
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Movies
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145 Chs

More problem {40}

As  Aaron entered the room he was met with what seemed to be the beaten form of Ikki,Sakura and Daiji.

Next to them,it seem like their parents were there speaking to them.

They seem to pretty worry about their kid.

Aaron felt like shit but he was here to do something so he better does it before he leave.

Worse case scenario he just never see them again and finish this mission solo,it's a drill at this point.

At first glance,They seemed a bit shock and just a tiny bit scared to see him but upon looking at his vibrant yellow eyes they were able to make out that this wasn't the demonic beast of the name of Yami that was in control.

This was Aaron,there was no killing intent not overwhelming malice,no fear of dying or getting shredded to pieces.

Just Aaron.

"Yow,got a minute"Aaron said casually,Ikki managed to nod his head to which Aaron just walk close to them before bowing his head to them saying.

"I sincerely apologize for my actions....I did not mean to hurt any of you and I would understand if you wouldn't like to have me around anymore"

Ikki's voice, though raspy from his injuries, held a surprising warmth.  He glanced at his siblings, a silent conversation passing between them, before turning back to Aaron.  "What makes you think I'd want you cut outta my life, man?"

Aaron blinked, his confusion a stark contrast to the sincerity in Ikki's eyes.  "But... I almost killed you," he stammered, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. "Because of me, you're all here..." he gestured towards the hospital beds.

Ikki chuckled, the sound strained but genuine. "Almost doesn't count," he said with a wink, though his face winced in pain.  "Besides, we've all been on the wrong side of a fight or two. You think we hold grudges that easily?"

Sakura piped up from her bed, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah, besides, you get on my nerves 24/7," she teased, "But even I know that wasn't you out there wrecking havoc."

Aaron stared at them, dumbfounded.  They were... forgiving him?  This was uncharted territory.  He'd never experienced such unconditional acceptance, not after the fear and suspicion his powers usually elicited.  His gaze flickered towards Genta and Yukimi, Ikki's parents.  Their expressions mirrored their children's – concern, yes, but also a flicker of understanding.

This was new.  This sense of... belonging?  It was a foreign feeling, one that sent a tremor of hope through him.

"I..." he began, his voice thick with emotion, but the words seemed to catch in his throat.  He wasn't used to expressing vulnerability, to laying bare his fears.

Ikki, sensing his struggle, reached out and offered a weak fist bump.  "Hey," he said, his voice gruff but kind, "we're a team, remember? We fight together. Even against the stuff hiding inside you."

A hesitant smile tugged at the corner of Aaron's lips.  He bumped Ikki's fist with a soft thud, a silent vow forming in his heart.

The tension in the room eased, replaced by an awkward camaraderie.  A shared experience, however harrowing, often forged unexpected bonds.  Aaron shifted from foot to foot, unsure of how to proceed.

"So," Sakura drawled, breaking the silence, "what were you planning to do after your apology tour? Go visit the Eiffel Tower or something?"

A wry smile touched Aaron's lips.  Typical Sakura, even battered and bruised, she couldn't resist a jab.  "Something like that," he replied, a hint of playfulness creeping into his voice. "But first I want to just secure my mind further,it a pain in the ass to deal with a murder happy demon in my head"

Aaron held his head in his hands before he say

"Before y'all ask,unless Rui get hurt,this basic demon will not be unleashed into the world"

"My name is Yami you goddam imbecile"The demonic voice said in his head to which Aaron just mentally replied.

Ignoring the barb, Aaron steeled himself. He wouldn't let the demon speak he was on time out. With a deep mental push, he shoved Yami down, down, down, burying the entity deep within the recesses of his subconscious.

But for now, the silence was deafening, and he clung to it like a lifeline.

Looking up, he met the concerned gazes of the Igarashi family. He knew they had questions, but he didn't have the answers yet. All he knew was that he had to find a way to limit this darkness

Leaving the sterile scent of the hospital behind, Aaron emerged into the bustling city. The neon lights of towering skyscrapers cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the concrete jungle. This sensory overload felt a world away from the sterile quiet of the room, but a strange sense of clarity cut through the chaos.

He hailed a sleek, levitating taxi, the transparent bubble cocooning him from the city's cacophony. The journey to his base was a blur of flashing lights and towering structures. His mind churned with a million questions and a single, burning purpose: control.

