
Supreme Magus Ascension

Ryan, a teenager consumed by his obsession with magic, spends his days fantasizing about worlds where wizards and spells are real. One fateful night, while browsing Harry Potter fan theories, he drifts to sleep, wishing for a life full of magic and mystery. Little does he know that his wish is about to come true. When Ryan awakens, he finds himself in a completely unfamiliar world—a place filled with broomsticks, cauldrons, and enchanted creatures. Soon, he realizes that he has been reincarnated in the Harry Potter universe, but not as a typical student. To his shock, he is now the adoptive son of Severus Snape, the brooding and enigmatic Potions Master of Hogwarts. As Ryan grows up under Snape’s care, he struggles to adjust to his new life and the immense pressure of living in the shadow of such a complex figure. Snape, cold and distant at first, slowly warms to Ryan, revealing a hidden side—a man torn between duty and love, haunted by the past but determined to protect his adopted son from the dangers that lurk in the wizarding world. And then the day comes for the fated Day of his admission to Hogwarts, so the true journey begins..

FantasyLi · Película
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4 Chs

The Professor

A/N : Thanks to Alex_Delgado for giving me idea on how to name the Little Grey


Ryan looked at the little baby owl and said, "How about Selene?"

"Selene is the goddess of the moon, which fits you as a nocturnal bird," Ryan added, as the baby owl tilted its head cutely and nodded.

"You're a smart one!" Ryan laughed as he patted the owl.

"Let's see your abilities," Ryan said as he opened the status page for the Grey Mystic Owl.

[Selene – Grey Mystic Owl]

Species: Grey Mystic Owl

Age: 6 months


Mystical Phasing:

Selene can phase through any magical or physical barrier, allowing her to bypass obstacles or enter protected areas effortlessly.

Mystical Veil:

Selene can shroud herself and Ryan in a veil of magic, rendering them invisible to both physical and magical detection for a long period. ]

"Hmm, good, very good. I was wondering what I should do with you, but I no longer need to guide you. You can hide yourself well," Ryan said, looking at Selene. The baby owl blinked cutely, wondering what was going on in its master's mind.

And then, for the whole day, Ryan made sure that the baby owl, Selene, was well hidden. The next day, a knock on the door broke the calm silence of the house.

Knock, knock.

Hearing the knocking, Ryan went to open it and found a giant of a man standing there.

"Hello! You must be Ryan Snape. My name is Hagrid, and I'll be your guide for your essentials," Hagrid said, towering over the small boy with a kind smile.

Ryan looked up at him and nodded politely. "Why don't you come in and rest for some time?" he offered with a smile.

Hagrid laughed heartily. "Hahaha! What a good child! Clearly different from that stern-faced man, Snape." He stepped inside, ducking slightly to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe. Following behind him was another boy, around Ryan's age, with messy black hair and round glasses.

Ryan's eyes flickered to the newcomer. "And you are?" he asked.

"Hello, my name's Harry. Harry Potter," the boy said, expecting some sort of grand reaction. But to his surprise, Ryan's response was calm and collected, completely different from what he had expected.

"Hello, I'm Ryan Snape," Ryan said with a small smile, extending his hand for a handshake.

Harry shook hands with Ryan, a little unsure of how to react to the lack of surprise. Hagrid, noticing this, chuckled and said, "You don't have to worry, Harry. Ryan, like you, was raised in the Muggle world, so he's not awed by your special identity."

Harry nodded, relieved now that he understood why Ryan hadn't reacted like most people would.

Meanwhile, Ryan controlled the urge to roll his eyes. "Of course I know who he is," he thought, "but it's not like I can show that."

"What special identity?" Ryan asked, looking at Harry curiously.

"You'll learn when you go to Hogwarts, little Snape," Hagrid said with a grin. "For the time being, why don't we go and grab your essentials? After all, tomorrow you both have a train to catch." Hagrid stood up after finishing the snacks on the table.

