
The Ancient Story: Saviour In A Broken Reality

Warning: A story with multiple perspectives its mean will  be another points of view from each other characters that involved. ---------- "In an ancient civilization, warriors were revered as protectors against monstrous threats that endangered humanity. However, when their leader, embodying light and wisdom, chose to live among humans, he was accepted while the others were rejected, sparking a brutal war among the warriors. In a desperate bid to end the conflict, the light's lover, known as The Forgotten, made a devastating decision to seal the warriors' powers and souls, erasing their existence from history. Fast forward 40,000 years to a future where the world is governed by X.A.G (eXtended Active Guardian), the most powerful military company ruling over the union of Hiltonia. Young Orphenus, the leader of Hiltonia, stumbles upon the existence of the Ancient Warriors, setting off a chain of events that could unravel the carefully constructed history of their world. As Orphenus delves deeper into the mystery of the warriors, he begins to uncover dark truths that threaten the very foundation of Hiltonia's society. Will the revelation of the Ancient Warriors' past bring about salvation or destruction for the future of humanity?"

Mrk23 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

The Crimson Knight, Asagi Takahashi Reborn

"How Is she doing?"

Takaya along side Rin watching a girl inside a huge metal room,

"She is not resisting the arrest…"

Lania replied her,

A woman walks out from the room. It was Bella that was visiting her daughter. As she saw Takaya, she displayed a face of disappointment, she walked near Takaya,

"I'm sorry…"

Only that word she could speak to him and she open a way for him to enter the room. Takaya walked towards the door alongside Rin.

His heart beat raising every step he closes to the door, he enters the room.

He saw the girl wearing a hoodie and black glasses sitting in the chair holding a cup of tea,

"So you came, you bastard."

The girl said,

"What? You want to punch me in the face for arresting you?"

"Pfffftttt hahaha…" she laughed at him,

"Well you sound alright, like always, everything is a joke for you."

Takaya said,

"Indeed…. Everything is a joke, Really. So how about we go into some of your jokes you want to bring me?"

Takaya saw her laugh and face does not mean anything serious, that is a disappointment. Rin grab his hand hearing the girl going half crazy,

"Let me guess, you're here to interrogate me?" She said without looking at him,

"Well, you're not wrong… But the right way to say it, I'm asking for the truth about you hide it all this time,"

He said,

The girl froze hear him said something she's waited,


"You know, ever since I met everyone, joining the academy, I was looking for bits of truth that I can find and make it right for it. Right at the point I can't rely on my memories anymore. Just after seeing you, everything happened all this time is leading me to you,"


"Yes, putting aside all my founding pieces of information about my life, I was wondering how you can be related to my mother who has the same power as you? Some that very close to me that I can't even see her when she died,"

Takaya hits the table with his both hands, letting go Rin's grib on him,

"So tell me something, how did you got that power? And importantly, who are you exactly?"

He speaks in the deep tone where the girl or even Rin never heard his voice like that. The room becomes heavy, intense of his unexplainable emotion,

The girl finally looked at his face, witness a watery eyes and sad expression of his, she then looked at Rin that already in her tears,

"Do you really, really, really want to know the truth? Are you both ready enough to accept it?"

She asked,

"I dedicated half of my life to this . moment where I finally get the answer to my unexplainable question,"

He said,

The girl smiled even the situation is not right, she sitting straight looking at her own hands, trembles,


She facing down, let go of her sunglasses, her other hand reaches her top of the hoodie that is covering her head. Right after she pulled her hood Rin suddenly gasps, her face displayed disbelief of what she just saw. The girl lift her face, revealing her watery red pupils eyes, melted it way to her cheeks, she pull her long yellow hair loose, resemblance to her older sister,

"What do I look like? Horrible isn't it?" She said,

Takaya let go a gasping breath,

"Asagi?" Takaya trembles his throat saying that name,

"Yes… that is the name… that… given to me…." She smiles and deeply looks into his eyes, "I am Asagi Takahashi, the second child of Erisa Takahashi, our mother, and your older sister. Who robbed both of your minds, memories and life."

