
The Ancient Story: Saviour In A Broken Reality

Warning: A story with multiple perspectives its mean will  be another points of view from each other characters that involved. ---------- "In an ancient civilization, warriors were revered as protectors against monstrous threats that endangered humanity. However, when their leader, embodying light and wisdom, chose to live among humans, he was accepted while the others were rejected, sparking a brutal war among the warriors. In a desperate bid to end the conflict, the light's lover, known as The Forgotten, made a devastating decision to seal the warriors' powers and souls, erasing their existence from history. Fast forward 40,000 years to a future where the world is governed by X.A.G (eXtended Active Guardian), the most powerful military company ruling over the union of Hiltonia. Young Orphenus, the leader of Hiltonia, stumbles upon the existence of the Ancient Warriors, setting off a chain of events that could unravel the carefully constructed history of their world. As Orphenus delves deeper into the mystery of the warriors, he begins to uncover dark truths that threaten the very foundation of Hiltonia's society. Will the revelation of the Ancient Warriors' past bring about salvation or destruction for the future of humanity?"

Mrk23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Wind Of The West


<<Meguma's Resident.>>

As the first ray of sunlight peaked over the horizon, it shine through the window, shines the entire room with it's light.

A very tidy room, white colored walls, books and other things nicely placed, pictures well-appointed of the person who lived in the room.

Sunshine blasting on her face, awakens her from slumber. Gently open her eyes with a very blurry sight of someone beside her. Someone sitting in with his hands holding her hands.

Squeaking sound of old metal heard at the corner of the room,

"Bis sis! You're awake?!" A young girl carrying ies a tray with a bowl of porridge and a glass of water rushed to her, "I've been worried, you know?!"

"N-Nagisa?!" The girl says her name, she slightly move reacts to sudden appearance of her little sister,

"Don't move, you really need to have some rest," she put the tray aside,

"What happened to me?" She asked,

"Mr. Boyfriend bringing you home last night, you body is heating up, and you're barely unconscious,"

She recalled her memory right before she was fainted,


"He stayed over by your side waiting for you, looks like he is also having a good sleep, he must be tired…"

She reach his hand that still holding on her hand,

"Nagisa, thank you… Sorry to make you worried,"

"It's okay, Big sister Saega and Kanon also here helping me with the porridges, I bring you both some,"


"Yeah, they're been here watching you too, anyway I will call them, I need to open the restaurant, Kanon is helping me today,"

Nagisa walks out leaving them alone,

"Taka… Thank you…" Her other hand touches his hair, ecstasy truly filling her,

"Looks like the queen is already awakened, did he kiss you?"

"The hell I kno- S-Saega?!!! What kinda outfit are you wearing?!"

Saega appears wearing a thick hoodie with its hood closing her face and a face mask closing her face,

"Ah, Well, you know…" she opens the hood and mask reveal her face behind the mask,

"I can't take it off," she jokingly smiled,

"W-wha- since when?!!"

"Since the spar…"

Sanna stunned to see Saega still in her inversed shift state,

"Umm also, to be truthful to you, Takaya isn't sleeping, he passed out after seeing me…"

"Heh? Taka? Fainted?" she moved his body trying to wake him up,

"Hey Saega do something???"

"Sorry, impossible…"

Saega avoided Sanna's eyes,

"Taka.. Honey?? It's Saega, not a ghost or the freaking demon herself… wake up?? Please??"

Takaya still not responding to her, but suddenly she head snoring sound from him,

"He's really tired…" Saega walk beside Sanna sat in the empty chair,

"Yeah, after what happened yesterday…"

"Yesterday? What happened?"

Saega shows unfamiliarity of the event,

"The Two Goddess…" Sanna began to explain everything that happened before to Saega, also the fact that she knows the truth about Asahi that Saega has been aware since long time,

"So… Who the hell is She?" Saega asked,

"My sister…" Takaya suddenly speaks,


"Bullshit! No way…."

Both Sanna and Saega surprised,

"Yeah, I also hoped that was all bullshit. But it's real…"

He opens his phone,

"And how are you going to deal with her?" Saega asked,

"For now, we just need to act normal. At least until Vanny didn't make it right, she wants me to stay away from her way,"

Sad, she looking down, concerned about Takaya's mental,

"Hey, now take it easy… I know people will say this is crazy, but it always has been. So, there's no need to be hard on that, right now we need to figure out-"

His phone suddenly ringing,

"Ai…" he answered the phone,


"Takaya! Look at the TV! Now!" stressful scream of Ai,

"What?" Takaya asked weirdly

"Just see! Something is not right on the city!"

Takaya turned on the TV in front of Sanna's bed.

