
Chapter 45


Lucas and I met at his house for dinner a few days later. It was eaten in silence-each of us lost in our own dark thoughts. I could cut the tension between us with the steak knife I held in my hand. And for once it wasn’t one of a sexual nature. My body still craved him more than anything, tingled whenever he was near, nevertheless, I restrained my raging hormones.

We thought that we could separate our relationship from his divorce case, that it was purely business, and yet we were only fooling ourselves. It was tearing us apart.

And that wasn’t the only thing. There were so many other contributing factors.

He wouldn’t say it but the fact that I still hadn’t got the DNA test was getting to him. Then, the issue of Aaron and I remaining friends didn’t sit well with him. Cutting Aaron out wasn’t going to work, he could be the father of my child.