
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Their First Date

Ja's laughter escalated as the young man kept wondering why she was laughing.

"Hyun, you're funny. I cannot be jealous ok, please stop making jokes am not in the mood for it" Ja laughed and pushed him aside as she left the room.

Yeong Ja met Mylo Jin and tossed a bundle of money,

"call me later! I will be leaving my motorcycle in your care" Ja said as she made way into the car she really didn't want anything that would make her meet up with Hyun Woo again.

"But ma'am the spray is still wet, you'll ruin it" Mylo Jin said and Ja rolled her eyes "am still going with it, infact you know what? come to Scarlet Hill with my motorcycle I will give you some money after that" Ja said. She knew that almost everyone knows where Scarlet Hill was so he wasn't an exemption. Yeong Ja quickly drove off as she watched the time, it was 3pm.

Suddenly something seemed to strike her mind so she parked her car. She wanted to inquire from Dal Chan if she should come or he was going to pick her up.

(Er.. aren't you supposed to pick me up? I mean, that's No. 1 fact about dating)

Ja texted, but when he didn't reply to her message, she immediately assumed that he was busy as she hit the road once again. Finally Ja's car halted by the famous Restaurant "Liam" and she smiled wryly seeing their outer decor, although she was the daughter of a wealthy millionaire, she still haven't enjoyed herself to the extent of going to expensive restaurants like this. She have also held large amount of money especially the time when she was so hellbent on helping Hyun Woo out of his financial problems well that does it. Still sitted in the car she kept admiring the Restaurant's beauty but suddenly her car's door was opened and Ja was startled by it but seeing Bian Kyuu's face her shoulders dropped in relieve.

"Welcome to Liam Restaurant my lady" Bian said and Yeong Ja stepped out of the car. She laughed a little, wondering what all this was all about. Immediately Do Yun fixed a single rose into her hair just as Dal Chan had instructed.

"O-kay, thanks" Ja said and closed the car and Do Yun walked ahead leading the way and Bian Kyuu just walked behind her until they got into the Restaurant. Ja's mouth hung open by just a glance at the restaurant. Just the way the place was all decked up was enough to put beautiful stars into her eyes.

"I wonder what Mr handsome have arranged for today" Ja muttered as she stood by the entrance. Finally she took few steps in as her eyes roamed around for Dal Chan but he wasn't anywhere she had hoped he would be. Her mood was suddenly getting elated by the manner of approach this man had used in getting this place ready for their first date, quickly she turned to Bian, her eyes gleaming with excitement, "where's Dal?" She asked and Bian giggles.

"Don't worry about him, he'll join you soon, just sit" Bian said and led her to a table with 2 chairs on either side with two candles placed on top of the table. There was a flower vase in the middle of the table with red roses filled in it. A card was left standing by the vase and Ja grabbed it. The card was filled with little love poems. She just likes the way Dal went on about their first date, it was so good infact words weren't enough to describe how she was feeling at the moment she just felt like hugging him or even better kissing him, she even began to imagine how their first kiss would be like. Brightly smiling at the card in her hand, she froze as she saw an elegant hand being stretched out for her to take hold of, she looked at Dal Chan who stood like a royal prince. He was obviously beautiful and breathtaking in his blue tailored suit which... perhaps, is the first and only colorful dress in his wardrobe. His hair was arranged perfectly and he looked like a powerful god who was living among the human clan.

"Do you mind having this dance with me... Girlfriend?" He asked and Ja almost lost her sanity by just hearing his magnetic voice. She quickly took his hands and Dal Chan squeezed it lightly and Ja could feel the warmth of his hand course through her body. Finally Dal made her stand up to her feet and he brought her to a gazeebo not far from the stage. It was surrounded with flowers and candles. It's four pillars were also decorated with fresh and fragrant flowers and lit up with tiny fairy lights. The whole set up was perfect-as romantic as a pair of lovers would like. Just as she was she was admiring the scene, Dal's hand slid to her waist as he held her close to himself making Ja to focus on him again and only then did Ja realize that a slow song has already started playing from the speakers. They began to move slowly to the rythm of the song as they were both lost in each other's eyes.

Bian Kyuu and Do Yun laughed at their both lack of skill at dancing, but actually Dal and Ja didn't care about their dancing skill at all as long as they were able to move their body they were ok with it.

"So how do you find my preparations?" Dal asked and Ja smiled. "Well to be honest, this is just so awe-inspiring" Ja said as her smile got even wider but Dal Chan didn't even smile at all, the only thing he did was sag his shoulders so as to let Ja know that he was relieved that she liked it. After dancing to 3 more songs they both went back to their chair and sat down.