
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

CHP12 Celestial Shahada Seals of the Eight Archangels-Part-1

As the group of initiates followed the High Priest from the main hall chamber, they walked down a long and winding hallway adorned with intricate calligraphy and murals depicting scenes from the holy texts.

The walls were made of a smooth, polished marble, and the floors were covered with intricately woven rugs in shades of deep reds and golds.

The air was heavy with the sweet, intoxicating aroma of incense, and the soft glow of flickering candles added to the otherworldly atmosphere.

As they made their way down the hall, the narrow path began to twist and turn, leading them through a labyrinth of hidden passages and secret chambers. At times, the path narrowed so much that they had to walk single-file, with only the dim light of the candles to guide their way.

But even in the darkness, the beauty of their surroundings was undeniable. The walls and floors were covered with intricate patterns and designs, and the air was filled with the faint sound of chanting coming from the direction of the Chamber of Shahada.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the entrance to the Shahada chamber.

The doors were carved from a deep, rich mahogany and were covered with intricate designs that seemed to shift and change in the flickering light of the candles.

"Welcome initiates into the Chamber of initiation, also famously known as Chamber of Shahada.", said one of Priest in a joyful manner.

It was a massive Circular-shaped room, with each curve of the walls adorned with intricate calligraphy and symbols that glowed with an otherworldly light.

In the center of the room, there lied a Huge Cube formed with the structure of a tent. Precious gems, metals and crystals embedded in the base metal pillars that supported so that the beautiful clean white cloth covered over the cuboid structure.

"The Male Subjects shall gather at and enter from the East side of the cuboid structure. The Female Subjects shall gather at and enter from the West side of the cuboid structure."

"And don't worry you can clearly see other undergoing rituals to be better prepared."

The Crowd parted their ways.

Goerge Apollo, Radu and Victor Ivar were only 3 High-Senators present in the Chamber of Shahada. While only a single Female High-senator was on the West side.

"Sardun, the preparations must be top-class and perfect. Also increase the Quality-tier of initiation for the one named Reeve Helena. Nothing must go out of order.", George Spritually transmitted his words.

"Yes my old friend. Don't need to nag me on this. I am a Professional.", the high-priest transmitted back.

"Now the Male follower Sargon and Female follower Athena may go inside the cube to get initiated."

The Female High-Senator nodded lovingly to her grandchild.

Sargon who was amazed by the architecture and design of the room was suddenly gotten out of his stupor.

"Here, Take these Pill-boxes. And one Elixir box. While the Turn of the 'Homam/Homa' comes in the 'Havan' Part of the Ritual , offer all the elixir on the Elixir-boxes and one pill from the specified Pill-Box. Eat only a single pill from the pill-box Remember not to be Greedy and Don't Mess this up on your end.",George Apollo spiritually transmitted his words to Sargon.

"Ohh, DAMN!!! Is this spirit transmission!!! So cool. I wonder how much distance it can cover !!!"

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT CLEARLY ?" asked the agitated George again while putting slow emphasis on each of the words.

"Yes SIR. I do as you say."

"Good Good Good"

"Now get yourself inside. May ShahRaab bless you with his Grace.", prayed George Apollo.


Sargon then went through the "door" which was more of a Curtain. In fact the whole Cube was curtain supported by those Majestic Metal Pillars.

When he went inside, he was further handled Elixir-Offerings by the Priest nearby the 'Door'.

The First thing he noticed was the Opaque Cloth that was mesmerizing. It was of Deep Black Colour.

This 'Cube room' was divided into two halves by this thick, opaque cloth, and each half was filled with intricate calligraphy that resembled the Latin alphabet, the alphabet of Harsha Language.

The center of his side of the chamber held a slightly elevated octagon structure platform, which could only be reached by climbing seven steps. Each of the eight sides of the octagon represented one of the archangels and their respective domains.

The total of 8 Arch-angels of ShahRaab were said to rule over each section of the "octagonal Bagua". They were said to seal the World of Nashirah and imbue it with their Divine Maya (Illusions) as a test of God that the followers had to Overcome to be able to re-unite with ShahRaab "The First One".

Beyond the octagon lay an elevated circle, which was to be climbed with nine steps, symbolizing the duality of the world , and also the duality of creator and his Creation.

The Mc was guided to the center of the circle, where he was instructed to sit in the lotus position at the part of convergence of Yin and Yang part of the Circle.

The female follower was taken to the opposite half of the room, where she would undergo her own separate ritual.

The eight priests and priestesses assumed various yogic postures (Eka Hasta Vrksasana – One Handed Tree Pose,in Sirsa Padasana – Head To Foot Pose, Pungu Mayurasana – Wounded Peacock, Gandha Bherundasana – Formidable Face Pose, Sayanasana – Scorpion Pose Variation,Kala Bhairavasana – Destroyer Of The Universe Pose,Taraksvasana – Handstand Scorpion, Yoganidrasana – Yoga Sleep Pose, Shavasana – Corpse Pose) around the octagon and began chanting inaudibly.