Rin suddenly fall into her knees, her feet could not hold the weight of emotion she has, Takaya also look down, displayed very deep disappointment and disbelief what he just hear and saw,

"Why… Why did you do all of this?" He said,

Asagi approaching Rin and hugged her, displayed her care as a sister,

"It's a long story, and both you already know it, and what Vanny just said is true, she did cover all of the story that I hoped I alone could explain…"

She said,

Takaya turns to her, "How did you know-"

"I can read all of your minds, even your next question is what is my reasons for doing this," Asagi said,

She gazed on him, "My reason is-"

Not even she could talk, she's been thrown away crashing multiple walls, leaving a very long trail through the walls. A dust filling the entire room, Takaya can't see anything but a bright crimson light. Suddenly it went away so fast, pushing the air and dust.

He finally sees a hole in the wall leading to the night sky at the end.

"What just happened?!"


Meanwhile Asagi airborne in the air, trying to get control over her body, she looked at the bright crimson light going towards her. She immediately materialized into her second shift from full with her weaponry to encounter what is coming to her. The light strike made her crashed into the ground. Laying in the ground, she quickly avoiding sudden attack, creating a much distance from what just attack her and stand facing toward the fading light,

"I never thought you had this much power, Is this what that God gave to you, Rin?" Asagi said,

"You… are so annoying, right even after you reveal your lies, you're still trying to show me nonsense?!" With her appearance totally revealed, Rin showing her deep anger, unfolds every mysteries upon them, Thus far it will go from this point, she acknowledge what enraged her younger kin,

"So what do you want-" A big wave suddenly hits Asagi, it cuts her cheeks and long hair suddenly leaving it just as long as her shoulders. She widely opens her eyes after sees her younger sister's thoughts,


Asagi throw her purple sword, it lands before Rin,

"If by that all is forgiven," she said,

Not waiting for any chances, Rin suddenly grabs the sword and runs over Asagi,

"Haaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!" she letting out scream of grieve,

Asahi closed her eyes until she fell once again onto the ground. She opened her eyes only to see suffering expression of her little sister hesitation,

"Why are you stopping? Do it…" She said,

"Is that your last word?" Rin said it with a grieving tone,

"...." Asagi replied with smile on her face with a spilled tears already on her eyes side,


Blood spurts out soaks her entire body, the ground flooded with blood. The sword is already stabbed half way on Asagi's chest,

She's coughing blood with her face barely showing the pain. But life is starting to fade, her face becomes pale and eyes drying out.

With only little strength she had Asagi hardly lift her right hand reaching Rin. Of course, out all of the odds between them, Rin reaches her hand and holds it, as she knows that is the last time for them,

"you… did it…" She said that,

Her sight becomes blacked, she barely can't see clearly anymore. Her mouth only opens but not even a word she couldn't speak.

Felt the strength on her hand become weakened, she goes near to Asagi's face,

"We shared blood, but I can't acknowledge you as my sister," Rin express her one last feelings toward Asagi,

"..." Once again, like she always does, only arched lips that she can show to her little sister, even after a horrible word she threw on. The only thing she wants her sister to see is her smile, alive or dead…


"Are you sure? You look alive to me,"

Asagi opens her eyes only to see a white scene, where there's nothing but her, it's infinity. She could even figure out if she is standing, No gravity holds her, even more confused that she heard someone voice suddenly try to speak with her,

"Behind you," The voice echoes from behind her,

She turned around toward the voice, How surprised she is, widen her eyes, jaw dropped by appearance of a person,

"How… did you…" Stammered Asagi said,

"You alive alright, that's good thing-" The person said,

"How can you be here?!!!" Asahi screamed to the person,

"Well… This is my place after all, you finally managed to get here,"

A person with long yellow hair and strange looking astral armor, talks to her from a distance. She move closer to Asagi reaches her hair,

"Aww… I kinda miss this short hair, is like you when the old days, shame Rin not giving her best shot to cut it nicely though,"

Asahi stunned by her reaction,

"More importantly…" the person hugged her with all of her honest and warmth, calming down Asagi, "I missed you… so much… Asagi…"

Asahi started to cry, overwhelmed by her sadness and fear,

"Mo-mother…" she hugged her back,

"I… I…."