Soon as the TV turns on, a sight of huge hole in the middle of the city displayed, with a surging darkness power as if like a pool of black clouds and red lightnings.

Saega suddenly feeling hurt on her chest, each her heart beats making her seizures and she fall from her chair,

"Saega!" Sanna grabs her before she hits the floor, "Saega! What's wrong?"

Takaya witness her odd behavior couldn't do anything,

"Ai… What is happening?" Takaya asked,

"I don't know. But I read source power, it's the same reading as Saega. More or less it's also the same as Asahi…" Ai responded from the other end,

Takaya stunned by the scenery, like he saw a doorway to the hell it self,

"Not only that, I detected multiple heat signatures coming from that hole… It's like crawling up to the surface…" Ai said,

He was sweating his face, terrified. Suddenly incoming transmission comes from Vanny,

"Takaya, Ai. Did you see?" Vanny's serious tone speakers to them,

"Yeah… It is… I have a bad feelings of this," Takaya said,

"Me too… The city is the on red code condition as we speak. All the military are ordered to evacuate 100 km of citizens to a safer place. Elite Team will handle the damage control. And warriors under my leadership will investigate the damn hole. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Ai responded,

Takaya keep silent, after listening the situation that she given to them,

"See you on site. Vanny Out!"

Vanny cut her transmission,



"Who is available right now?" He asked,

"Unfortunately only Asahi, the twins, me and my brother are available for the task."

He looked at Sanna and Saega, with Saega giving him thumbs up,

"I'll bring Sanna and Saega along, you bring the twins and your brother, no Asahi."

"Eh?" Ai, Sanna and Saega were surprised by his word,


"Vanny's request." Takaya said,

The two girl couldn't react,

"Roger. See you on site." Ai cuts the call.

Takaya walked to the door, his expression nothing but worried,

"I'm waiting outside, you two suit up."

As the door slammed, Takaya went downstairs to the open space, he once again opened his phone, tapping her sister's name. Sound of lively ringtone music shoots out from the speaker,

"Ah Brother! What's up?" A cheerful voice speaks to him,

"Where are you?"

"On the train, heading to the facility. I already aware of-"

"Oh, could you go back? I'll send you a coordinate."


"Also, bring Syira and the Valkyrie Armor."

"Heeee???!!! Are you-"

"Yup, see you soon." He hung up the phone,

He walked to the door towards outside, a clear sky began to darken, a black cloud started to closing the sun,

"Yesterday I saw the freaking God, what now?"


<<Hiltonia Central City, 5KM from 'The Hole'>>

It's 11 am but the horizon darkened like it was an eclipse. There a many small tent raised on the middle of empty field. In the amidst of many soldiers preparing the base ground for the X.A.G military operations, a helicopter landed on site, followed by the arrival of Takaya, Sanna and Saega. Saega wearing a huge hoodie to prevent people freaks out,

"Mr. Takahashi, Is a pleasure to meet you here!" A man wearing a military suit greets him,

"You're?" Sanna asked,

"Call me Mike. Anyway, come with me, Commander, are waiting for you."

Mike stares at Saega with weirded face,

"Umm, are you okay there, miss?" He talks to Saega,

"Ahh… Umm, I have a condition…" Saega awkwardly replies,

"Mike, she is with me… She's cool, Bring both of them first, I'm waiting for someone-"

Takaya said,

"Waiting for me, Takahashi?"

Unfamiliar voice of young girl calling him from behind,

He turn around, saw a middle range height girl with a red hair. Her eyes is like a ruby, shines despite the darkness. The girl wear a blue dark blazer and a white skirt.

"Who is that?" Sanna asked Takaya,

"She is the mayor's daughter, her name is Arima."

Sanna stepping beside Takaya, holding his shirt,

"Sorry for troubling you…" Arima said,

"It's fine… let's head inside." Takaya walked with the rest of the people.


Inside of the tend, it was very spacious and roomy, all the Elite Team, some military higher-ups, were already sitting in their chair.

While he looking around, he saw a familiar face waving her hand at him,

"Brother, over here!"

It was Rin who shouting in the middle of a meeting,

"Mr, Takahashi you may sit beside her, Ms Sanna and Saega may sit here." Mike pulling the two chair for Sanna and Saega,

Many whispering sounds after Takaya and the others enter the meeting tend, their eyes sinisterly watching especially Sanna and Saega. Those are the military higher-ups, and the other military officers,

Takaya sit in the middle of Vanny and Rin, where Sanna and Saega are far in the end of the long table.

"Miss Vanny,"

One of the military higher-ups in from her opposite side calls her name,

"I am major Vladimir Osifti, may I who is that three person just entered?"

