
Strongest creature in MHA

I was reading the latest chapter of One piece. Luffy vs Kaido and who finally won over the other when I wake up in a white room in front of a woman that is pressing me to choose because she has a date soon. Spoiler for OP fans that haven't read up to Chapter 1044 This will be a mostly MC doing what he wants. they will not be a selfless hero hero. Warning They will be some R-18 stuff cuz........He does what he want.

Isekai_enjoyer · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Making an impression

I am currently in the middle of a forrest. Why? Because I am practising my quirk, the paw paw devil fruit, thanks to my wish I did not need to train haki, Kaido's techniques or his devil fruit power since I knew everything from the start. That does not mean that I was slacking during the last 10 years. I had to learn how to use Kuma's devil fruit and boy was it hard. If I didn't control the compressed air it would blow up in my face. I once tried my max at the beach when no one was around and the result was that beach was gone by the next morning and replace by the sea water that filled the crater. It took me ten years to master most of it. I still can't control the distance of where I sent something at high speed if it's past my sensory range. After finishing my morning training, I went to school. Like always, their giving me the "kid naruto" treatment except their is no Iruka that turns a new leaf.

After class I went to my club. Yeah! I'm in a club but they also are giving that treatment. You must be wondering if they all fear/hate me why did I join a club. Well it is more like the baseball team sucked without me carrying to become the best. It even promoted the school but they never put my name in the poster or called me their star player. I let it slide, of course after they gave me a pretty load of money per month. They think their tricking me but they don't realise the moment I leave the team will go back into being the worse. All club members were focus on getting the fame without doing anything and I sure as hell didn't teach anything to them. The UA exam is in eleven months so I focus on my training more. This training in question is to check if I still have full control over my strength.

Three weeks passed and looks like the school staff finally used their brain cells since they asked me if I wanted a part time job in the baseball club. They probably want me to teach other how I do it since they know my so called quirk can't responsable of my success. That was the closest thing they ever said that could be counted as a praise. Of course, I laughed at this suggestion and told them not to try anything funny as I had recorded them threatning me a few minutes ago. If I had failed any class while being in the top of every subjects, I would release it into the press and they would love nothing more then a scandal.

I was walking home when I noticed people crowding over the alley I usually use. I walk over and see a group of heroes in front of the group watching a green slimy guy closing in on the border of hentai with a teen trapped inside of his slime, both surrouded by flames. It takes a minute to remember that it's Bakugo getting the short hand of the stick. Izuku suddenly rush past me, yells and tries to save Bakugo. I want to go home so I think I'll just speed things up. I take out my metal bat as Allmight defends Izuku and takes his sweet time talking to him while Bakugo is about to get his body stolen.


Allmight: I told you that heroes must put there lifes on the line but here I was not practising what I was preaching. DETROY SMA-

Suddenly their is a purple lightning flashing past all four of them and Allmight hear someone talking behind the villain with a calm voice.

Me: Thunder bagua!!

The next moment, everyone saw the slimey villain getting propelled a few feet in front of me. It was at that moment that everyone realise where I was. I put the baseball on my right should with my right hand.

Kamui Wood: HEY! What are you doing there?! Get back here it is dangerous there!

I turned around . Everyone saw a teenage boy with a build body, not a bad face with two white and huge horns on his head. Some were shocked by my eyes as they looked like I view everything as lesser then myself. Yeah, I was looking down on everyone.

I looked at Allmight and the rest of the heroes.

Me: Pathetic!

I then went on my way it only after I left that they realized what I had jsut said. Naturally the didn't like it but I stop pleasing people when even my kindergarden caretaker excluded me like I was out to kill every other kid. It took a week for the police to find me as I started to live alone and nobody care enough to even remember my address.

The one who came to my door was none other Allmight with a few police officers, including his best friend Naomasa Tsukauchi.

Me: Could you at least be discreet? It looks like you're here to arrest me.

Allmight: We're just here to ask a few questions.

Me: Yeah I figured. I'll save you the trouble. I did not inherit my father's quirk.

