
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP11 The Grace of ShahRaab

"Pixiu a being of legendary status , much rarer than the elemental spirits of fire, wind, water, earth, lightning. Although this is a Rumor ,but it has solid-backing behind it .", whispered Radu.

"Ohoo…. How amusing , Now entire Political and Merchant Landscape of Central Continent of Nashirah will change.. This can go both ways since we are under favorable but still at core Neutral Relations with that Empire."

"Sir, I am more worried about The Monopoly of GreenHill Clan already huge at is, will also increase further throughout Nashirah"

"…..Hmm… Lets talk about it Later Radu otherwise my Grandson may be Disappointed in his Grandpa. Also as Respective Bannerman we must inform our respective grand Senators in subtle way since there is no solid proof. Lets talk about it in relaxed manner in the upcoming Auction.", George Apollo chimed in before he could go on further discussions.

"Yes Sir!", while showing politeness the No'ble Man Radu was thinking ,"hmm is this the that part of the Apollo Family? The Elder son's ? I wasn't even giving any thinking towards that lowly Mixed Race muggle and normal Human and showing courtesy towards Sir George. It seems I need to focus on them too."

Inside the Kratos-Cathalos Church

The Kratos-Cathalos Church of the Faith is an architectural wonder, a stunning masterpiece that blends the grandeur of human churches with the intricate beauty of dwarven craftsmanship. The church's towering spires, crafted from the finest marble and adorned with intricate carvings and filigree, reach up to the heavens as if to touch the divine.

The main hall of the church is a breathtaking sight, with vaulted ceilings that stretch high above, adorned with beautiful frescoes depicting scenes from the history of the faith. The walls are adorned with beautiful tapestries, crafted from the finest silks and embroidered with gold and silver thread.

The inner sanctum of the church is reserved for the priesthood, a place of quiet contemplation and reflection, for inner Meditations and practice of Magic, the grace of ShahRaab . The walls here are adorned with beautiful stained glass windows, casting a rainbow of colors across the room. The center of the room is dominated by a great statue of ShahRaab, the god of the faith, crafted from the finest bronze and adorned with precious jewels.

The gardens surrounding the church are a sight to behold, with carefully cultivated paths winding through beautiful groves of trees and flowerbeds bursting with blooms of every color. The gardens are a place of peace and serenity, a place where the faithful can come to reflect and find solace in the beauty of nature.

The section dedicated to the Age of Rites is a place of great importance within the church. Here, young teenagers are initiated into the faith, welcomed into the community with great celebration and joy. The room is adorned with beautiful tapestries and filled with the sweet scent of incense, a symbol of the divine presence that is felt within these sacred walls.

The Cathalos Faction of the Faith welcomes all beings, regardless of race or creed, into its hallowed halls. It is a place of peace and beauty, a symbol of the divine that touches the hearts of all who enter.

"From the outside, it resembles a classic Human church, with its ornate stained-glass windows and intricate stone carvings. But upon closer inspection, one can see the delicate Dwarven and Ancient touches that adorn the building, from the intricate vines that wind their way up the pillars to the elegant archways that frame the entrance.", Sargon Noted as he was awe-struck by such Magnificence.

After, waiting in a little Line, They were allowed into the Church.

As they entered the Cathalos Faction, they were greeted with a vast, open space that is bathed in light, with soaring ceilings and a sense of tranquility that permeates the air.

The main hall was lined with rows of polished wooden pews, with plush cushions inviting visitors to sit and reflect.

At the front of the hall stands a grand altar, adorned with delicate carvings and shimmering with the light of dozens of candles. Behind it, a stunning mural depicts ShahRaab in all his glory, surrounded by the faithful of all races and creeds.

"The very air, here feels Sacred, one of the Reasons I always try to ignore and not attend the Regular Musings and give my Devotion to a God, who might or might not exist.", there was a little anxiety and restlessness as those thoughts came upon his Mind.

All of a sudden, The High Priest along with other Priest and Priestess were Chanting the Chants dedicated to the God of Nashirah, the Sustainer, the Benevolent ShahRaab.

Silence prevailed the air of the Church.

♫ 𝄞 ♫ 𝄞

The Tao, the Principal Pathway of the world,

Hukam,ShahRaab's Divine will embodied in Fate.

♪ ♫ 𝄞 ♫ 𝄞

Amidst the clouds, where thunder roars,

A flash of light, the Hukam soars.

Its power flows, through earth and sky,

The Taoist elements, it does not deny.

It dances free, like a river's flow,

A force of nature, the Hukam does show.

Its grace and strength, both calm and bright,

It brings balance, with a power of might.

The Hukam and Tao, one in the same,

A harmony of spirit, a unity of flame.

Their power intertwined, like two strands in a braid,

A balance of yin and yang, never to fade.

So when the winds of change, do come our way,

And life's storms, seek to lead us astray,

We can find solace, in the Hukam's light,

And walk the path of the Tao, with might.

For the Hukam and Tao, are not just names,

But the essence of life, the source of its flame.