Vanny suddenly changes her expression,

"The person beside me is Takaya Takahashi, the girl who sits in the far end over there wearing a thick hoodie is Seaga Onami and next of her is Sanna Meguma,"

All except The Elite Team, Takaya, Rin, Saega and Sanna starts to whispering once again, some of them even mentioned Sanna's name,

"What is the problem?" Vanny asked,

"Nothing, Ms. Vanny, nowadays our people in the military become so young and stylish even in the middle of an official meeting. Hard to believe that you with many experience and superiority expecting much from them, especially that traitors younger sister-"

Suddenly Takaya stood up and pointing his gun on him, everyone shuts silent after looking at the scene, Sanna stands with anxious,


"Did you not hear her name?" Takaya rises from his seat, Rin suddenly hold Takaya's left hand,

The other higher-ups reaching of their guns, but stopped by Major Jack, Estelle, Howard and Lania. Intense atmosphere between Takaya and the X.A.G higher-ups, like they were preparing for turned the place into a bloodbath,

"Major Vladimir, I see you have a problem with me. Are you not happy under my leadership on this mission?" Vanny gaze like a predator to him,

"No… of course not, Ms. Vanny, I just need to address-"

"Have you been told how to address someone with respect? These kids are more than just kids, they can easily destroy a single battalion alone."

Vanny said in a serious tone,

She gazed at Saega. She opened her hoodie revealing her form of The Demon. Truly everyone is shocked,

"If you don't like my way of leading, you're welcome to go. Set up our own station, and we'll not stand against you or help you."

Huge rumble from the ground suddenly shakes the tend,

"Commander! We got a reading of multiple heat signatures!" Said one of the X.A.G personnel,

A big screen showing a sight near the big hole, a legion of unknown entities surfaces on the ground. The creature with horns and wings also has awful faces.

"What is that?" Vanny asked, she sweating her face because of the unknown threads she will face,

"They're charging into a single heat signature- it's…."

"No way…" Lania reacts,

"It can't be…" Vanny reacts,

"That monster…." Takaya reacts,

Everyone except the Higher-ups and X.A.G personnel are stunned to see someone is already there to charge the legion,

"Asahi!" Sanna shouts her name, by seeing her already in her battle suit shooting at the unknown creature with a rifle,

Asahi as if she was dancing, she doing a elegant gun fight, once again displayed another level of her movement and skill for one person against hundred or thousands of enemy,

"That fighting style, Is just like you in the past, Commander" Estelle reacts to the scene,

"Hahaha, I never thought after years I will never saw that again," Jack replied,

"Terrifying way of fight," Howard reacts,

"What now Commander?" Lania asked,

Vanny widen her eyes disbelief what happened before of her eyes, like she was looking at herself several years ago,

"Elite, We join her for dance!" Vanny said,


Sound of growl of explosive echoes on the entire city, a purple light shining bright in the middle of hoarders of monsters. Suddenly exploded once again blowing everything around the light. Like a laser, a purple light trailing around, slashing whatever in its way.

An purple energy ball shooting up to the skies and scattered into a tiny little ball, hitting the creature beneath,

"Phew… That's a little bit much-"

The defeated creatures rises from their death, like a lizards they regenerate their lost limbs,

"Ugh… nasty," Asahi disgusted after witness the scene,

Her brown eyes glowing red, her body materialized her second shift from armor with a purple sword in her left hand, and air of wings,

"Looks like you will endlessly coming from that hole,"

She jumps up and flies above the hole, with drawing her sword up, a surging power coming out from its tip,

"Violet SHOT!" She points her sword to the hole and shoots a giant beam from it.

The beam suddenly collided with a huge beam encounters her, the shock wave made Asahi also shaken, she flies away from there saving herself,

Another beam shooted towards her while she only can watch it's closing at her,

"Ghh!" She draw her sword once again but this time her power suddenly dissolved, "Wha-"

"Asahi!" The a huge beam hits a invisible energy shield,

"Crystal Wall!"

Asahi cocooned by a crystal walls, protected her from the impact,


Ai and Sanna arrived beside her,

"Sanna?! Ai?!"

"Idiot! What are you thinking?!" Ai scolded her,

"Why'd you attack alone?!" Sanna also scolded her,

"What are you two doing here?!" Asahi angrily screamed at them,

"Well excuse me!! I just saved your ass a few seconds ago and this is how you pay me?!"

"Cut it off!" Takaya flies in front of them, "Sanna, as we practice! Ai contain every one of those creature, don't let them get away! Asag-"

Takaya stop immediately.

Asahi widen her eyes, realized he slipped out the wrong name,

"Asahi, help the Elite's!" He flies away from her alongside Sanna,

"Hey, Ai…. Did he-"

"You heard him, go! Ai charges her immensely power to perform her another move, while Asahi flies down toward the elite team fighting the monsters,

Soon as she reaches the ground she finds Lania fighting alone, she runs to her and slice the being in front of Lania,

"Asahi!!" Lania said,

"Lieutenant, get away from it they will rise again!"

