
Star Wars: To Be A Glorified Farmer or ?

Follow Arcann, Jedi Initiate. "Am I really going to be thrown to the Agri-Corps. " To hell with what the cue-ball(guess who) thinks....I will make my own path. Hope you guys enjoy the story. To be Released Soon!!

LittleFattyAni · Película
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3 Chs

Ch 3 The 2 years

Ch 3: 

Two years had passed since the halls of the Jedi Temple echoed with the sound of rejected initiates. In that time, the vast fields of the Agri-Corps had become our training grounds, and the Force, once a distant echo, had started to resonate within us like a mighty force awakening. The silent rejection by the Jedi Council had been the catalyst for an unexpected journey of self-discovery, resilience, and now, mastery of the Force.

The once-bustling Jedi Temple, a distant memory, stood as a silent sentinel in the recesses of our minds. Our lightsabers may have been replaced by tools of cultivation, but within us, a spark had ignited. Arcann, once the initiate whose dreams were extinguished, now stood on the precipice of a resurgence.

Arcann's Training Montage:

The Agri-Corps, with its vast fields and machinery, became Arcann's canvas for mastering the Force. He rose before the first light of dawn, the rhythmic hum of machinery and the scent of fertile soil accompanying him as he began his training.

Daybreak Meditation: Each day started with meditation, a connection to the Force that had become his ally. Arcann would sit amidst the crops, feeling the energy of the living Force around him. It was a silent communion with the soil, the plants, and the very essence of life. The meditations evolved from mere connection to experimentation, probing the limits of his abilities.

Force Levitation: The training shifted to more active exercises as Arcann delved into the art of Force levitation. Hovering above the ground, he learned to control his movements with the subtlest use of the Force. The once-rejected initiate now defied gravity, his body suspended in mid-air as he honed his focus and concentration.

Telekinesis: The agricultural tools became extensions of his will as Arcann practiced telekinesis. From lifting simple objects to manipulating machinery, he gradually refined his control over the Force. The unassuming farmer's tools danced in the air, guided by the unseen hands of a Force-sensitive initiate.

Force Sense: As the weeks progressed, Arcann honed his ability to sense the world around him. The gentle rustling of leaves, the distant hum of machinery, and even the faintest vibrations in the soil became a symphony of information. The once-muted Force echoed in his senses, revealing the interconnectedness of all things.

Mind Trick: Mastering the art of persuasion, Arcann delved into the realm of mind tricks. Conversations with fellow initiates and Agri-Corps workers became opportunities to subtly influence thoughts and emotions. His friends, unaware of the subtle manipulation, found themselves swayed by Arcann's charismatic charm.

Force Speed: Arcann pushed the boundaries of his physical abilities with the augmentation of Force speed. The vast fields became a blur as he sprinted through them, the wind whispering tales of a once-rejected initiate now mastering the untapped potential within.

Lightsaber Forms (Simulated): Although denied the physical lightsaber, Arcann simulated the motions and techniques of various lightsaber forms with a stick. His movements were fluid, a dance that transcended the limitations of the Agri-Corps. The simulated lightsaber became an extension of his determination.

Force Healing: In moments of solitude, Arcann explored the ancient Jedi art of Force healing. The wounded plants, once neglected, now flourished under his touch. It was a symbiotic exchange of energy, a testament to the healing power of the Force within him.

Interactions with Friends:

As Arcann immersed himself in his training, his interactions with Freya, Soren, and Goran became a blend of camaraderie and shared purpose. One evening, beneath the starlit sky of Coruscant, they gathered in the fields for a conversation that echoed the bonds formed in the aftermath of rejection.

Freya: "Arcann, your connection to the Force has grown immensely. I saw you lift those crates with just a thought. It's... incredible."

Arcann: "Thanks, Freya. The Force is like an untapped reservoir, and I'm just scratching the surface. We all have potential within us."

Soren: "I never thought I'd see the day when Arcann, the rejected initiate, would become a Force prodigy. You're making us all look bad, buddy."

Arcann: "We're all in this together, Soren. The Force is within each of us, waiting to be awakened. You just need to tap into it."

Goran: "These powers are impressive, Arcann. But how do they help us in the Agri-Corps? Are we Jedi or farmers now?"

Arcann: "Goran, think about it. We're not just farmers; we're cultivators of the Force. The energy we harness can elevate our work, make the fields more fertile, and create harmony with the land."

Freya: "Arcann, what about the visions you had? The ones that led us to this planet. Do they guide your training?"

Arcann: "Absolutely, Freya. The visions were a map, a path that led us here. The Force has a plan for us, and I intend to uncover its mysteries."

As the conversation continued, the once-rejected initiates found solace in their shared journey. Each had grown in their own way—Freya discovering a new purpose, Soren finding strength in simplicity, and Goran becoming a pillar of unity. The Agri-Corps was no longer just a place of exile; it was a sanctuary where the rejected found resilience and purpose.

The Force, once a distant echo, now resonated within them as a powerful force—a force that would shape destinies and unveil the true potential of those who had risen above rejection. And as they gazed into the starlit sky, the camaraderie forged in the aftermath of shattered dreams became a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead. The Force had not abandoned them; it had merely taken them on a different, yet profound, journey.