
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Derivados de juegos
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27 Chs

Paladin? me?

10 Paladin? me?

Waiting for him to speak, I waited in silence as cold sweat ran down my back.

Uther: first I want you to tell me your name and where you come from.

I try to think of an answer, I can't tell him that I come from another world.

Juan: my name is Juan, I can't tell you where I come from for various reasons.

I say hoping he doesn't get upset, he appears to furrow his brows and speaks.

Uther: then what are you doing here?

Juan: believe me, I don't want to be here, but I need large quantities of food.

If I didn't have to help with food for the harpies' camp, I'd quickly leave Lordaeron, since this is where the plague starts and I don't want to be anywhere near it, he raises his eyebrows and asks.

Uther: what do you need food for?

Juan: my friends need food, they don't have enough to survive, so I have no choice.

He seems to think for a moment.

Uther: I understand, follow me.

He gets up and walks, he guides me to a place full of weapons, I'm a little worried coming here, I hope he doesn't try to kill me, he picks up a pair of hammer shaped maces.

Uther: hold it.

He says as he throws one of them at me, I catch it quickly and the information on how to use it is stored in my head.

Uther: try to defend yourself.

He attacks me with the mace, I could barely block it, seeing that I blocked it, Uther attacks again, but this time faster and stronger, I also managed to block it and the cycle continued, after a while I had no energy left, it seems that Seeing this, Uther stopped attacking and nodded.

Uther: Well done boy.

I look at him with a bit of resentment, I don't know if he's just playing with me or what other plan he has.

Uther: I apologize boy, let me explain.

Seeing my gaze he speaks quickly.

Uther: today is the day they gave me a break, I was taking a walk until I saw you, when I saw you I could feel a little light on you and you caught my attention, then when I got closer to you I could feel the light better on you, it is little, but it is very pure, I have never seen such purity in someone before.

He makes me a bit gobsmacked when he says that, I thought the situation would be the opposite, since I chose the necromancer class.

Uther: When I saw this, I couldn't help but taste you.

Juan: try me?

Uther: yes, first I wanted to know your background, that's why I asked you those questions and I couldn't detect lies, then I wanted to see your talent, when I gave you the gun I noticed that it was your first time holding this, but the more time you spent, it seemed that You better mastered it, with this I was satisfied and you were able to pass the tests.

John: Did I pass?

Uther: Yes, I want you to become a paladin.

When he finishes speaking I am shocked, I never expected this, it never crossed my mind to become a paladin.

Uther: So what do you say?

I get out of my shock and start to think, although I like the paladin class, personally I don't want that for myself, I don't intend to dedicate my life to the light or be bound by the rules that they impose and finally if I become paladin, surely they will make me fight against Arthas and the plague when they attack, not even Uther one of the most powerful paladins could against him, I would simply be cannon fodder, I prefer to be a rogue or a magician, they can do what they want, besides when I found out that I came to this world I decided to study witchcraft, these can manipulate souls that goes in harmony with my necromancy, they can also dominate demons, that can help me against the world of the devil and against the legion of fire, so my answer it's obvious.

Juan: I'm sorry Lord Uther, but I don't plan to become a paladin.

Uther seems surprised.

Uther: are you sure?

Juan: yes.

Uther: I can know the reason.

He tries to insist, I decide to tell him the truth.

Juan: Excuse me Lord Uther, but first I have to help my friends and I don't like being ordered around.

He thinks for a moment and speaks.

Uther: Don't worry about your friends, I'll do my best to help you, plus you don't need to follow any orders, you just need to become a paladin.

That sounds a bit tempting.

Juan: But Lord Uther, as I understand paladins have to believe in the light and I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't believe in the light and I don't intend to either.

Uther: Don't worry, you just need to follow the training.

I don't know why Uther insists so much, but seeing what he offers, it doesn't seem like a bad deal, besides, the warlock class appears after the legion attacks the world and according to my calculations, it takes a year for everything to start, plus another year for the legion be defeated.

Juan: Uther, I can be trained for about a year, then I have other very important plans that I can't put aside.

Uther seems to think about it for a while.

Uther: Boy, you put up a lot of trouble, but that's okay, I just want you to give it your all in training.

Juan: Okay, so I will address you as a teacher from now on.

I don't lose anything by trying to be a paladin, moreover, you can only see several benefits with this deal.

Uther: very well, from today I am your teacher, you have until noon to prepare your things and meet me at the training ground.

Juan: Excuse me teacher, but I need a constant source of food for ten thousand people.

Uther: You've got a lot of people to feed, huh.

I just nod my head.

Uther: I can request a permit for you, if that is not enough, I can request that the kingdom sell you the food, but this will take a long time, you choose.

I think for a while, but I think the best option is the first one.

Juan: teacher, I could ask for permission, I think it would be the best option for me.

Uther: Okay, I'll give it to you when you come to the training ground.

Juan: thank you, teacher,

Uther: I'll see you in the field then.

He says goodbye and leaves, he should be in a hurry about something.

I'm coming back to rest a bit and enjoy the capital, since I don't know what awaits me in training and this may be my last time to enjoy myself.

(Uther POV)

Today I am happy, luckily I was able to find the boy by chance, I did not expect someone like that to be born.

First, he has a great affinity with light and from what I felt the light is very dense in him, which gives him incalculable potential to be a paladin, then when I gave him the weapon and he was able to quickly learn how to use it I can say that he has a great talent and finally when he answered me I did not feel malice in him, besides he was worried about his friends, I can say that he has a good character, all this makes him have the requirements to be a great paladin.

My heart almost stopped when he said that he didn't want to be a paladin, I couldn't understand him, several youngsters want to be one, but they don't meet the basic requirements and can't, luckily the reasons for not wanting to be a paladin can be solved.

Although it's a shame that he only wants to train for a year, but I think it's enough time for him to instill the basics and he will become a great paladin on his own, if he becomes a paladin it will help this world a lot, I'm wanting to see how the world will change with his actions, for now I will get him this permission to buy food, I know he cares about his friends and I don't want that to distract him in the little time we have.

(end of point of view)

After walking through the capital and eating something I go to the paladin training field, when I arrive I ask someone for the location of Uther, he tells me that he is in the training field and I go to him, when I arrive at the field he I find myself standing there waiting for me.

Uther: boy you arrived on time.

Juan: yes teacher.

Uther: Take this first.

and hands me a scroll.

Uther: It's the permission, you can buy all the food you want with it, you just have to find someone who wants to sell you.

John: thank you.

I keep the scroll in the bag that hangs at my waist.

Uther. Well, I will tell you what we will do during the training, as we have little time and you are in good physical condition, this first month we will concentrate on intense physical training, during the early mornings you will train strength and resistance, in the morning mastery of weapons, in the afternoon we will practice with battles, at night to rest I will instill in you the values ​​of a paladin and finally again physical training, once that is finished you will be able to sleep, we will be in this routine for a month.

I start sweating that workout is hell I wouldn't be so scared of it if my stamina bar helped me as I would only get tired when I run but sadly I found that when I train the bar seems to be disabled that's why I get tired when I defended against Uther, not feeling any danger and not considering it a fight, the system considered it as training, I wonder if this would happen in the devil's world, I didn't try it because I discovered it this morning when I thought about why I got tired when I had the fight with Uther and did various experiments while exploring the capital.

Uther: very well, follow me, I'll show you the room where you will stay this month.

When we arrive he talks to me.

Uther: This will be your room, you can leave your things here, you have several training suits in the room, you have ten minutes to prepare, then come to the training ground, we will start with the fight training.

I nod and go inside to get ready as Uther leaves.