As her said, Lania jumps back faraway from the monster with Asahi besides her,

"What are you thinking?! This area is locked down!" Lania scolded her,

"How can I sit quietly while these things wreck the city?!" Asahi looked at Lania,

"Yeah, how can you?" A laser beam shooted at the monster behind them,

"Syira Takahashi Arrived!" Syira with her green armor same as her hair comes,

"S-Syira?!!!!" Asahi widen her eyes, jaw dropped by Syira's arrival,

"Focus!!" A familiar cheerful voice coming from above her, with a straight line of slash, the person landed epically,


Rin appears using her newly made Valkyrie Armor, equiped with sword handled with a bike throttle like and it's brakes handle. Her long black hair twin tailed, a surprisingly appearance of her for the first time in the battle,

With that, Asahi widely smiled, walked beside Rin,

"Let's finish the dance!"


The two launch themselves into incoming thousands of monsters.


Takaya and Sanna are up above the hole, watching the odd power surging inside,

"Are you ready?" Takaya asked her,

"Yeah…" despite her answer, her face couldn't hide her anxious,

Saega approachs them, also watches the hole,

"I feel something strange with that hole…"

"What?" Takaya asked

"Some how, I feel stronger… The power is similar to me…"

Sanna gaze at Saega, surprised by her word. Suddenly a lightning strike struck the hole,

Takaya and the others look up only to see Vanny rushing over them with a worried face "Get Away!!!" She screamed,

Saega pull Sanna away along herself. Suddenly a portal summons behind Takaya and grab him into the portal,



"This is out of our league!" Sagara- said anxiously,

"What do you mean?!"

"This hole is portal, it was similar to Sagiri's portal but where it leads is another thing I afraid." Sagara said,

"Where leads to?!" Takaya asked,

"Hell." Her voice echoes on his ears. Disbelief what she just said, Takaya watches Vanny airborne directly into that hole while charging her energy, he tries to stand but holded by Sagara,

"Ghhh! Haaaaa!!!" Suddenly behind him Asahi launches herself toward Vanny,

"Vanny!!!!" As faster as she can, she flies in front of Vanny, shielding from a huge beam shooted from inside the hole,


Asahi loudly scream of struggle, Vanny also jaw dropped by her sudden move,


She stop while she watches Asahi's hair dissolved into yellow,

"You're… Asagi?" Vanny asked,

The person in front of her smiled,

Vanny forcefully pulled her behind, letting the beam hits Vanny, she tried to reach Vanny's hand,

"Watch over them, for me…" Vanny whispering on her ear,

A huge explosion happens soon as the beam hits Vanny. It thrown Asahi until she crash at the building.

Everyone's eye looking at the explosion, their mind completely overwhelmed by the thought that Vanny is up there,


Scream of Takaya, Rin, Ai, and the rest of the Elite's. When all hope is lost, the explosion suddenly scatters away.

A bright light suddenly appears, it shoots a huge beam into the hole. Soon after the beam hits the hole, all the monsters suddenly turn into a solid rock stopping the invasion of the unknown.

The light slowly coming down at Takaya,

"That light… Zephyrus!" Takaya said,

It's true, Zephyrus suddenly appeared holding on Vanny with her. She land in front of him, handing Vanny to him directly,

"Vanny!" His anxious overwhelmed his sense,

"She is alive, but her consciousness is taken away." Zephyrus said,

"Wha- what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Hell and it's force of evil is reaching out to the earth. They are here to take human souls. And unfortunately your sister's soul is imprisoned inside of that hole."

"How is that possible?!" Takaya asked,

"You should ask The Forgotten and the Demon for that." Zephyrus said while she is about to leave,

"Wait! Tell me! What-"

"To take her soul back, you must to go inside of hell itself. Take her soul from them. I am freezing the portal activity temporarily, it may staying shut for several days. Until that day, hopefully you find out how to save you sister from there."

Zephyrus vanished, still leaving so much questions inside Takaya's mind,

Takaya trembles his hand, he slowly crouches down while placing Vanny on the ground, he reaches his intercom as he finally speaks,

"Vanny is alive, the chain of command will be on me…" his voice can be heard by anyone's there, including the Elite team.

He undo his transformation while letting tears dropping from his eyes,

"Starlight…" she said,


"The mission is aborted, Bring a paramedic to my location… and… arrested Asahi Fukasawa."

In hearing that, all that hears that communication is surprised,

"Requesting for confirmation order for arrest Asahi Fukasawa?"
