
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Solve Your Fragile skin Problem

"Well actually, ..." The doctor started to say but a phone call interrupted him. "Excuse me" he said and he went to take the call.

Yeong Ja could feel the tension build up within her, her emotions were messed up.

Immediately someone's hand was placed on her shoulder and she turned. Seeing Yeol Chan, trying to ease her pain her mind relaxed a bit, definitely he had realized her dilemma at the moment and was lenient on whether he should continue or not, but definitely he had to. Besides it was his responsibility as her Grandpa to console her in difficult times like this. Meanwhile Yeong Ja was worried sick and she would do with a warm hug at the moment.

"Mr Chan!" Ja called as she sniffled

"yes dear" he replied and Ja stared at him.

"Can I hug you?" She asked and Yeol Chan smiled "common, bring it in" he said and immediately Ja hugged him as her body shook in his embrace.

When the doctor returned, he rubbed his palm against each other and faced Ja. "Actually, he had several internal injuries. We've managed to stitch. He's alright now and also he shouldn't move about, so that his stitches won't come off. He's conscious right now but he has been moved to a different ward."

Yeong Ja didn't know the feeling of been extremely happy and relieved until after the doctor blurted out that Dal Chan was doing fine.

"I told you Ja, he would be fine" Yeol Chan said and Ja kept smiling and nodding like a rattle as tears streamed down her eyes.

Ward ~ 102,

Yeong Ja walked in and saw Dal Chan lying on the bed, his head facing the ceiling. His head immediately turned sensing someone's presence and seeing that the person he was desperately waiting for to come see him, his eyes gleamed with excitement.

Yeong Ja sat on the small table close to his bed and they both stared into each other's eyes in total silence and finally Ja broke the stalemate.

"How are you?"

Dal Chan didn't reply yet as his gaze kept scrutinizing her like he was running an investigation on her only to discover that she have been crying.

"Does that mean she remembers? or is it something else?" Dal Chan wondered as his eyes circled around her before he opened his lips again.

"You have been crying?" He asked and Ja's eyes suddenly turned blazing with anger"

"Why shouldn't I cry?! You had decided to risk yourself just to save my friend - don't do that again" Ja said.

"But she's your 'best friend' your best friend is important don't you think?" He said and Ja frowned.

"No! you are my number one priority, you are the first and Kit comes second understood? Please don't do this again. Not that am trying to belittle you, I know. You're powerful, but please let me protect you" Ja said her eyes pleading.

"You don't understand Ja, I cannot live peacefully knowing that it's my right to protect you and not you protecting me, it would haunt me if I don't do anything" Dal said and Ja sighed.

"What can we do about your skin? If you feel it would haunt you, then find a way to solve your fragile skin problem."

The door opened again interrupting their conversation as Yeol Chan walked in.

"Grandpa! You are here" Dal said and Yeol Chan smiled.

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"am fine" Dal replied but what welcomed him was Ja's upset voice.

"Are you sure? Because you are quite good at hiding your pain" She hissed as Dal's stare diverted from Yeol to Ja.

"Are you upset?" he asked and Ja rolled her eyes angrily,

"you felt all the pain while stepping out of that cave and lied to me that you were alright! Plus you let the pain last till day break" Ja said and Dal Chan lowered his head as he stared at the floor. "Am sorry" he suddenly apologized. Even Yeol Chan was surprised that Dal Chan was able to say sorry. Something he has never done before.

"I will only forgive you once you promise not to do it again, or do anything that would cause you harm" Ja said looking all serious and Dal Chan nodded.

"I promise."

And Ja smiled. She expected him to smile but that didn't happen and she began to wonder when this man would ever smile. Even those half smiles and smirks she had seen on his face she wondered if it was actually his or he had tried learning it. But she knew that one day he would definitely smile and it wouldn't be all made up, it would be true and genuine. Yeol Chan watched the little love movie unfolding before him and he couldn't help but smile at them but he strongly believed that things would work out between these two and quickly he left the room leaving Dal Chan and Yeong Ja clueless about about his exit as they both remained lost in each other's eyes.


Yeong Ja would not have approved to Dal Chan's discharge, but knowing that, his life is always at risk he needed to leave the hospital. Plus enemies could just enter the hospital and if found, it might turn fatal so they drove down to Scarlet Hill.

Ja had strictly warned him to restrain from any funny movements that would cut the stitches because as of now his wounds were not healed up yet and Dal Chan had no other option but to stay obedient to her.

Getting out of the vehicle, Yeong Ja's hand curled around his waist as she supported him, so that he wouldn't hurt himself even more. But realizing something Dal Chan halted in his tracks as he turned towards Bian Kyuu and Jak Lu who were both coming behind them.

"Go home! I will call you once I fully recovers, oh and tell Do Yun and Gu Blake to take my flowers to the Valley" He ordered.

Yeong Ja's brows bended sideways.

"Flowers! Did he just call flowers his?" She kept wondering and suddenly her thoughts wandered to the two bouquet of flowers she had gotten for him the day before they had gone to Country Viscarious.

"Was that the flowers he was...."

She mentally groaned as she pulled him into the house slamming the door close.

Bian's head fell sideways as he stared at the door which was closed to both their faces,

Sigh...Just say that you changed your mind and that you are now setting aside the chivalrous protocol so you could take advantage of being alone with her inside!" Bian muttered. He knew that Dal Chan was a very important figure. His fame was on par with the most famous celebrity in the country and he was feared more than any private and public figure. But now all of a sudden his whole attention is diverted to this lady he met 2 months ago, how sudden. He could only obey and turn around exiting the compound with Jak Lu as they drove off.