Time skip

Pushing open the automated doorway, Aaron was greeted by a wave of relief so intense it almost knocked him off balance. There, nestled comfortably in a beanbag chair shaped like a giant plush cat, sat Rui. Her face, usually bright and cheerful, held a mask of worry that instantly crumpled into concern as she saw him.

"Aaron!" she exclaimed, leaping out of the beanbag with surprising agility for someone who claimed to hate heights. "There you are! What took so long? Did they – did they do something to you?"

He held up a hand, silencing her barrage of questions. He didn't have the energy for long explanations, not yet. Instead, he crossed the room, the brushed metal floor cool beneath his feet. He knelt down in front of her, feeling a pang of protectiveness as he saw the tremor in her small hand.

"Rui," he began, his voice gruff with unspoken emotions, "are you alright?"

She seem to be in tears as she held him to herself considering how she was right now she wouldn't let him escape her grip,she would hold him close to herself

She never let him go and she held him there for a very long time.

Time skip

Aaron was currently seen walking by Sakura while she looked to be pretty annoyed.

"Did you really have to wait for me after school"Sakura said annoyed.

"Heh,it ain't that deep"Aaron said nonchalantly but that seem to annoy her further it was easy to to annoher.

"It is,my friend thought you were my boyfriend"Sakura said clearly annoyed.

"I mean are they wrong though"Aaron said teasingly

"As if"Sakura said smashing his words before they reach her.

"You break my poor heart"Aaron said acting as if he got shot.

"Good"Sakura said looking a bit satisfy.

It was fun to tease her and he was having fun while doing that.

It been like 2weeks since the incident and Fenix had covered it completely  allowing to roam around him to walk a free man.

Though he doesn't think this would last long what he did was basically free blackmail material to anyone trying to get rid of him.

Plus with Japan dislike of foreigner,it wouldn't be that hard to turn them against him,thought this hasn't happen yet he does feel like it will happen in the near future.

As Aaron was about to continue his wonderful teasing session with Sakura suddenly his instinct scream at him to dodged and so he did and as so as he did so what seem to be an ice shard barely missed his head.

He straightened up, brushing a stray strand of hair from his eyes. "Well, that was a rather chilly reception," he quipped, a hint of ice in his voice – both literally and figuratively.

His gaze darted towards the attacker, recognition flickering across his face. White hair, blue eyes, a sense of otherworldliness – he definitely knew her. But the scent emanating from her wasn't human. This was no ordinary attacker.

"You again?" Aaron asked, surprised and a touch wary.

The woman's voice was cold and regal, dripping with disdain. "So, the beast with a human face does remember me." The way she spoke, the air of superiority clinging to her every word, solidified Aaron's suspicion.

"Snow White?" he hazarded, a hint of disbelief lacing his voice.

A sardonic glint entered his eyes. "Though, considering your less-than-subtle welcoming committee, maybe royalty isn't quite the right term."

Yami's voice, ever the opportunist, chimed in mentally. "Looks like I won't be the only problem you have to worry about, buddy."

Aaron, however, ignored the demon's taunt. He had a feeling this situation was about to get a whole lot more complicated.

"Don't you dare call me that," the woman hissed, her voice laced with icy fury.

Aaron raised an eyebrow, unfazed by her outburst. "And what are you going to do about it, Your Majesty?" he challenged, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. It was a risky move, pushing her buttons like this, but he needed a reaction, a response.

The answer came swift and brutal. Without another word, the woman unleashed a barrage of ice shards. They erupted from her fingertips like deadly snowflakes, a blizzard of crystalline projectiles aimed directly at Aaron.

A wry smile touched his lips as his playful facade vanished. "Is it too late to apologize?" he muttered under his breath, already diving to the side as the first shard whistled past his ear.

He didn't bother looking back. His instincts had taken over, guiding him through the deadly hail. He rolled, leaped, and weaved, a practiced dance of evasion honed by years of unpredictable situations. Each shard that missed him left a frosty scar on the wall behind, a chilling testament to the power of his unseen assailant.

A/N Last time what I meant was the chances are so low it's basically impossible, it could happen just not as likely as in Geats for the reason I can't disclose