"There… there… the cry baby is back… "

She screamed crying like baby release all of her emotion, she hugged her like she ever hoped she can,

"You did enough… There's no need to do it anymore…"

"But.. there is no way to get everything back like it is supposed to-"

"Who said that? You never imagined what your mother was capable of?" She said,

"What?" Asagi let go her hug weirded looked at her,

"The almighty Erisa will give you a hand on your problems… Although this is maybe the last time.." Erisa said,

"Wait… What are you talking about?!" Asagi grabbing her hands,

"Before anything gets any further, can we sit? Chill yourself out?" Erisa casually sitting although there is no place to sit, Asagi follow after. Asagi close her eyes and take deep breath relaxing herself,

"How did you show up in front of me?" Asagi asked,

"Thanks to my beloved Rin, with her genius she literally stabbed you with the sword. That sword is the sword that I've been carry around right after I got the power of The Forgotten, and I've been doing something to it, let's say is for the right moment. I shared some of my conscious into the sword hopefully I can talk to you, but it turns out it needs a special way for I can access your deep consciousness,"

"So we are actually inside of my consciousness?"

"Yup, and thanks to that I can talk with you, and actually I also got access to my power so I can help you.."

"What help?"

"Well let me ask you, with all of your plans not working as they should be, are you still want to continue?"

Asagi looked down,

"Honestly I don't think I can do it anymore… But I can't either figure out how I can return their memories and stop this mixed reality that I create.."

Erisa Flicking Asagi's forehead,

"That's why I'm so angry with you, always causing a big trouble but couldn't make it up with it at the end,"

She smiles and flick her finger,

"There you go, everything is back now."

"You're joking right??" Asagi disbelief her,

"No I'm not, I'm also preparing you something good after you awake,"

Asagi looked at her, surprised by her appearance starts to fading away,

"What did you-"

"Well… fixing your things as always, anyway there is not a lot of time, I want you to really listen to me clearly and promise me three things," she started to dissolved into a dust, her surrounding is started turned black slowly,

"Rin is now a Demi God, she has the power to destroy you, so I made an adjustment to your power, and it gave you access to The Forgotten full potential, You will be surprised after you look it by yourself and it will the best to work with your brother to purifies Rin from Zephyrus' influence. Even though it will not strip her powers, but at least try to figure out how."

"Hey wait-"

"But with your power being at full potential, you are an hybrid, your body doesn't have the same endurance as mine, the power will grow and it eventually harmful for you, so you need to suppress it with a power drug that is the as Vanny use's. Try not kill yourself because ain't no way I can help you with that."

"I said wait-" Asagi try to grab her but she began to untouchable to her,

"And last thing, and it leads to you will promise me with, When you're awake, one, you have to apologize to everyone including Bella and say my sorry to her for everything, two, listen to your sister! Vanny is have enough struggle, and that's all because of you, work together as you both usually do before, work together with you little brother and sister too, they're all grown up and reliable!"


"And lastly, after everything is going well between you and your siblings, go to the north pole along with you siblings and Bella. From there you should know everything you'll need to do. Am I clear?!"

Asagi Crying sobbing tried to reach Erisa but her form started to become invisible,

"Am I clear?!" Erisa's voice echoes in already blacked out room,

"Yes!!!" Asagi screamed loudly, unable to hold her sadness, she began to cry hard.


Explosions of energy suddenly throw Rin away from Asagi. It forms a vortex around Asagi's body, emits a purple and black gradient color of power Showing that the power is much more than what has been seen before.

Stunned by the scenery, Rin suddenly felt her head dizzy, when she closed her eyes, she saw a beautiful picture which was actually her own memory suddenly coming back. Gasping overwhelmed of what happened, Rin immediately fell, shaking all over,

In a huge surge of power, Asagi was already floating in the air, still closing his eyes, the sword stuck in her chest was suddenly sucked into her body, as if it combined with her body. Her astral armor began to shatter and scattered of it and reformed into a new armor, on her head forming a crown like accessory with eight purple gems, purple and black gradation on her body, black shoulder pads, black skirt, black gloves, eliminating the bright color from her initial form.