Everyone looked surprised. I looked at Allmight.

Me: And no I can't read minds.

Allmight: W-What?

Naomasa: You seem awfully knowledgable about our intent for someone that does not read mind.

Me: Well, you brought a whole load of cops and even Allmight. Seing the fear in their eyes I can guess they think I am going to rampage or something. Allmight being here just proves this theory and the whole mind reading thing is just that he has no poker game.

Naomasa looked at his friend and could only admit that was the case.

Naomasa: It still does not explain why you mentioned you father.

I looked at him raised my hand and showed him my paws.

Me: I don't think you would bring this many just to touch my paws. I used my physical abilities last week and with the amount of quirk test you guys put me through I think you would be bored by now.

At this statement most police officer calmed down and realized that they did in fact went overboard.

Allmight: Young man. I would like to ask you a question regarding our last encounter. Why-

Me: I said it because you think of what other people think and that's pathetic.

Allmight was left speechless once again. Seeing as they was nothing left here all of them were about to leave. One person still had his eyes on me. I had done nothing wrong as the law stipulate sanction only by using one's quirk. Yeah I used a loophole.

Naomasa: I heard that you were going to attend UA exam entrance.

He said it with a smile. I looked at him with my usual dead face.

Me: You guys keep spying on me? You should get a new hobby, pervs!

I close the door.

-----------------------------------Later at the police station----------------------------------------------- Allmight was standing next to his friends. Both had sad face.

Allmight: He still those eyes.

Naomasa: Yeah though can we really blame him for that. The fact that he hasn't turned into a villain or done any criminal act on his own is already more then we can ask of him after what he's been through.

Naomasa had learned of how he was treated during his childhood. How the police officers at that time as well as any staff treated him. He was put under surveillance for just existing. The best thing they had done was to leave him alone as any other case resulted in him being scrutinize. Allmight was not better as he had learn that his father had tried to contact him for help. Naturally, the association intervened thus he could do nothing about it. It still didn't ease his hero guilt. That day when the young boy said that single word, he felt like it was for his father.

Neither had talked for 5 minutes.

Naomasa: There is nothing we can do for now let's just wait and see.

Allmight: Yeah you're right.

"I need to teach Young Midoriya to be better then me." though Allmight. Think happened as in the canon.


Months went by and people started to discover that it was me that looked down on Allmight. Long story short, their hatred for me went over 9000 and my old nickname came back. "The son of a murder saves a teenage boy." The media then went on about what my father did. It still nice to see him on the news even if everyone else was talking trash about him. They never disclosed my mother identity, mostly because the association did not want to have any proof of their mistake. My school grew popular. For those wondering, they were not hot chick or MC in my school.

It was finally time for the entrance UA exam. Everything went as per the canon. Ida shouting at Izuku. I was put in the same group as Mina, the red hair guy and the electro idiot.

President MC: Start.

I took off my gloves. I know I can retract my paws but I like this style. I ran through the fake town sending the robots into space. After 8 minutes the Big robot finally came but disapeared 20 secondes later as it had came in contact with me. It took a minute for people to regain their wits. I already knew I had scored 100 villains point so I wasn't worried about passing. The written exams were okay.

------------------------------------------In the teacher's room-------------------------------------------- Nezu: Does anyone who this student is?

The principal of the school asked. He was a small white rat with a scar on his eye. It was Allmight that answered him to everyone's surprise.

Allmight: If you are wondering what his quirk is it's call "paw" he can create animal's paw on both his hand and feet. The authorities never went deeper into his quirk as they deemed it weak.

A man with sleepy dead eyes interjected. It was aizawa shouta.

Aizawa: It doesn't look weak to me and you evaded the question who is he? He just score 1st place in both villain and rescue points.

Allmight remained silent. A curvy teacher looked at her tablet and finally found the information she was looking for. It was Midnight.

Midnight: I found it. His name is... is KAIDO XEBEC!!! HE'S THE SON OF ROCKS!!!