Ryan nodded as he quickly got dressed, putting on his jacket, and together they followed Hagrid out of the house.

Soon, Hagrid led them to a bar. "It's like a movie," Ryan thought, amused as he took in the old-timey feel of the place.

Tom, the bartender, gave both Ryan and Harry a curious glance but quickly nodded to Hagrid as if he knew what was coming.

"Remember, Harry, Ryan," Hagrid said as they approached a brick wall at the back. "Three steps up and two steps across. Then you tap the wall to open the door to the hidden alley." He tapped the bricks with his umbrella, and slowly, the wall began to shift, revealing a bustling street filled with shops and wizards.

Ryan's eyes widened slightly as the magical world unfolded before him, eager to explore Diagon Alley for the first time.

Seeing the grin on Ryan's face and the amazement on Harry's, Hagrid shook his head, remembering when others had first laid eyes on this place.

"Now come on, don't just stand there like a couple of country bumpkins!" Hagrid said, walking ahead as Ryan and Harry followed.

"First, we'll go to Gringotts to get your money," Hagrid said, leading them to the wizarding bank.

"What are those?" Harry asked, glancing at the well-dressed goblins.

Ryan observed the goblins and compared them to house elves. "They're essentially the same; not much difference, of course," he thought. "Goblins have sharper teeth and small eyes, while elves have those cute big eyes."

"They're goblins, Harry. Nasty and greedy creatures, but also responsible," Hagrid explained, and both Harry and Ryan nodded in agreement.

Soon they reached the manager of Gringotts. "Business?" he asked sharply while working on his papers.

"Harry and Ryan would like to access their vaults," Hagrid said.

The goblin stopped what he was doing and leaned in to look at Ryan and Harry closely.

"And they have their keys?"

"Yes, here is the keys, and Ryan would also like to take the test," Hagrid added.

The goblin looked at them both but nodded, ready to assist them.

"Come with me," Griphook said as he led them down a long corridor.

"What is this test you're talking about, Hagrid?" Ryan asked, curious about what it entailed.

"Nothing too serious, but you know Snape is your adoptive father, right?" Hagrid asked.

Ryan nodded, recalling the cold-faced man who had told him on his fifth birthday. That day had been baffling, especially when Snape told him this is his birthday gift, The truth in his language is the gift. 

In his two lives he first time felt what is being utterly dumbfounded is like.

"I don't know much, but you're the son of Snape's friend. They had an accident, and he's raising you. But when Snape took you in, he also got this note of having you take a blood test to inherit what is rightfully yours," Hagrid explained. "There are many kinds of vaults in Gringotts, but the most secure require blood. Ryan, you are going to open one of them."

Hagrid looked at Harry, who was now curious about how wealthy Ryan might be. Ryan nodded, sighing in relief inwardly; 'I almost thought a different kind of test'.

Soon, Griphook led them to a small room. "This magical item will determine whether you have a vault or not," Griphook said, producing a small book-shaped device that looked ancient. He pricked his finger, and a drop of blood fell onto the object, which glowed brightly like a magical artifact.

As the book began to open, it revealed a letter inside. Seeing this Griphook looked at Ryan intently.

"What is it?" Hagrid asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Color me surprised, Hagrid, but it seems you've found one of the ten vaults opening," Griphook said, still focused on Ryan.

"Ten vaults?" Hagrid asked, stopping Harry from asking what this meant.

"Gringotts is ancient, Hagrid, and its vaults are numbered from Zero to... well, the latest vaults opened," Griphook explained.

"But even the top ten vaults have never been opened; they were bound to the original owners of the Gringotts," Griphook said, then looked at Ryan with newfound respect. "He is the master of vault number five."

Griphook then went to Ryan as he bowed to him "Its my pleasure to serve the 5th master of Gringotts" He said with a respectful tone, Surprising even Hagrid who knew Goblins never respect anyone.


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