Her wounds suddenly healed, with only left her a shortened hair, giving her a new look, more terrifying loo than her inversed form. The intense energy suddenly sucked into her body along with the vortex via her three gems of crystals in her golden chest armor. She landed on the ground elegantly like a dark lord herself revealing her appearance. She let out a long breath after she being killed though she ressurected. She open her eyes seeing herself, stunned how she turn out alive.

She looked at shocked unmoved Rin, hugs herself terrified by what is she experience. She walked towards her little sister,

"Rin…" she called her name but she didn't reacted,

"Rin…" Asagi going down near her and holding her shoulders,


Hearing that name, she snapped and immediately look at Asagi's eyes,

"Asa… nee…" Rin Nervously, she started to shed tears, her face felt guilty, she couldn't even speak what is in your mind,

"Yes, it's me-" as she calmly speaks to her, Rin pushes back Asagi, distance herself, feared by what to come,

"I-I'm sorry… don't hurt me…" Rin said,

"Hey… Take it easy, I'm not going to hurt you… everything is fine… Everything is back… I am back…"

Asahi reaches her again, this time she grabbed her hand softly,

"I know things are bit funny before, but because of you, I finally got it right… I'm the one should apologize to you, and the others because of my selfishness," She looked down sad after admitting her mistake,

Rin seems hard to breath, desperately trying to hold herself. She pushes Asagi, stand and trying to go away from her,

"Rin, wait-"

"Stay away!!!" She flies away,

"Rin!" Asahi also flies following Rin,

In the air, Rin while holding her chest, she shoot a energy ball towards Asagi. She quickly avoid it without counter, thus she level their speed so she can catch her up. Seeing he older sister anxiously going for her she summons a katana, slashed the air twice. It forms a portal and she flew inside the portal.

"Ri-" the portal quickly closed, she stopped,

She displays her face of disappointment because she unable to catch her little sister,


Inside the room, Takaya, Lania, Ai, Fukushima and Sanna fill the room. But the way they gathered is not discussing what just happened. Ai sheds tears while Fukushima comforts her, Takaya and Sanna sitting together in the corner, while Sanna tries to make Takaya calm.

Sound of pushing air can be heard from the big hole, feeling something is coming, Takaya standing up waiting for what to come. It was Asagi enters the room with her new form, she landed and undo her transformation, revealing her true nature,

She looked at them with a worried face, not knowing what she must say after everything is unfolds,

"Takaya." Asagi slowly walk towards him,

"Where is Rin?" He ask with worried tone,

"Rin is…" Asagi hesitate to speak about what happened,

"Tell me…" Takaya grabs her hands firmly,

As he beg her to explain what happened,

"Rin is the other being that we encounter alongside Zephyrus…"

Everyone was shocked by the news, including Takaya.

"Like you see, she attacks me… I can read her thoughts that she is wanting to kill me, I let her do it with my sword… But instead of killing me, it becomes one and me and I…"

"And?" Takaya asked,

"I… met Erisa… our mother, she cancelled the spell it gives back all of your memories…You did get your memories back, are you?"

Takaya stunned by what Asagi just said,

"Yes… all of it…"

Asagi let go Takaya's hand, she walked back,

"I'm not asking you all to forgive me-"

Takaya hugged her, so sudden even everyone watching also surprised, with Sanna slightly smiled witness it,

"Welcome back… Asa-nee…" Takaya cried, overwhelmed by his sadnesses,

Asagi's trembles, widens her eyes, shocked by him. Her hand try to reaches his back,

"Takaya… I'm…"

"There's no need to say sorry for something you did for your own family…"

Ai walked towards them and also hugged them both,

"Asagi… Welcome back…." She also cried,

And lastly Fukushima walked before her and pats her head,

"Welcome back, Stubborn…"

Overwhelmed by they're hard warming welcomed her back,

She cried sobbing, her lips arched,

"I'm…. Back…."

With all the unsolved mysteries, the night becomes hearthwarming moment between them…

Yet another question added, What will be revealed afterwards?