
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

CHP3 Information from the pendant

It had already been a month or so since Aadarsh had reincarnated into this world . Till now he had yet to gain any info about this world and what it is.

Lingering in the shadow there was something even more concerning, The PENDANT that made all this seemingly impossible thing possible. It must be something highly valuable.

Now remembering, about the pendant Aadarsh now finally reminisced where he had seen that pendant in his previous life on earth.

It actually a pendant that was seemingly on the road back to his home from his high school days.

Seeing a pendant which carrier such a religious value dirtied by the road where seemingly nobody had cared about it, even though he was not that religious but he couldn't bear to see the pendant being in such a pitiable state.

And thus, he had taken it to home with him and had washed it.

During some exam-term he had taken that pendant as a superstitious symbol in-order to pass his final internal exam despite him having learnt null.

Such is a life of a student, even atheist becomes super-religious just to pass in the exam wear all sorts of religious charms to increase their luck.

Aadarsh had also been like that. This time it did prove out to be a lucky charm for him as he was able to cheat in the exam very well and copy answers from his friends and so he had passed.

Remembering such a pitiable state he was back that even he was embarrassed now and happy at the same time.

A smile which didn't seem like a smile was hung on his Bright mouth full of vigor.

The thing was, there were no further memories of the pendant in his memory.




After thinking for few moments, he exclaimed in excitement ,"Oh I remember finally! ".

He remembered that at that night of the exam he had slept wearing that pendant but when he woke up it was not to be found anywhere.

Thinking now perhaps it had then gotten inside his body and had connected with his soul or something like that. Now he had at-least solved a part of this mysterious puzzle.

"This pendant really seems to be a powerful entity. Not only was it capable of reincarnating me, it did so with my memory being exactly intact, in-fact my memory has been even improved."

"But why didn't it save me from dying at the first place seeing how powerful it is, it could easily cure my cancer. Or was it that lung cancer was even accelerated by it ?? "

Uff !! forget it ! lets not talk about such infuriating matters. If it did infact tried to kill me then there is nothing I could do about it .

I should learn to let go of things.

However as the saying goes curiosity killed the rat, he soon drifted into the thought of pendant.

The even more mysterious is the fact the Knowledge I got from the pendant during my final moments of the death.

It was surreal.


Taking a deep breath he pondered again ," It was really magnificient it was as if I was the reality myself , as if I know everything , but that was just a fleeting feeling , what remained of that is the knowledge passed down by the Darth-Reliance Senpai."

It was really a well – documented info, it even briefly told me about the general structure of the whole Cosmos. It tells us that Basically the universe is divided into three major realms :-

1)Heaven Realm

2)Mortal Realm

3)Nether Realm "

And when one dies, one is sent into the nether realm where their own Judge, judges amount of sin and good deeds done in that lifetime.

Depending on that one suffers different amount of suffering for different interval of times.

It is to be noted that the life before previous life's sins aren't punished as they were already punished before.

Furthermore, if one had done enough good deeds one may even get the chance to be reborn or one would say transmigrated to heaven for a brief amount of time depending on amount of good deeds done of course.

There if one is lucky enough one may even get to meet the Gods and gain insights and teachings of the DAO from them.

"Now wait a minute who are this "GODs" , they really do exist don't they . but I am curious who are they actually ?Are they the same as the God/s we worship on the earth ? Then wouldn't there be a debate as to who worshiped the real GOD ? Man I am really curious who it is though now I even have to consider whether I should be devoted or not ?, to whom shall devot to ?",exclaimed Aadarsh.

It really questions right into my secularity huh !! it's sad that Darth-Reliance senpai hadn't mentioned the name of any Gods it would have cleared so many of my curious questionnaires.

Lets relax first, one must be contend with what one has and one cannot rush in such matters.

Aadarsh now became even more excited thinking about Mortal realm," So the Mortal realm seems to be separated into 2 parts:-

1) 9000 Greater worlds &

2) Trillions of worlds below"

As the name suggest Major words are extremely huge with huge population and to sustain that they are also the ones seemingly full with huge spiritual energy as compared to the minor worlds to the point the difference between them is like heaven and earth.

"Some of them are even occupied by the GODs where they live. It really is huge and monstrous then to be able sustain even the Deities.", thought Aadarsh.

"The Darth-Reliance Senpai seems to be from Major world, I can concur this much from the tidbits of memories that are implanted in my head of the senpai."

And I only have memories of things that are important to once's own cultivation like memories of battles, practicing techniques and arts, meditation and how to increase the chance to gain sudden enlightenment.

It however mostly consists of things NOT TO DO instead of things TO DO.

Perhaps he wanted me to create my own path , but still walking gave me warnings to not go to certain abyss, into the wrong path.

"Although it seems like they are not going to be of much help since once must go through one's own path and own enlightenment as per info I have received but even a little help is appreciated.", sighed Aadarsh.

Furthermore this memories are so vivid that I feel as if I am the Darth-Reliance senpai himself and the memories and knowledge are given through soul-connection through which I have much more clearer understanding , which will be more helpful than usual talking method between the master and the disciple.

The more I think about it the more I am surprised the lengths the Senpai had gone through to give such valuable inheritance , even 100 lives are worth it.

With a hint of gloominess Aadarsh thought to himself ,"I just hope that I can go back to earth and teach these techniques to my parents and younger brother. I just .. I want ..

"I hope I could go get back to Earth and make my family happier and live a peaceful life ,even if the possibility of such is very minute."

With curiosity he began to question himself ,"But why am I the one that is selected by this pendant ? if not of it perhaps I could a good life ??"

"haha what am I even thinking I was full of dullness even before I found this pendant , life would still have been dull and empty .What is so much worth in me that this pendant chose me ? it seems to be more of a luck thing than anything else."

"Or how could it choose a person as empty as me , lets forget to think about thinks I can't even begin to comprehend"

"First I should stop being this pathetic the cancer & death- experience has taught me a lot , I have self-reflected about these things a lot. "

"I want to start life a new and discover 'the real me' instead of catering to others and being a caricature of myself", Adarsh thought clinching his tiny fist tight.

"I shall find my own things and carve paths by myself. I should be encouraging myself more now that life has given me a second chance and I even have a gotten a head start."

"Even if I had not get this info and knowledge I should have still done the same thing for even in situation of ease or unease one must do one's dharma(duty) to the nature, family and to oneself as well with full sincerity and gratitude .", with a hopeful Aadarsh began to look on his future.