
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs

Uther the Lightbringer

09 Uther the Lightbringer

Once I got the bags I left the store and headed to the grocery stores, first reaching the Clifton family store.

Upon entering I meet a lady.

Miss: Good morning, how can I help you?

Juan: Hi, I'm here to buy food.

Miss: how much do you plan to buy.

Juan: I would like to buy everything you can give me.

Miss: Sir, all I can give you is a ton of grain, that's all I can give you due to the laws of the kingdom.

Juan: Is there a way to be able to buy more food?

Miss, you can talk to the manager about that, but you'd have to come back tomorrow, since he's not there.

Juan: Okay, so I want to buy a ton.

Miss: please follow me, while we prepare the food.

She leads me to the back to a waiting room, after a while she comes back.

Miss: sir we already prepare the merchandise,

He leads me to a warehouse where I can see several sacks full of food.

Miss, do you want to take care of the transport yourself or do you want us to do it for you?

Juan: don't worry, I can do it myself.

I take out a dimensional bag and activate it so that it absorbs all the sacks of food.

Juan: Thanks, I'll be back tomorrow so I can talk to your manager.

Miss: see you later sir.

After leaving the store I head to the second one, the food alliance at this location also sold me a ton of food and I have to come back tomorrow so I can talk to their manager.

In the last store called "Hope" he also sold me a ton, but here I was able to meet with his manager.

They took me to an office and I found a girl of approximately 25 years old, she got up when she saw me enter.

Carla: Good morning dear sir, my name is Carla, owner of this store.

Juan: Hello, my name is Juan.

I respond to her introduction, she motions for me to sit down.

Carla: I was informed that you want to buy food in large quantities.

Juan: Exactly, Miss Carla.

Carla: I am sorry to inform you that I cannot sell you more than the allowed amount, in order to do so you need a special permit.

Juan: Why aren't they allowed to sell food?

I ask doubtfully.

Carla: the kingdom began to regulate the sale of food, to prevent enemies from having access to it.

Juan: Enemies?

Carla: rebel groups, other kingdoms and the most important, the orcs.

Juan: Isn't there a way?

She thinks for a while.

Carla: The safest way is to get permission.

She lowers her voice and continues talking.

Carla: You can also buy illegally, but I don't recommend that you do that, the chances of being caught are very high.

Juan: I understand, what do I need to obtain the permit?

Carla: You can go to the merchant guild or to a noble, I personally recommend the guild.

Juan: Why?

Carla: the guild will be impartial and safe, although it may take a while, it is better than the nobles, there is nothing that regulates them and they can ask you for things that you cannot give in exchange for permission.

Juan: I see, thanks.

Carla: You're welcome, I hope to see you again when I get permission.

Juan: Sure, see you later.

After leaving the store, I think about going to the merchant guild, but I remember that I have to meet with the other managers of the other stores, which one of them belongs to a noble family, maybe we can come to an agreement, So I decide to explore the city, all day I was walking around the capital, apart from exploring, I was also buying more food that was missing, such as meat, spices and vegetables, the five bags were completely full at the end of the day, in the night after renting a room, I prepare to enter the world of Diablo.

Upon entering the harpies' camp I head over to Akara, enter her tent and find her going through various scrolls.

Juan: Hello Akara.

Akara: Hi Juan, what brings you here?

Juan: I brought some food.

I say as I pull out the bags, she puts down the scrolls and grabs one of the bags.

Akara: You brought food, thank you, this can give everyone in the camp a little hope.

He says with a smile.

Juan: By the way, I wanted to ask you, how many people are there in the camp?

Akara: If my memory serves me right, I think there are about ten thousand people living in the camp.

Juan: I see, I'll try to get food as soon as possible.

Akara: Thanks, I'll give the bags to Kashya to store the food.

Juan: okay, see you later.

I say goodbye to her and head to my stash to take out corpses and summon my skeletons, last time I couldn't find groups of small demons and I doubt I can kill the demons of a large group by myself, I'm glad I saved all the corpses, today will be the day that I will face one of the large groups of demons, once I am prepared I leave the camp.

When I meet a group of demons, I think of a strategy before fighting, after thinking for a while, I decide that I will deal with the fallen first, the zombies are slow and won't do much to me, while the rats will attack the most close and that would be the skeletons, instead the fallen will attack anyone after the fear passes.

The skeletons run towards the group, drawing the attention of the demons and I focus on attacking a fallen with my bow, which I manage to kill after 5 arrows, the rats throw their needles at the skeletons, they seem to hold it, when the fallen they come back, I move back so as not to draw their attention, once they focus on the skeletons, I attack again, when killing another fallen, one of my skeletons is knocked down, I summon another skeleton from the corpse of a fallen, with that I attack a zombie while the fallen ones flee, I managed to kill the zombie with an arrow to the head, just when the fallen ones came back, then I killed another fallen one before another skeleton fell, I summoned another skeleton with my remaining mana, now that my mana ran out I had to hurry, after continuing to shoot arrows I was able to kill all the zombies and five fallen before my skeletons fell, leaving 4 rats and 3 fallen who noticed me, with no one to cover me no I was able to avoid r dying, when I reappear in the camp I realize that I don't feel like sleeping as much as before, but I decide to rest, I don't want to go to fight sleepy, I woke up about in the afternoon after noon, I prepare again by summoning the skeletons and recovering with Akara.

When I reach the place where I died, I get close enough for the skeletons to attack, I rush to recover my body and help with my arrows, after a while I was able to kill them all, but I spent my mana after losing two skeletons, I pack everything up and head back to camp to recover with Akara, then go back to hunting.

On the second day when I went to recover with Akara she talks to me.

Akara: Here, Kashya already stored the food and she is grateful to you.

She puts the dimensional bags on the table, when she was about to get up she speaks again.

Akara: Juan, I don't know if you could give me a bag so I can investigate it, the method is a more updated version than the previous one you gave me.

Juan: okay, it would be nice if you could create them.

I say as I put away the other four bags.

Akara: Thank you.

After saying goodbye I return to hunting demons until the tenth day, during these days I met 12 groups and died once at the hands of each group before killing them, I need a quarter of experience before I level up again.

When I returned to Azeroth, it was already morning, I decide to go to the Esperanza store before going to the others, I want to buy another ton of food, but I don't know if they will sell it to me, when I arrived and asked them to sell me the food, they said that It is possible to buy another ton, but they hope that I will return with the permit the next time I go again, I thank them and then leave the store.

In a cheerful mood I head to the next store, but someone grabs my shoulder from behind and I hear a voice.

Unknown: Hey boy, wait a minute, I want to talk to you.

I turn around and see a man covered with a cape and hood, but I could recognize him, he's tall, muscular, brown hair and beard with white parts from old age, I couldn't help but freeze.

Unknown: follow me let's talk somewhere else.

As I recognize him I start to follow him, the thought of escaping passes for a moment in my head and quickly disappears, I know I can't escape as much as I want to, after walking for a while we arrive at a building that looks like a combination of a barracks and a church, he leads me into a room, removes his hood and motions for me to sit down.

Uther: first let me introduce myself, my name is Uther the Lightbringer, a paladin of the silver hand, I brought you here to answer a few questions and I hope you will answer me honestly.

I nod my head looking calm, but inside I'm scared to death, thinking, what did I do for the first paladin in the world to come see me, I hope he doesn't feel like I'm a necromancer.