again to which Aaron just smiled before opening his mouth and saying "I won remember, now be a good girl and return the room temperature to normal"

"Hmph," She said crossing her arms and walking to the couch where she sat down, as she did so the room temperature went back to normal.

"Good girl," Aaron said with a smile to which she didn't even acknowledge his presence whatsoever, huh she was giving him a cold shoulder wasn't this just wonderful?

"What her deal exactly," Sakura said looking at Aaron who just whistled while looking at his watch saying

"Would you look at the time, I better go check on Rui"

"You are not going anywhere," Sakura said as she held his ears.

"Ouch...fine, but first let go," Aaron said to which Sakura let his ears go, he held his ears in his hands for a second making sure they were good and not too warm.

He took in a deep breath before looking at everyone in the room.

"Ight so I may or may not have beaten her at some point in my life and she may or may not have become my fiancé due to her people culture and she may or may not be trying to take make me become one with the snow so that she won't have to do it..."Aaron said nonchalantly.

The look on their faces spoke volumes. This was just fantastic. More problems piled onto his already overflowing plate of trouble. What could possibly be worse than this?

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Gifu seal, the once mighty demon lay sprawled on the floor, a shell of his former self. Aaron's relentless attacks from months ago still lingered, gnawing away at Gifu's strength. As the demon teetered on the brink of complete debilitation, a dark, ominous energy materialized beside him.

The entity surveyed Gifu's weakened form with a critical eye. "Dying here? Unacceptable. All that trouble buffing you up, and you can't even put on a decent show?" The being's voice dripped with annoyance.

Without further ado, the entity extended a hand, channeling a torrent of demonic power into Gifu's damaged form. The dark energy pulsed through the demon, mending his shattered body and pushing his power levels beyond their previous limits.

Outside the seal, a rhythmic pounding began to echo. The heartbeats grew louder, more insistent, until they resonated with a chilling power. The Demon Driver, sensing the shift within the seal, pulsed with a malevolent light of its own.

The situation had just taken a turn for the worse.

A/N Fun fact,this story will be alot longuer than the Geat version as for one,more characters that Aaron interact with,2,unlike in Geat in this story Aaron mission is not a personal one so he wont try to finish it as quickly as possible.

3.There will be alot more characters interaction,so hey more dialogue...to think i am only around episode 25 or so....

Anyway bare with it for a while,it take a bit to set stuff up.

If i were to estimate how many chapters this story might end up,probably around 120 or 130 or something,probably will end on July,August or september,i am not sure yet as of now.

Anyway hope yall enjoying it so far.