They guide us through, the highs and the lows,

And show us the way, as we grow.

"All Praises and Glory be on ShahRaab", Concluded High Priest Sardun solely.

"All Praises and Glory be on ShahRaab", came the virtuous and uplifting reply from people all inside the Hall.

"All Praises and Glory be on ShahRaab", came a reply little late from what seemed two distinct voices, who could it be but George Apollo and Radu.

Just then a Priestess came onto the Stage and whispered something on the High Priest Sardun.

"May the walkers of the Path be Victorious in their Pursuit. Now let the the Faithful wish best for the Future Pathwalkers and depart from the Main Hall. Those who want to wish more sincerely, may chant the Glory in the Gardens according to a Tarikat.", Sardun instructed in devotional voice which contained no Ego.

"The Senators and Divine Servants may stay."

After all the remaining followers of which many included some family members specially Mothers of those who will be initiated in this Coming of Age Ceremony, the Age of Rites.

"The Grace uplifts while your Sins pull you down. Be well to remember that fellow younglings. Now you will Chant a Mantra, that cultivates the Grace given to you by the ShahRaab the Merciful. After which you will all be going to the Ceremonial Section to get the Rune Inscribed onto your physical being. Now repeat after me."

"It is called 'Shah-Adat Beej mantra'. This represents your testament to the God. It is a mantra of the Habits(Adat) of the Shah(king) of divine , King of Love and through chanting it you witness it with ur ears. You Testify the Grace given onto you by ShahRaab."

There was no choir or exuberant musical notes being played unlike before, just pure speech being transmitted.

In the hall of light we gather,

"In the hall of light we gather", Sargon continued to mimic the High Priest Sardun just like other did.

Young souls seeking the way.

With open hearts and minds,

We come to learn, to grow, to pray.

Hear the tales of old,

Of god and heroes of great fame.

Their deeds and words inspire,

Guiding us to a life of flame.

The fire of the soul burns bright,

A beacon in the night.

Illuminating the path ahead,

Leading us towards the light.

Let us chant the sacred words,

A mantra of power and grace.

May it bring us wisdom and strength,

And light up the darkness we face.

As the age of rites approaches,

We prepare to receive the gift.

May the rune be inscribed upon us,

And forever in our souls, uplift.

With a deep inhale, let go of all that thee hold,

For the divine grace awaits thee to unfold.

Listen to the whispers of the wind,

And feel the love that flows from within.

As the holy fire burns bright,

Close thy eyes and let go of the night.

In the light of ShahRaab's love,

Thee shall find peace like a dove.

Chant the sacred mantra with all thy might,

And let the power of the divine take flight.

Let it fill thy soul with pure bliss,

As thou embark on a journey of eternal peace.

May the grace of ShahRaab guide thy way,

As thou walk the path towards a brighter day.

Let thy heart be filled with love and light,

And may thy soul be forever bright.

"Now remember and etch this 'Shahadat Beej mantra' into your own mind and let it be a seed/Beej onto your Soul.", said High priest Sardun in an enchanting voice that let one drop down one's Defense.

Every word spoken out from him, a holy reminder.

"As I continued to chant the Shahadat Mantra, I felt a strange sense of peace and clarity wash over me. It was as if the words themselves were imbued with some sort of divine power, and I could feel my own spirit being lifted up and filled with a sense of purpose." Contemplated Sargon.

"Aleister, who was previously cold and prideful towards me, also seemed to be affected by the chanting. His demeanor softened and his eyes took on a contemplative gleam. I could tell that he, too, was feeling the power of the ritual."

Even the normally stoic Senator Radu appeared moved by the proceedings.

Senator Radu, who was watching from the sidelines, felt a deep sense of respect for the people and their beliefs, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at their unwavering faith.

'I feel so divine and holy , full with positive vibes. It's like negativity doesn't exist at all. Only truth is Bliss.'

Just as Sargon was in his "Saintly" mode and thoughts, he laid his eyes on one particularly talkative boy in the peanut gallery, Demonfolk Bryant Ivar.

He was boasting to his companions about the his knowledge regards to beauty of the ritual, while the others hillbillies nodded in agreement.

Puff !!

All his "Saintliness' vanished like smoke.

"Forget it, lets not focus on that dummy ", whispered Reeve while she pinched on a finger of Sargon.

"ok ok ok. I shall Forgive but not forget", said Sargon while imitating the posture of wild old man.

"Haha", she chuckled in his dumbness.

"Uff ! Now atleast she will forget about this past trauma.", thought Sargon in a loving old brother manner.

While on the Main Hall overall, there was a sense of awe and reverence in the air, as if subjects of rituals were all witness to something truly sacred and profound.

"Ok Subjects! Let us move onto the Chamber of initiation."

"All Praises and Glory be on ShahRaab."

"All Praises and Glory be on ShahRaab", replied some majority of subjects, who were to be initiated through this ritual.

While there was still some difference among the members of the group, be their race, status or gender. They all were thinking same thing.It was a 'moment' that they knew they would never forget, and one that would stay with they for the rest of their life.