
Star Wars: The Balance, within

Marvin was a Ordinary person living a uneventful life, that all changed when he atempted to Save a teenage Boy from getting Hit by a Truck. Now he has to navigate through Life in a Galaxy Far far Away… I do Not own Star Wars, Disney does!

TheRollingAuthor · Película
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Heed Thy Calling!

Chapter 4: Heed thy calling!

"I know. Somehow…I've always known."

—Leia Organa

[ Remaining Points: 1.227.128 Lkp.| Please select your Class]

[ Knight: are chivalrous characters who specialise in sword and shield combat. Wich they use to attack their opponents and defend both themselves and their allies from enemies attacks. Knights are often trained to fight both with and without weapons, therefore skilled in hand to hand combat] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

[ Warrior: are born in war, warriors are much like Knights but are scrupulous fighter's always ready for combat. Warriors fight only to survive, for a warrior there is nothing more honourable than a glorious death in battle. For Warriors only combat can bring honour. Warriors can take a beating and still fight like there is no end] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold." I said trying to channel my inner Din Djarin, completely star struck by the idea of being a Mandalorian.

[ Berserker : is a breed of fighter, focused on inflicting as much damage as possible on the enemy. Berserker's are prone to lose themselves in the Heat of combat, channeling their emotions into the fight, resulting in them entering a state of bloodlust and Rampage, in which they attack everything and everyone surrounding them, even their allies and friends, only stopping when his bloodlust is satisfied.] [Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

"I wonder if Darth Vader is classified as a Berserker" I thought to myself, a chill running down my spine as I read the description.

[ Archer: are Fighters that specialise in Marksmanship preferring to use any weapon, be it a bow or gun to engage the enemy from afar. Archer's often have additional weapons equipped to fight the enemy, like throwing knives and the likes. Archer's are less skilled in hand to hand combat but very agile. ] [Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

[Rogue: are masters of stealth, preferring to strike down their enemies from the shadows, unheard and unseen. Using any weapon that is both lethal and easy enough to hide, Rogue's can use anything as a weapon as long as it can get the job done properly.] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

"So a Ninja" I thought dryly. "The same dilemma as with Naruto". I mussed to myself as the description sounded familiar enough to a Ninja.

[Monk: are somewhat between a Fighter and a Rouge, Monks are devoted followers of the Marshall arts and discipline. Monks are very calm and methodical in their movements never wasting energy on unnecessary steps and never losing control over their Center of gravity. ] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

[ Cleric: are wise and knowledge individuals who find wisdom and piece in the most ordinary tasks. Clerics feel a natural calling to the spiritual as well as the healing arts. Therefore Clerics are often seen as spiritual leaders who give off a sense of mysticism.] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

[ Paladin: are holy knights who crusade in the name of the light and all that is good. Paladins have a strong connection to the divine spirit and can channel apart of that power to fight evil.] [ Cost: 500.000 Lkp.]

"So basically a Jedi Knight?".

[ Announcement: User may unlock other classes and subclasses in the future, when and only when the user has met the requirements to unlock another class or subclass, can the user switch between the two.]

I nodded in understanding. "Just Like in the games I used to play, where you had to finish a certain quest or finish the game, before unlocking a subclass your character could learn or get a class for new character to create."

All Classes had their strengths and weaknesses so choosing one over another simply because of that wouldn't work, I had to go with one that fit to me personally as well as most fitting for my chosen skills that I would start with. With that being said that left me with "Paladin" and "Cleric", paladin was a good choice but it really would make me a Jedi by the sound of it and therefore not really worth it. For example I could just go to the Jedi temple and be trained there, I would probably get the same training as and skill as the class would give me.

So "Cleric" it is, besides I hoped it would give my "Force Healing" skill a boost as I planned to abuse the shit out of that particular skill. Besides I had that strange feeling, as if that class was calling out to me.

[Do you wish to select "Cleric" as your preferred Class?]

[ YES| NO?]

["Cleric" has been chosen| Please select your occupation from the list below]

•Crafter: can craft various items ranging from weapons to tools and equipment as well as day to day necessities.

•Farmer: can crop a field and plant seedlings to grow and harvest the eatable crops.

•Teacher, can teach others what he knows and can help develop the skills of his students.

•Hunter: can hunt animals and other creatures.

•Cook: can cook.

[ All Jobs are worth 50.000 Lkp.]

I quickly selected "Crafter " as my occupation, not wanting to waste time on something so unnecessary as this. It wouldn't change much if anything at all.

What came next was a holographic image of the Character I was creating as well as a sheet displaying all his Information.

[ Stat sheet:

Name: Viyn ,-Mār

Race('s): ?= Human, Aruzan, Diathim

Age: 12,?

Title: The Gamer

LVL: 1 [0/ 2000 xp]

Hp: 150/150

Mp: 125/125

STR: 9+

END: 9+

DEX: 9+

INT: 20+

CHA: (60-30=) 30+

WIS: 20+

LUCK: 5+10=) 15+

FORp: Extremely high

Pp: 0

PSP: 2

PpP: 1

Class: Cleric

Occupation: Crafter


[Eidetic Memory:…]; [Ambidextrous:…]; [Lightsaber Combat:…]; [Force Healing:…]; [Force Telekinesis:…]; [Force Precognition:…]; [Mechu-Deru:…]; [All-Speak:…]; [Gamers mind]; [Gamers Body]; [Tutaminis:…]; [Cleric]; [Born of the Force]


[Starters Survival Kit:…]

[ Do you wish to start your new life as "Viyn, Mār"?]

[YES| NO?]

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