
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs


11 Training

I finish getting ready and go to Uther.

Uther: Here, this afternoon we will practice with a warhammer.

I wonder why a war hammer and not a sword.

Juan: Master Why do paladins use a warhammer and not a sword?

Uther: good question, paladins are not weapons to kill, they are shields that protect, but we know that it won't end up just defending ourselves and we need to attack, we can't use swords that are meant to kill, but the warhammer is different, you can also kill with them, but their purpose is to incapacitate, that is why paladins prefer to use the war hammer, remember Juan, our purpose is not to be assassins but protectors.

Juan: I understand teacher.

Uther: With that said, it's time to train.

I nod.

Uther: Remember, there are many factors in a fight.

He says while hitting with the mallet.

Uther: technique, experience, observation.

I put my attention while defending myself against his blows.

Uther: the technique, allows you to use your weapon and your body efficiently, experience will allow you to use your movements and techniques at the right time and observation, with this you can see everything around you and your enemy, being able to find the different details, such as his weakness.

We had several rounds of fighting while he gave me advice before we stopped, when I got tired he kept hitting, I took several hits that caused me great pain, when he did considerable damage I thought he would take me to rest, but what made me want to cry, he told me.

Uther: Boy we don't have a lot of time so we can't afford for you to get hurt.

When he said that, I was very happy, it's the first time I fight and I was very tired, I looked at him as if he were an angel, but I froze when he continued.

Uther: but don't worry boy.

He says as he raises his hand and a light surrounds me healing me completely.

Uther: I'll heal you when you need it and you won't have to worry about your body, you just have to focus on training.

I could only cry in my mind, I wanted to quit, but I knew this was good for me and would help me in the world of Diablo and in the future when the world becomes dangerous.

We were fighting for 5 hours, I collapsed four times due to exhaustion, Uther allowed me to rest a bit while he told me my flaws and problems when fighting, then we continued fighting when I recovered, strangely I recovered quickly, I have two theories for that, one is because my body is strange because of the devil system and another because I put all my points into my vitality attribute, when I checked my status on my break, I saw that my vitality attribute was increasing as well as my strength, but I only increase one point when I finish training, I was happy, now I can increase my stats while training and not only do I have to level up, this also encourages me to learn how to use my skeleton resurrection skill by myself and not by the system , if I manage to learn them, I estimate that I can raise their level without the need for skill points.

Uther: Alright boy, I can see you have tenacity, now go wash your face, I'll teach you about the principles of a paladin.

As I clenched my teeth I thought, if I didn't need power to help the harpies I wouldn't stand this, letting out a sigh I get up and go to wash myself.

Meanwhile Uther thought to himself.

Excellent, even though I overdid the training, he still persisted, he has incredible tenacity, I thought that when he collapsed from exhaustion I would have to leave the physical training for tomorrow and continue with something theoretical, so I kept giving him advice while I recovered some strength, after a while he got up, as if his body was recovered, I don't know if it was his will that made him get up, but I couldn't waste what he did, so I trained him again, although his body seemed to recover I noticed that his mind was starting to get exhausted, I wanted him to break his limits so I continued for 5 hours, I wanted to let him rest, but I felt that he could continue, I decided that it would be better to teach him, when I told him he seemed to get angry, I thought he would claim me, that what I am doing to him is not normal, to my surprise he just let out a sigh and left, I could not help but praise him for the patience he had, I myself would not be able to endure this training I lie when I was young, it really is a good bud.

If Juan knew what Uther is thinking, he wouldn't know how to react, he just wants to help his favorite world and nothing else.

Back to Juan.

After I get up I go back to where Uther was standing on the training ground.

Uther: make yourself comfortable, first I will talk about the three virtues of a paladin, respect, tenacity and compassion.

I nod and sit across from him.

He gives me a lecture on what these virtues entail, at first I listened carefully, but my attention faded after a while, nothing he said caught my attention, at first I did not want to be a paladin and nothing that helps me, only the virtue of tenacity helped me, about how to never give up, grave those words in my mind, with everything that is happening to me and remembering how I felt when I found out that I was in the world of Azeroth, it that I am no longer a simple person, I have the world of the devil on my shoulders, I can no longer give up, with that in mind I paid attention to everything he told me about tenacity.

After a couple of hours, Uther stops.

Uther: Alright that's all for today, now it's time to exercise, after that you'll have to sleep and we'll start again tomorrow.

I nod my head, I was a little excited about this, a few attribute points are always welcome, I did exercises for 3 hours, the exercises consisted mostly of strength, I also did speed and endurance, the speed gave me a few Dexterity points, and the resistance exercises vitality points.

Uther: boy, I'm impressed with you, I can say that you have a great future as a paladin, now go clean up and go to the dining room, they will give you your dinner there, once you finish eating you can go to your room to rest, I will come to you pick up tomorrow morning to continue training.

Juan: Understood.

I wash up and head to the dining room.

When I got to the dining room I could see that there are a few people inside it, eating their meals, some of them wear training clothes, without thinking much about it I go to where they serve, when I arrive they give me a wooden tray with a lot of food, I could seeing that there is a lot of meat, a variety of vegetables and different dishes, I look at him strangely, I thought that they would serve me stale bread with soup and things like that, like an army, the cook, seeing my gaze, speaks to me.

Cook: boy I can see that you are new, I don't know what you ate before, but you have to know that for the recruits to continue training here you have to be well fed to continue, so don't waste it and eat.

Juan: I understand.

I'm looking for a place to sit, I didn't think much about it, it was clear that no one could endure the training if they didn't have enough energy, my case is different, since I don't need to eat thanks to my body that comes from the world of Diablo, but the others they would have to consume enough food to support the energy they expend in their training, just like food, although I don't need it, it feels good to eat and I am very used to it and I see no reason to waste a plate already served.

Once I finish eating I head to my room, when I arrive I enter the devil's world, looking for a place to sleep, my body can recover from all its exhaustion, but my mental state can't and right now I feel very exhausted.

The next day after giving Akara the bag full of spices that I bought after meeting Uther I prepare to go kill demons, I want to see how much better she improves after training, I met a group of demons and attacked them, when I was fighting I immediately realized about the results of the training and it was that it didn't help me at all, mainly because the training concentrated on melee and I was using a bow, so fighting practice didn't help me at all, in terms of physical exercise also did not help much, I feel cheated, all my effort that I made during the day did not help.

Directing all my frustration at the demons, I quickly shoot arrows at them, it doesn't take long before a demon kills me, appearing in the camp and after the pain passes I lie down, thinking what is the point of living, because I try hard , where all my effort went, while I think someone approaches me and brings me back to reality.

Kashya: Hello my name is Kashya, I came here to thank you, but I see that it is not a good time.

Sure enough the person approaching me is Kashya, a woman around 30 years old, red hair, light skin dressed in black armor with a red cape, she was the leader of the camp when it comes to military matters.

Seeing her, I get up and introduce myself.

Juan: Hello my name is Juan and don't worry, I was just thinking.

Kashya: If you have a problem you can tell me, I'll help you if I can, as a way of thanking you for the food you brought.

Juan: you don't have to thank me, it's something I want to do so don't worry.