
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Cómic
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43 Chs

| Second Evolution |

Pov: Ráel

After talking to Arthur, I began my six months of training. I decided to return to where I was trained all these years, because it is the only place I can call home of cours I took some missions around the area from the adventur guild.

And so six months passed, while I was training my elemental magic, my fire magic became blacker and blacker the more I mastered it, and the destruction it could cause also became greater and greater, but that's an advantage for me, I do not care what people will think, I'll just tell them its from a beast will

But eventually I was able to unlock all the higher elements and complete both tasks. It was difficult, the first element I was able to unlock was lightning, then gravity, then ice and sound was the most difficult, I did not expect that, maybe because I have more information and understanding of the other elements.

My status did not change so I do not want to see it, but my [ elemental mastery ]

| Elemental Mastery |

Fire - Lvl 53 Mastered

Water - Lvl 51 Mastered

Earth - Lvl 55 Mastered

Wind - Lvl 50 Mastered

Lightning - Lvl 4 Basic

Ice - Lvl 2 Basic

Gravity - Lvl 6 Basic

Sound - Lvl 1 Basic

After I unlocked Gravity, I used it on my body continuously, because now I have 5 times the gravity of this Earth, I can go even higher, but I can not move much after that.

I have also tried both internaly and external lightning magic and both have their benefits.

My ice magic is not normal either, it is almost as durable as metal and even colder.

As for sound for now I can only send shockwaves to attack something there are no visible differences maybe in the future I will know

Now is the time for me to find a safe place where I can evolve and become stronger.  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have finally found a cave where I can evolve. I will close the entrance and then safely evolve inside.

"System, can you start the evolution?", I asked

[ Yes, the evolution begins in




Start evolution ] repleid the system.

When I prepared to feel pain, everything went black and I lost consciousness.

After some time I woke up in a seemingly endless darkness in space

here were planets, shining stars, asteroids flying all around and even a black hole in the distance.

"Where am I?", I asked aloud

"So you finally got here," asked ???

"Who are you?" I asked as I tried to use mana but I could not even feel my mana core which put me on high alert

"I am you and you are me" ??? said and a siloute appeared in front of me.

"How is that possible?" I asked shocked at what appeared in front of me, an exact copy of me except he had wings on his back and his eyes were even more intimidating.

"You see, when a demon reaches the rank of a greater demon, it has to fight its inner self, so to speak, and defeat it in a battle," replied the inner demon

"But there is also the matter that the inner demon is already reached the rank of a greater demon, so you have to overpower me in a battle that is impossible to beat, not many are able to defeat their inner demon," he continued, explaining to me.

"So you were saying that if I can not defeat you, I will never be able to advance" i asked

"That's right, other me" replied the inner demon repleid while smirking getting ready to fight

"If you can not defeat me I will devour your soul, that is a condition the god has imposed on you" said the inner demon

"hmm I see so the only choice I have is to go forward let us get this over with" I said as I rushed at him to attack him I sent a punch right at his left lung but he was able to dodge it I did not let that discourage me so I kept going and sent punch after punch in his direction and he blocked or dodged them all the while he had this cocky grin on his face like I was not worth his time.

Just as I decided to kick him in the stomach with my leg he grabbed my leg and sent a punch straight to my solar plexus, the punch had a great force and when the punch landed a shock wave was created that sent me flying accros this space.

" So you can use mana?" I asked

"Of course I can, everything you have I have too," he replied

He's clearly stronger than me but why am I shaking with excitement it's like I have been waiting for this moment my entire life I have never felt like this before" I thought to myself without realising it a grin formed on my face.

As I rushed towards him and punch after punch, I felt free, like some chains were falling off me and the more I fought, the more I learned from my inner demon

As the fight continued I was able to dodge his punches and even land a few hits the fight lasted too long we flew past planets and stars around us it's time I have to end this I do not know how long I was fighting but I was enjoying every moment

How can I beat him I think ohh right that's it how can I forget it

"Come Dragon Slayer" I shouted in my mind as I extended my right hand my opponent was confused what I was doing but he realized too late that there was a huge sword in my hand and I used this moment of confusion to my advantage I swung the sword and tried to cut him in half but at the last moment he used his wings as a shield in the procces of that his right side was cut off along with his wings as he lay on the ground you could see his wounds slowly regenerating

so I rushed at him one last time and thrust the sword right where his heart should be. "huff huff, that was exhausting, we fought for so long, but thank you inner me, that was the best fight I ever had, I might have become a battel junky" I said as I giggled at my own words.

"Hahahah you had that too it seems I underestimated you other me you are the only one who can wield this sword the god made it overpowering even us copies of you could not wield it" Inner me repleid as if he was proud of what happened.

"Wait, what do you mean, are there others like you?", I asked

"Ohh I talked too much you will know in the future you do not have to worry" he replied

"Also I have to tell you that becoming a Greater Demon is a bigger upgrade than you think, both physically and mentally, it's like a whole new race. You did well, let us finish this," he said as his body began to change into small black particles coming towards me

after his body had completely dissolved and each particle was heading towards me, the space began to crumble and at that moment I lost consciousness again.