As the chanting continued, the Mc noticed a small trickle of water emerging from a fountain-like structure on the ceiling and landing on his head.

It was a Chandelier from outside look and was etched with soothing Candles which gave deep smell of Sandalwood. But it was now acting as Reverse- fountain.

The trickle gradually increased in intensity, becoming a mini-waterfall with a thickness similar to that of a hand.

This water was known as the "Water of Grace" and was deemed holy and fit only for ceremonial purposes and was exclusively and secretly used for it. It was a splendid creation of the Church.

The Water flowed down from the head to the circle platform to the bagua platform to the floor to lower than floor into the basement, following intricate and soothing pattern to the eye. Even this little minute-detail was calculated by the church.

Those little-elevated Carvings now acting as mini-damns to restrict and facilitate the Dancing flow of the Water of Grace had gotten new life and was becoming more beautiful and Soul-touching by the Second.

Then after time taken for an incense to finish the High-Priest also started to chant.

The chanting seemed to intensify, and grow louder and suddenly fire began to form around the border of the circle platform.

This fire was famously known and was more widely used in other ceremonies and events compared to the "Water of Grace.",was also a Creation of the Church.

"Sacred Fire" the pundits called it.

Then, the two Priestress who were in a pose of ' Gandha Bherundasana – Formidable Face Pose and Yoganidrasana – Yoga Sleep Pose' suddenly opened their eyes and pointed at the Mc.

The other priest and priestesses, who had been chanting in unison with their eyes closed until now, opened their eyes, looking at him intently. Their eyes seemed to bore into his very soul, causing him to feel a sense of vulnerability he had never felt before.

Suddenly, the fire at the edge of the circle began to flare, increasing in intensity until it became a raging inferno.

As the High Priest continued with the ceremony, he called upon the eight Archangels who were the guardians of the Eight Trigrams of the Bagua , "Oh, Archangels of the Trigram of Heaven, we ask for your protection for this young cultivator. Grant them your divine wisdom and insight. We ask for your strength and power to imbue them. Let them be unyielding in the face of adversity."

"Oh, Archangels of the Seals of the Shahada, may you all be witness to the initiation of the Follower of your Lord. Bless him not now but on the Day of the Judgement."

The air around them grew thick with energy, and the Mc could feel the weight of their presence in the chamber.

As Archangels were called upon, the corresponding Trigram on the octagon platform lit up with a soft glow. The chamber was filled with a sense of awe and reverence as the divine presence of each Archangel was invoked.

"Let the Homam begin, follower of the faith place your material Offerings to the Archangels and place unto ShahRaab the Offering of your Sincerity and Devotion."

Now, etching the instructions of his Grandfather and his Family. He took out a pill from the pill-boxes then offered is an offering and threw it in the Fire dancing on the Circle as a homam in the havan of the Circle.

He took out an another pill and swallowed it. He immediately felt a sense of calm wash over him.

He then while remembering the chantings of the Shahadat and uttering it started to offer the elxir given to him by his Grandfather, family and priest.

It took quite some time to unload all of the offerings to the Yajna (a ritual done in front of the Sacred Fire).

And Suddenly the 2 Priestress who were pointing at Sargon. Trembled and undid their Yogic Postures and asanas.

They began to circle themselves in a slow, deliberate dance. As they moved, their arms raised to the heavens, they began to chant in unison, their voices rising and falling in a hypnotic rhythm.

With each revolution, their voices grew louder, and the tempo of their dance quickened until they were spinning in a dizzying blur, their voices melding together into a single, primal sound.


It was a chilling sound. The primal sound started with the low rumble staring at a barely perceptible hum and gradually growing in Volume until it became an Overwhelming, bone shaking roar.



Nobody on earth would believe this beautiful, lithe looking women could produce such a thunderous and screeching sound that even they themselves as man possibly couldn't.

But it was Nashirah. Where there was touch of Magic and a certain fanaticism towards it and the divine. Here, there were even Female priestess performing such an important part of a ritual.

For those who witnessed this sacred ceremony, it was a moment of both power and fear, a reminder of the awesome might of the divine and the incomprehensible mysteries that lay beyond human understanding.

And for the two priestess at the center of it all, it was a moment of profound connection with the divine, a moment when they were lifted beyond the mortal plane and touched by the hand of the divine itself.


The thundering sound on began to have lower volume barely audible to the outside of the cube.

But this low sound was accompanied by a piercing otherworldly screech that pierces through the rumble and sent chills down the spine.

It was felt for 1st time in the Cube room and most intensely by the Sargon.

"All Hail ShahRaab", as soon as High-Priest Felt it he started praising ShahRaab.

As soon as it was heard by the Outsiders, The East-Side of the Chamber soon started loudly declaring with their fist motioning at the top, "All Hail ShahRaab".

Soon the West-side also started declaring.

"All Hail ShahRaab"

This week I shall Publish 3 Chapters only this week though.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Drakal72creators' thoughts