
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
67 Chs

Hyun Woo

"What did you just say? Who owns the house? My mother, so technically it's mine, and I've gotten it's legal documents....oh and, if you think that getting me married would take my mind off my legal properties, then please don't hope cause I will..." Ja paused and smiled, she noticed that Eun's smile had long disappeared from her face and she smirked "get out!"

Ja pointed out and Eun stormed off making Ja glare furiously at the exit as she saw the woman entering a car then driving out of the compound.

"Just imagine this lady!" Ja sighs as she shoves her phone into her pocket.


Yeong Ja left Scarlet Hill in a motorcycle as she headed down to the mechanic where she had left her car for it to be fixed. When she finally arrived, she spotted her Genesis G90 parked at a corner as she began to wonder if they really fixed it. Well by right it should have been fixed because the front line bumber of the car that was destroyed at the accident that night was already fixed, she also demanded for a re spray on the car but seems like that part of the Job wasn't done yet.

Mylo Jin saw Ja and he walked up to her all in bright smiles.

"Hey ma'am, am sorry that I haven't sprayed the vehicle per instruction" he said and Ja sighed.

"Where is your boss?" She asked and Mylo Jin smiled,

"Please ma'am don't tell this to my boss or I'll be fired" he said, his hands joined together in a pleading manner.

"My boss is a highly flammable man, he gets upset at the slightest so I don't want to loose my job" Mylo said and Ja raised a brow,

"so he's a trouble maker?" She asked and Mylo squeezed his face and replied.

"I guess"

"Really? Whoever that trouble maker was, them he must have been one hell of a brazen creature, right?" Ja asked and stared at the guy who nodded still smiling.

"Are you not supposed to be spraying the car?"

"Right!" he said and left.

Immediately a message from Dal Chan popped up on her notification and Ja opened the message app to take a clearer view of the message.

('Be on time, 4pm Liam Restaurant. Don't make me wait, Ja' )

Ja's eyes widened,

W-what? Look at him, he doesn't even know how to send a message. He clearly needs help." Ja concluded. She smiled and leaned her body to the wall as she replied his message.

(Ok boyfriend, but is that how to send a message? I mean it's too straight!")

Suddenly her eyes widened as she realized what she had addressed him as, "boyfriend" but by then it was already too late because he had seen the message "No! no, darn it" Ja hissed and gently hit her head to the wall. Not too long, a beep sound alerted her and she checked what message he sent this time around;

(Boyfriend huh?)

(Forget that Dal...I will be there before 4)

Ja texted back and slotted the phone into her pocket. She walked all the way to Mylo Jin and watched as he sprayed on her car. The next minute Mylo Jin turned to Ja and smiled.

"Ma'am, I hope you are not going to tell my boss on me cause right now he's coming" Mylo said and Ja laughed as she stared at the man, "no problem" she laughed even more at the look on his face. Meanwhile Mylo stared at his boss who was now inches away from them,

"good day boss" he greeted and Ja turned only to see Hyun Woo again and her level of shock increased.

W-what? He's the boss? Ja wondered as she kept staring at him. Quickly Hyun Woo dragged her as they started moving at a fast pace. Ja would have struggled her way out of his hold but she seemed to be in shock that she did not know that they were both already alone in a private room.

Realizing where she was and also with Hyun Woo with her Ja flared up as she gave him a blinding stare.

"What! Hyun-why did you bring me here?" Ja screamed. She was already feeling suffocated by his presence and now they were both alone in a room. Her expectations failed in comparison to the person standing before her, she had expected that he would be afraid to come even close to her but all of a sudden, Hyun Woo hugged her and the surprise didn't end there he hissed her hair just like Dal Chan did earlier and immediately Ja pushed him off her.

"What do you think you are doing? Hyun don't ever make the mistake of hugging or kissing me like that ever again" Ja threatened with her finger pointing out at him and Hyun instead of feeling a bit jovial at his actions smiled instead.

"Ja I'm really sorry for all I did, please let me apologise, I realized that I wasn't actually in love with Ae Cha but instead I was in love with you please forgive and accept me back" Hyun pleaded. Ja laughed "I don't care" she hissed and Hyun Woo grabbed her hands, he had really missed holding those little soft hands of hers back when she was still in college. immediately Ja pushed him violently "don't you dare, listen to me, I don't care. You can love me all you want, I won't give a damn feeling to it besides, I would be married soon" Ja uttered and Hyun Woo froze.

"Listen Hyun, you spelt it out to me 4 years ago that we we're done so now am spelling it out to you today that I am finally over you" Ja said her eyes, venomous as she spatted out.

"Did you ever love me?" Hyun suddenly asked and Ja laughed. Look who's talking about love.

"Well, I doubt that what I felt back then for you was love. Guess what, I love someone else it's Dal Chan you might know him. He's my devil, he's my life and will always be with me. I believe it's a one-sided love from my side, but with time he would love me back, infact I would make him fall for me and that's my promise" Ja said angrily but suddenly Hyun screamed "Noooo!! No Ja, please No!!"

Ja was shocked but all of a sudden he pulled her close to himself and held her tight on her waist and Ja frowned "don't let me break those hands of yours off it's hinges" Ja threatened but instead of listening, Hyun stuck out his fingers and pressed them on her face "you belong to me Ja" he uttered and suddenly began to caress her cheeks softly. Ja turned her face and slipped out of his hold.

"Before you would leave you have to promise that you will come back to see me" Hyun said and Ja smiled,

"I don't have to see you! Go to Ae Cha am not interested"

"Ah! I see, you're jealous right?" Hyun smiled and Ja laughed loudly that even people outside would be able to hear that one outburst of laughter, she shakes her head slightly as if trying to imply that he wasn't making sense at the moment.