
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Destruction {37}

Frustration tinged Yami's laughter as his attempt to finish the heroes fizzled.  With a growl that shook the very foundations of the rooftop, he abandoned his initial target.  "Fine!" he boomed, his voice echoing across the devastated landscape. "If I can't silence them, I'll silence the city itself!"

He raised his hands, the crimson tendrils crackling with renewed fury.  Buildings that had miraculously remained standing began to crumble under the weight of his unseen power. Streets buckled and cracked as the very earth writhed in pain.  Yami reveled in the destruction, a sadistic glee coloring his laughter.

His crimson gaze then darted towards the sky, catching a glimpse of the Fenix ship, a symbol of hope against the backdrop of despair.  A twisted grin split his face.  "Foolish heroes," he rasped, his voice dripping with mocking amusement. "Your toys can't stop me!"

Far below, on the rooftop, George watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of horror and intrigue.  His visor flickered as he analyzed Yami's power, a power unlike anything he'd encountered before. "Who would have thought," he muttered, his voice laced with a grim realization, "that Raion's inner demon would be so...  so monstrous?"

Yami's attention then shifted, his gaze landing on the broken figure of Olteca.  A cruel smile played on his lips.  This wasn't a time for direct confrontation.  Instead, he opted for a more... psychological attack. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a wave of twisted energy, weaving a nightmarish illusion around Olteca.

Olteca, already teetering on the edge of sanity, found himself transported into a terrifying dreamscape. Familiar faces, twisted and grotesque, mocked him.  The city, once a playground for his chaos, now lay in ruins, a testament to his failures. The air itself thrummed with a chilling silence, broken only by the echo of his own tormented screams.

A grotesque symphony of destruction echoed across the ruined cityscape. Yami, a monstrous entity reveling in chaos, cackled with glee as buildings crumbled and the earth itself groaned under his power.  But amidst the mayhem, a wrinkle of annoyance flickered across his crimson eyes.

He had unleashed a torrent of devastation, intending to reduce the city to ashes. But an unseen barrier, a faint echo of Aaron's will, prevented him from taking innocent lives.  The civilians, battered and bruised by the city's tremors, remained alive, a testament to the sliver of humanity clinging desperately within Yami's monstrous form.

Yami's laughter died in his throat, replaced by a snarl.  He clenched his fists, the crimson tendrils crackling with frustration.  "Bullshit, there is no fucking way, what that fucking promise so important to you?" he roared, his voice echoing within the confines of his own twisted mind.  He was referring to Aaron's oath to the filth , Abi – a promise to never take a life unless absolutely necessary.

"Why the fuck should you keep it, the world fuck you over so why not do the same, wouldn't it be better to just kill them and not care about that pathetic you call morals," Yami taunted, his voice dripping with a venomous mockery.

He was trying to exploit the well of rage and despair that had fueled his very existence.  "Why the fuck would you care about such a weak concept," he hissed. "What about everyone that fuck you over, that celestial bitch didn't do shit and watch as you suffer but I" Yami boomed, his voice echoing in the emptiness of Aaron's subconscious, "I have always been with you!"

Yami's words were laced with a truth that twisted like a knife.  Aaron had faced his demons alone, the trauma carving a dark path within him. Yet, Yami, a twisted manifestation of that rage, presented himself as a companion, a dark reflection whispering promises of power and twisted liberation.

Yami's frustration reached a fever pitch. "Don't you dare ignore me!" he roared, his voice a cacophony of rage and despair. "I am you, Aaron! I am the embodiment of your repressed rage, your deepest desires!  This is who you truly are! Let loose! Become the monster they've always seen you as!"

He lashed out, unleashing his full might upon the already ravaged city. Buildings shuddered, windows shattered, and the ground trembled as the very foundation of the city groaned under the monstrous power.  A wave of suffocating pressure overwhelmed the remaining civilians, many collapsing unconscious as Yami's presence became unbearable.

For some reason, it felt as if this demonic beast's presence was felt all over Japan and further.

"Haven't you had enough of it all?" Yami thundered, his voice echoing across the devastated landscape. "Aren't you tired of being this multiverse punching bag, aren't you fucking tired of fixing the mess of those good-for-thing gods, haven't you had enough of being cursed for doing something good, I am the answer to your questions let me loose and I get rid of all your problems,I won't leave you they however will turn on you"

He raised his hands, tendrils of crimson energy crackling around him, poised to unleash a cataclysmic attack. But just as he was about to unleash his full fury, a feeling, unexpected and overwhelming, flooded his being. It was a warmth, a love, a bond so strong it shattered the walls of his rage.

He looked down to see a pair of arms wrapped tightly around him. It was Rui, her eyes filled with a love so pure it pierced through the darkness.

"Stop, Nii-san," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "It's enough. I'm safe."

Yami felt a sudden, inexplicable weakness course through him. His grip on Aaron loosened, the crimson energy dissipating like a dream.  Frustration contorted his monstrous face, but he was powerless to resist.  He was pushed back, forced into the recesses of Aaron's subconscious.

Aaron, regaining control, collapsed onto the rooftop, tears streaming down his face.  He wrapped his arms around Rui, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so sorry."

Rui simply smiled, holding her brother close, a silent promise of love and support radiating from her embrace. Relief and exhaustion overwhelmed Aaron, and his eyes fluttered shut as he fell unconscious.

Far away, on a celestial plane, Abi watched the scene unfold, her heart heavy with emotion. Her fists were clenched, a silent scream trapped in her throat.  She wanted to be there but yet she couldn't,the risk were just to great but still.