
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
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67 Chs

He's Critical

After getting some important stuff and clothes from the log house in Scradlei, they began driving back to the palace which was another distance away.


Hongdae ~ Hospital,

They had been to the palace and Dal Chan's health became terrible and he collapsed. Panic creeping slowly into Ja's heart knowing that clinics we're modernized in this country Viscarious so they decided to leave the country as soon as possible. He had perfectly hidden his pain and now look at the outcome. Ja could only curse inwardly. Arriving at Hongdae's Hospital, he was placed on a stretcher and rolled into the theatre room were he be operated on immediately.

Yeong Ja remembered that Givvel had explained the plan properly to her that Dal Chan made and if taken in, he would fight his way out and that he did....but now look, he's in this dire situation and he's even operated on.

Ja couldn't help the sob that formed from her lips, she hated seeing him in so much pain.

She wasn't even allowed to be close to him, neither was she allowed into the operating theatre, she was just helplessly looking through the small constructed window where she was able to see the patient lying motionless as the doctors surrounded him. Dal Chan was on his patient uniform as 7 more doctors flocked in and out of the theatre leaving no room for Ja to ask questions about his condition.

Yeong Ja wanted to find some distractions because surely staying there just standing by the small window looking at Dal Chan made her want to cry all-over. She would even end up falling sick herself. The last time she had been to the hospital, it was bad news she received, so that fear still never left her heart.

Her thoughts drifted to Kit Ji and she quickly went off to her ward.

When she got there, she found kit trying to leave the bed. She ran to her and tried stopping her from doing that.

"Kit Ji, don't do that" Yeong Ja said and pulled her down to the bed's soft bedsheet, "what the heck?"


"Ja, where have you been? it's been 4 years" Kit said and Ja sighed as her aching butt sat down on the soft bed.

"I hope you know that my dad is dead" Ja said and Kit nodded.

"I heard about it 2 years ago"

"Yeah, I slumped into coma for 4 years, and I had to be moved to Hongdae. Which I continued my life after that" Ja said as her hair poured over her face.

"Am sorry Ja, I caused you trouble...." Kit Ji paused for a while before continuing her statement.

"....who is that man?"

"uh.. which man?" Ja's eyes stretched for a while "...ohh do you mean the one that carried you to this place?" Ja asked and Kit nodded.

"He's my fiance's immediate younger brother"

You're engaged already?" kit asked eye balls growing larger in surprise and Ja smiled.

"No, but we would soon be engaged" she replied

"after what Hyun Woo did? I can't bear to see your heart broken like last time" Kit said raising her voice and Ja sighed,

"I know, Hyun Woo is an ass, but honestly I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't my dad's last wish" Ja said and Kit sat upright.

"Ja you don't have to do it, your dad is dead already, you are supposed to focus on your dreams, ...you love singing don't you? ... didn't you want to become that famous artist you dreamed off?... you loved painting and those paintings looked ethereal, ... did you forget, you hung them in my bedroom, you had told me of those moments in the future you dreamt of, and now?" kit said and Ja sighed...

"Relax Kit... believe me I still will pursue my dreams and as for my fiance he is really a good man compared to that of Hyun, Hyun never loved me he had just wanted to seek revenge"

"good man indeed" Kit scoffed.

"Anyways Kit how are you now.." Ja was interrupted when she heard Bian Kyuu's voice echo from outside,

"am really sorry old master..."

Her thoughts drifted to Yeol Chan, "he's probably here"

and immediately she stood up,

"Kit, take a rest I would be going now. Let me see my grandfather"

Ja said and left leaving Kit Ji with words stuck to her mouth and she could only sigh as she lay on the bed angrily.


"Mr Chan,"

Ja called and Yeol turned his gaze from Bian to her,

"oh dear how are you? and what happened?" Yeol Chan asked.

Yeong Ja sighed as if been trapped between words.

"Did you ever know that Dal Chan had a really fragile skin?"

Ja suddenly asked back and Yeol Chan paused for a while.

"Well yes but..."

"Mr Chan, he had a fight with someone and ended up getting hurt," Ja said simply as her gaze lowered as she uttered meekly,

"and it's all my fault.... I had asked for his help to rescue a friend" Ja said and Yeol Chan patted her head with his big hand.

"It's ok dear, don't cry..he would be alright" Yeol said.

Suddenly a clicking sound was heard and Ja turned abruptly as she saw the doctor approaching them. She knew that last time, she had received bad news about her dad's death and the event kept haunting her like a bad dream.

The doctor's expression held something that spelt "sadness" and his footsteps was slow and considering, whether he should continue going or not; No! it was her imagination, the man was walking forward non stop and time seemed to slow down because the distance between them wasn't in anyway filling up and she wondered why, or was it because of her fear that he might that Dal Chan is dead, Just like her dad died, ...No!

"What is wrong with you Ja, relax, nothing's going to happen" she encouraged herself. Finally the doctor was close to them and Ja watched as he shook hands with Yeol Chan before turning to her.

"How's he doing?" Ja asked,

she didn't notice that she wasn't breathing. Her expectations was focused on Dal Chan being alright because if it was nothing order than that then she had promised to die too.


A/N: Surely I've given 3 updates In a day please support me.

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